CHAPTER 44 - Don't Leave Us!

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League of Villains' first hideout...

Hisashi's POV

I burned down these mindless beasts to ashes using my blue flame. I was too enraged right now that I lost control of the fire temperature. Like hell I care!

I wanna go and save Izuku quick, but these damn monsters keep getting in my way! Freaking brain villains!

Maybe it is time for me to unleash that power...

It had been a while but I guess it won't hurt to use them again; The power I had been hiding for years after running away from that devil...

Thin thread attached to my fingers appeared around all the building. "Kamui Woods, Edgeshot! Run away! Quick!" I yelled, telling the two pro heroes to run. They were confused at first but did as I said. Both of them jumped out of the building through the hole forming from the wall that waa caused by All Might's punch.

Looks like he isn't here... Maybe he already headed there.

I glared at all the Nomus gathering around me, my bangs foreshadowing my black irises. "Die." I uttered darkly, clenching my palms into balled-fists. The thread slashed the Nomus' bodies to pieces, blood splattered everywhere, painting the interior with thick crimson liquid.

Quirk, Blade Thread.

"Starblaze, what happen--" Edgeshot resulted to silence as his eyes observed the situation. " defeat all of them at one time...?" He asked in disbelief. I slowly turned to look at him. "So what if I really did it?" I husked out.

I walked past the number four hero, my shoulder brushed against his. "I'm heading to the Nomu factory now." I announced, not facing him. "Wait a minute! You are going there alone?!" Edgeshot questioned.

"All Might is there so I will be fine. I will leave the rest to you and Endeavor!!" I lept out of the building and began running at full speed, heading to my next destination.

Camino Ward.


Camino Ward,

Midoriya's POV

I hugged E.J.'s huge body who was in form of a tiger. His fur stayed black, his physical appearance was at least 5 times bigger than his normal size. I assumed that even his strength even greatly increased.

"E.J., you look so awesome." I whispered into his ear, smiling softly. I felt guilty for accusing him betraying me and Hitoshi. I clutched onto E.J. close, nuzzled my head on his fur. "Let's end this now...and save Hitoshi. You can do it, can't you?" I told him. E.J. let out a happy growl, his tail wagging faster.

But even before I could ready myself in battle stance, tremendous intimidating aura emitted from behind me. "Oh no...." I murmured, slowly turning to see the Symbol of Evil standing behind me.

"You are going to betray me too now...? Well, whatever. I don't even need you anymore, Chat Noir." All For One uttered darkly, reaching out his palm to us. I held E.J.'s body tightly, desperated to protect this abnormal feline.

All Might... Please save us!

i squeezed my eyelids close, tightening my hold around E.J.'s body, waiting for the impact to come.

No matter what happen, I won't run away! I won't leave my beloved ones behind!

Even if it means, I will die protecting them...

All of a sudden, strong gust of wind blew up all of us. The villains were sent flying farther from their current distance while I stayed holding onto E.J. to fight the wind current.

"I will have you return everything, All For One!" ALL MIGHT exclaimed in determination. "Will you kill me again, All Might?" All For One sneered as held back the Symbol of Peace's attack.

"All Might!" I whispered yell in gratefulness. "E.J., let's hurry up and get Hitoshi there." I pointed to Hitoshi was was lying on the ground, a few metres away from us. I hopped onto E.J., sitting on his bag. He began running toward unconscious Hitoshi at the speed of tiger.

Wow, he is even faster than me!

In brief seconds, we arrived at Hitoshi's location. I hopped off E.J.'s back and kneeled down beside my lover. I carefully snaked my left arm around his neck and gently held him higher. "Hitoshi. Hitoshi! Wake up!" I shook his body in attempt to wake him up. Tears pooled in my emerald irises.

"Hitoshi, please answer me, sweetie..." I whispered into his ear, negative thoughts startes flooding my mind. His head was bleeding a lot.

