CHAPTER 45 - Win! All Might!

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Camino Ward...

Shinso's POV

Both me and Izuku were suddenly pulled back, bringing us farther from the villains. Izuku gasped in shock at the sudden force that she clutched onto me. The two of us safely landed a few metres away from them. We were standing beside an unconscious giant lady.

What is this hero's name again...? Wait-- this is no time to think about that!

I focused my attention to Hisashi-san back. Then, I saw it. Mysterious thin strings attached to his fingers. They were barely visibled, as if they were invisible. But I could see the shiny threads. Hisashi-san was extra threatening and murderous today.

He must be extremely pissed off at them... Since Izuku got kidnapped.

"You will pay for everything you have done to my daughter, you bastards..." Hisashi-san husked out, his face darkened with malice. I could feel my whole being shudder at his deep voice. "You are...that traitor! You dare to show yourself again?!" Shigaraki yelled furiously at him.

What? Traitor? What is he talking about?!

"Well, I dare to show myself to end your life..." Hisashi-san replied, one of his eyes was covered by his fallen bangs, foreshadowing it that caused him to look much scarier now. He suddenly turned to look at us. "You now. Leave these society trashes to me." He stated in seriousness

"Alright. Izuku, let's go!" I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Her lips were quivering. "Izuku!" I tried to gain her attention, shaking her body lightly.

Izuku returned to her sense at last. "W-what happened?" She asked me in total confusion. "We need to run away now!" I whispered yell to my girlfriend. "But, if we move recklessly..." Her eyes fixated on E.J.'s motionless body.

"Izuku, your father and All Might are doing their hardest to buy us some time to save ourselves...we need to play our part! Please!" I begged, gripping her shoulders in desperation. Izuku still hesitated, never intended to move since she didn't want to hurt E.J.. "If we move, E.J.'s wound will get worse!" She cried, tears flowing down her red cheeks.

"I know, but please--"

"WATCH OUT!" Hisashi-san warned us. I darted my eyed to the sky and saw a damaged car flying toward us. I clenched my jaw, already booking to run. I picked up Izuku bridal style, running away from there at my fastest speed.


The car crashed the ground, cracking the road. I just realized that the giant woman was already gone, perharps some hero saved her while I was busy dealing with Izuku.

Damn it, we can't run freely after all! That villain's boss... Is serious to kill us!

Hisashi's POV

I was still floating in the air, my eyes focused on the two teenagers; my daughter and her boyfriend. All For One was serious about killing them!

...because of me...

My father was a famous, wanted S-Class villain. He was known as Kuroi Ito. His Quirk was called Blade Thread, thread that could cut anything with ease.

But I grew up normally, with loving parents giving me enough attention and loves. My father didn't want me to become a villain like him, and I never planned to.
Surprisingly, I inherited his Quirk. He was worried sick about me. He told me that there was an extremely powerful, dangerous villain coming after his life to take away his Quirk. He was scared I got caught by that villain instead.

...and yes, I did get caught...

I just returned home from school when everything occured. The whole house was greatly damaged. And as soon as I ran into my house, all I witnessed was blood splattering everywhere, my parents' dead bodies lying motionlessly on the floor...

And a tall, muscular man with a deadly aura emitting from him. All For One.

After that, he kidnapped me, experimented my body, giving me multiple Quirks to experiment on how many Quirks my body could bear. Fire Breath was one of the Quirks given to me by him.

When the experiment succeeded, I became submissive toward All For One. I lost my will to live... I was forced to do villain job against my will. But there is nothing I could do...

I feel like I lost the meaning of living...

...until I met Inko when I was 15...

She taught me the real meaning of life. And I regain my sense to live. I defied my so-called master and betrayed him. I ran away from that devil.

Principal Nezu took me in as his foster son and raised me. I went to U.A. and now I am a full-fledged hero.

And since my father is a well-known villain in the society, Nezu forbid me to use my father's Quirk. It is to ensure my safety. But I didn't defy. I knew it was for my sake too so I used Fire Breath as my official Quirk.

I won't let that bastard take away everything from my life again!

