CHAPTER 43 - Chat Noir

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League of Villains' Lair,

Third Person's POV

Midoriya struggled to free herself from Mineta's firm hold. She tried to remove his arms, but he was too strong. She started to lose oxygen in her body due to lack of air. "Let her go, you pervy bastard!!!" Shinso yelled in anger.

'Damn it! Almost everyone here knew the secret of my ability! How can I make him answer my question?' Shinso clenched his fists. "Thinking of way to make me answer you, I guess?" Mineta mocked the angry purplette. Shinso was shocked when he hit the nail. "Aha, cat got your tongue!" Mineta laughed maniacally.

Midoriya couldn't take it anymore. She made a drastic action. She bit Mineta's hand roughly, causing his hand to bleed a lot. Mineta screamed in agony at the pain he was feeling, instanly letting Midoriya go out of reflexe.

Midoriya took this chance and ran toward Shinso. The two lovers hugged each other protectively. "You okay, baby?" The boyfriend whispered into her ear. The girlfriend, who was sobbing in his arms, nodded her head.

Shinso slowly walked back further to keep their distance from Mineta in order to assure Midoriya's safety. The purple villain groaned in annoyance, glaring dagger at the couple. "You troublesome scum..." He husked out in despise.

"You are the troublesome scum!" Shinso insulted back, holding Midoriya close to him, not wanting to let her go. "Hitoshi, stay back. Let us heroes handle the villains." Hisashi warned. Shinso was shocked to see him but did as he said.

Shinso and Midoriya hid behind Hisashi defensively. Hisashi sent a death glare to Mineta, causing the boy to shudder at his enormous murderous intent. "So you are the brat who harrassed my daughter, Minoru Mineta?" His voice darkened, emphasizing the villain's name to scare him.

His attempt succeeded. Mineta lunged back, crawling on the floor like a hopeless prey. 'W-who the hell is this old man?! Izuku's dad?! But he is just a normal engineer, not a hero!' He thought to himself im disbelief. "Well, well, what is wrong, young one?" Hisashi showed his devilish smirk to the timid villain.

Shinso and Midoriya stayed in complete silence. Sure, Hisashi was super duper scary when he got mad, but not this scary. "I need to be more careful not to enrage your father next time..." He whispered, jaw dropped to the floor.

Midoriya didn't answer since she suddenly felt dizzy. Weird slime-like substance came out of nowhere, surprising Shinso. The purple-haired startes to feel the same. He spitted out slime-substance too, same thing happened to the rest of the villains except for Mineta.

"What... Why is everyone...?! No way! Take me wituh you too!" Mineta cried out in fear, not wanting to be left behind. "Izuku, Hitoshi!! / Young Midoriya, Young Shinso!!" The two adults yelled in worry. All Might tried to catch Midoriya and Shinso, but they already vanished from the sight.


"Damn it!"

Nomu began appearing from everywhere, surrounding the heroes. "All Might, I thought Jeanist already took control over there!" Hisashu exclaimed before breathing fire, burning the three Nomus todeath. "It could be we fail at the Nomu side!" Gran Torino said as he kicked a Nomu out of consciousness.

'Don't tell me he teleported Izuku and Hitoshi there! That bastard!' Hisashi gritted his teeth in anger. 'I will kill you, if you ever lay your finger on my daughter, All For One! I won't let you hurt my family ever again!'


At the Nomus' fixed location...

Midoriya and Shinso fell onto the ground. The greenette coughed up violently, feeling very nauseous and sick. "Izu, are you okay?!" Shinso hugged his girlfriend comfortingly. "Hang in there! Heroes will save us soon--"

Before he could continue his sentence, he spotted an unfamiliar villain. He was giving off a very deadly aura. "So you are that kid with brainwash Quirk..." All For One chuckled darkly.

"And you, Starblaze's daughter... I can't believe he actually survive after all those torture..." The Symbol of Evil shook his head, disappointed with his own carelessness. Villains appeared from everywhere all of a sudden.