I held him close to me, tears falling on his pale face. "Hitoshi, don't leave me..." I sobbed harder.

Faint coughing snapped me back into reality. My eyes shot wide open, slowly darting to ny boyfriend. His eyelids fluttered open, and I saw them, the beautiful amethyst irises, staring into mine sleepily. "Izu...?" Hitoshi called me out weakly.

"Hitoshi!" I hugged him so tightly in happiness. Hitoshi realized the situation and returned my hug. "Thank God! You are fine!" He said almost sounded desperated. He suddenly broke the hug. "All Might...and that villain's boss..." He muttered in disbelief.

"We have to run away now! E.J. can help us--"

My heart dropped upon seeing the horrifying sight.

E.J. was laying on the ground... the pool of his own blood...


A flashback...

Third Person's POV

E.J. was guarding the two lovers. His menacing eyes full of murderous intent glared at the group of villains near them. Shigaraki wanted to get close to them but with that cat beast as their bodyguard, he could not. E.J. was faster than the eye could see. And the big cat would not take his sharp eyes off them.

'Stupid cat! How dare you betray Sensei!' the ringleader cursed internally, hatred piling up in his heart.

"That animal is in the way..." All For One murmured to himself, trying to find a solution to the problem as he dealt with All Might's smashes.

'He is fast, as fast as me so he can avoid my attack easily... I need something to use as a kill him...' All For One eyes darted to Midoriya and Shinso, a smirk mustered on his face behind his mask.

All For One restrained All Might with his sharp, rope-like black nails and threw him to the building far away to buy some time. He then turned to look at the cat back.

'Farewell, Chat Noir, useless I thought you are loyal to me till the end... Well, at least be grateful you get to die in the hand of your master...' The Symbol of Evil snickered.

Slowly, his nails turned into sharp blades. They grew longer before trying to attack Midoriya and Shinso. E.J. noticed it instantly and jumped in front of his two masters to protect them.

The blades pierced his body, causing a large amount of blood to gush out. He fell laying on the ground motionlessly.

His half-lid eyes slightly opened to take a last glimpse of Midoriya and Shinso. A small, painful smile managed to spread his face...


Back to present,
Camino Ward...

Midoriya's POV

"E.J.!!!!" I hollered in misery and ran toward my cat in panic. His body slowly revert to his original form; cat form. I kneeled down beside the small feline. Hitoshi came along and dropped on his knees beside me.

For a cat to suffer such damage... This is umforgivable!

"" My hands shakily scooped E.J.'s bleeding body. He was shaking, blood dripping out a lot from his body. "How did this happen....?" Hitoshi gritted his teeth.

Did he protect us f-from the villain...?

N-no... I was too careless...

"M...meow..." E.J. managed to meow weakly. "P-please, hang in there. We will get you treated soon! I promise!" I cried out, desprated to save my pet's life.

"" Words left E.J.'s mouth out of the blue, shocking both of us. "E.J., you can talk all this time?!" Hitoshi gasped. I was at the loss of words due to the surprise.

"" He said again, his voice became more croaky each time he spoke up. "! Don't say anymore! Don't leave us, E.J.!" Tears rolled down my cheeks as fast as waterfall. E.J.'s eyes slowly shut close.

No... No!!!!

"Izu!" Hitoshi called me out in panic. I rose my head up and saw the villaind already gathred around us, looking very menacing. I held E.J.'s weak body close to me. "Give up already, hero." Shigaraki huskily spoke up. I gritted my teeth. Hitoshi wrapped his arms around my shoulders protecticely.

I didn't say anything to fight back. I was too sad to even speak up. Tears wouldn't stop leaking from my eyes.

All Might is holding All For One back... E.J. is no longer here... No one...

"You are the ones who should give up, villains..." That familiar deep voice spoke up.  "Hisashi-san?!" My lover blurted out in surprise. I hesitantly rose my head up and saw Dad walking in the air.

Crystal liquids flowed down my face faster.



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