I made a drastic action. Our priority right now was to save the victims. I used the strings to wrap around a large debris and threw it to the villains to buy some time.

Gran Torino and the other heroes arrived. Looks like I weren't needed here. I commanded my strings to attach themselves to the two U.A. students. I heard them gasping in shock.

I pulled the thread and clenched my fists, bringing them closer to me. "All Might, everyone! I will leave the rest to you all!" I told them as I carried the kids with my Quirk.

When I felt like we were in the safe distance, I carefully landed the two of them back to the ground. Hitoshi and Izuku both sighed in relief. "You two alright?" I asked after landing near them.

"We are okay but..." Hitoshi turned to look at Izuku in worry. Izuku was sobbing non-stop as she held something in her arms... A cat.

"That cat..." A rush of realization hit me in the blink of an eye. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

Soft sobbings coming from my daughter hurt my heart. She held the cat's body shakily in her hands. "It is all my fault... I were to blamed...for all of this... Because of me, he..." Izuku buried her face in Hitoshi's chest. I stroked her forest hair, my eyes locked on the kitty.


I placed my palm on the cat's body, light emitted from my hand. I felt a faint life energy surging in the feline. "This cat is still alive...just barely though." I announced, shocking the two teenagers. "R-really?!" Izuku yelled in hope. I nodded as my response.

"Look at this, everyone! All Might...has deflated...!!!"

Third Person's POV

The trio turned to look at a large screen displaying All Might in his deflated form. "What the--?!" Hisashi couldn't believe his eyes. Midoriya was on the verge of tears again while Shinso was too shocked to say a word.

'All Might's secret is...!' Midoriya couldn't bear it anymore. First, E.J. dying, now All Might's secret had come to light? What other bad thing will happen next?

"All Might, please..." Midoriya took a step forward, tears pooling her eyes. Shinso and Hisashi watched her strangely. "" She murmured to herself. Her words couldn't be heard by the two males.

"Izu?" Shinso called her out in concern. "Sweetie, what's wrong...?" Hisashi reached out his hand to his daughter.

"WIN! ALL MIGHT!!" She yelled with strong-willed determination, placing her hope in All Might. Shinso clenched his fists too and joined Midoriya cheering on All Might while Hisashi resulted to silence.

He knew the truth about how close his daughter was to All Might and ever since then, his friendship with the Symbol of Peace became distant. He was jealous of him. While he was away to capture villains, All Might took over his place and showed affection toward Izuku Midoriya.

'I know... I didn't spend time a lot with you and Inko, Izuku... Because I want to protect you, I left you behind to fight villains and to search for All For One... I could only see you once in a few months... Without I realizing, you grew up now. You are no longer the crybaby and clingy Izuku I knew in the past... You have changed a lot, my dear daughter... I won't stop you from achieving your dream anymore. If that makes you happy...' Hisashi thought, smiling peacefully.

'Please win, All Might!' Hisashi mentally cheered on his comrade.

All Might was shown on the screen holding back All For One's attack, his arm began bleeding a lot. He was pushed back at the speed of light by the Symbol of Evil. All Might spitted out blood all of a sudden.

"All Might!" Shinso muttered worriedly.

All Might changed the flow of power into his left arm before punching All For One's head hard, destroying his mask more. All Might put the power back into his broken right arm, landing a heavy punch on the evildoer's face, smashing his head to the ground. Strong gust of wind blew everything around him.

Everything went silent for a while, waiting for the mist to clear. And then they saw it...

All For One...was defeated.

All Might shakily raised up his arm high in the air, changing into his muscular form as he stood in victory. "All Might...! Victory for All Might! He is standing in victory!" The reported energetically announced.

Midoriya's quivering lips mustered into a smile of relief. "All Might..." Tears rolled down her cheeks faster. Her surrounding started to look blurry as her body swung back and forth unconsciously.

"Izuku! / Izu!!" Were the last thing she heard before she passed out, her arms still holding E.J. close to her heart...


AN- Maaaaaan, next chapter is the epilogue, potatoes! ;-;

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