Shinso didn't say anything back. He was too scared to even utter a word. All For One's intimidating presence horrified him and Midoriya. "You are the boss, huh?" The purplette asked him.

All For One figured out his tactic instantly. He clapped his hands as he walked closer toward the two, staying silent for a few seconds. 'He knew the secret too... At this rate, I can't brainwash him!' Shinso mentally scolded himself.

"Your Quirk is something I had been searching for so long. The one I longed for to have... But I don't think I have to do that. You are smart enough to act on your own as a villain. You have the potential and that outstanding Quirk..." He praised the Hypno Hero, smirking devilishly underneath his skull-like mask.

"And you think I wanna be a villain? No thanks! A hero is what I have dreamed to become for so long!" Shinso fought back. Midoriya remained silent, just watching the two conversing with each other. The other villains never planned to interupt too.

'Eh? Mineta isn't here...? Thank God!' Midoriya sighed in relief when she noticed that. Shinso suddenly held her hand firmly yet gently. "Hitoshi..." She murmured his name. Shinso had a determined look on his face, knowing that he needed to protect his lover from the villains.

A certain black cat hissed upon seeing All For One. "Ah, it is you, Chat Noir." He held out his hands to the feline to pick him up. E.J. -- also known as Chat Noir by his real master -- hissed again, feeling intimidated with the villain's presence.

"Chat Noir?! What the hell is happening here?!" Shinso whispered yell to Midoriya who was on the verge of tears. "E.J.... Is their spy..." She chewed on her bottom lip in frustration. "That is impossible..." Shinso exclaimed in disbelief.

"Come here, little one. You did a great job to track them." All For One praised E.J. to get his attention. E.J. displayed his teeth, trying to be intimidated too. "Being stubborn, I see." The leader sighed in disapointment.

"Well, I guess if I do this... You will listen to me." All For One teleported behind the two victims in the blink of an eye. "What--" The cruel villain flicked Shinso with his fingers, sending him flying far away from the current dsitance.

"HITOSHI!!!!!!!" Midoriya cried out in fear, her feet were about to lead her to run away but was stopped by All For One. "I hate you the most..." All For One uttered huskily, his gaze kept on the greenette. He was holding her wrist firmly. He tightened his grip, causing her to scream in pain.

"I trusted him whole-heartedly...but he betrayed me and now he became one of those fake heroes who tried to destroy my empire, my plan, my dream... He never deserves to breath in this world again... And so is his descendant." All For One reached out his palm to her face, emitting a mysterious green light.

"No... No! DAD, HITOSHI, HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!" Midoriya screamed in extreme fear. She activted Full Cowl to release her hand from his iron grip but failed. All of her attempt failed.

'It is useless... I'm gonna die here... I'm sorry, Mom, Dad, Hitoshi, All Might, everyone....' Tears flowed down her cheeks faster as she closed her eyes tightly.

But nothing happened.

Instead, Midoriya heard a loud animal growl.

"Good grief, now he went berserk---" Without him finishing, All For One was kicked hard by someone-- no, SOMETHING that he was sent flying to other building. "SENSEI!" Shigaraki called him out in shock.

Midoriya opened her eyes again to see the whole commotion. She was extremely shocked when she saw a black tiger standing before her. "E.J....?"

Chat Noir. Quirk: Predator Form. He can form himself into any animal from the predator category. For example and especially: tiger, lion or panther. His strength, size, shape, speed and voice change depend on the form he takes.

"Is this your Quirk?!" Midoriya stated in disbelief. She got up and ran toward the giant cat closer. She hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry... For not believing in you..." She apologized, stroking his fur gently.

'What am I thinking? I haven't lost hope yet! So stupid of me to give up so early! I need to save Hitoshi,no matter what happen! I won't let the villains hurt him anymore!' she internally made an oath to herself.

Midoriya wiped off her tears and turned her attention to the villains, staring at them with determination. "Let save Hitoshi and run away together from here, E.J.!" She exclaimed in strong-willed determination.


AN- OwO whatcha think of this chapter? I know it is crappy-

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