EPILOGUE - You're A Hero

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Two days later,

Shinso's POV

I walked through the hallway slowly, sighing out my exhaustion as I made my way toward Izuku's ward room. It had been two days but she hadn't woken up from her slumber yet. Doctor said it was probably due to mental and physical exhaustion. Now, she was still in her mini coma.

Baby, please wake up... There is something important I need to tell you...

Today I decided to bring a box of chocolates and Izuku's cat plushy that I bought during our summer vacation. I took a turn at the corner, almost arrived at Izuku's room.

I wonder if she has waken up or not... I hope so.

But what I saw in front of me was very surprising. A group of teenagers were gathering in front of the door, talking among them. And I recognized them very well. They were...my classmates. "Oh, there he is!" Kirishima turned to look at me with a toothy grin. "Shinso-kun!" Uraraka waved her hand, telling me to come closer.

I gulped down my saliva and slowly walked toward them in hesitation. "You guys...came...?" I spoke up in disbelief. I never informed anyone about Izuku's condition except for one person.

My purple hue irises shifted to Kaminari. He smirked cheekily at me and now I knew the answer. He was the one who told the rest of our classmates. "Before we enter! Can you tell us a little bit about Midoriya-kun's condition?" Iida asked politely.

I looked at them one by one before sighing my disappointement. "She had been in the bed for two days... Due to mini coma." I told them. The girls gasped in shock. "C-coma?! Isn't this a serious issue?!" Uraraka questioned me, tears welling up her brown eyes. "No, actually... It is just a mini coma. Doctor expected her to wake up anytime soon." I tried to calm her down. Asui patted her back to comfort her.

"Well, do you guys want to stay out here or...?" I waited for them to answer, my hand already held the doorknob. "Oh, sure! We want to enter!" Yaoyorozu answered in their stead. I nodded my head lightly as my response and opened the door, revealing Izuku's room.

My eyes slightly widened when I spotted a girl sitting on the bed reading a book. She suddenly lifted her head up, staring at us in surprise. "Hitoshi...everyone..." Tears began leaking out of her big round eyes.


"Deku-chan!" Uraraka ran toward her out of nowhere, shoving me away from the path causing me to fall flat on the cold tiled floor. My face was buried in the floor. "Ouch..." I hissed in pain, shakily getting up again.

Man...she is so strong.

I rose my head up, seeing Uraraka hugging Izuku tightly while bawling her eyes out. "I miss you! I'm so worried about you!" She chanted repeatedly. Izuku chuckled and hugged her back. "I'm fine, okay. Don't cry anymore..." She patted her back gently.

"Hitoshi..." Izuku called me out. She looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes, though she tried to hide it with her fake smile. "Here, I brought some chocos...and your favourite plushy." I gave them to her. Izuku's face brightened up a little. She opened the wrappers and box, exposing the chocolates. "Wah~ Cat shape chocos! So cute!" Ashido chimed excitedly.

"Wait, we brought a gift for you too!" Kaminari held out a plastic of fruits. Izuku gasped in happiness. "Thank you, everyone, Hitoshi." She smiled genuinely at them.

Thank God...she seems to return to her normal self.

"My cat plushy..." Izuku's gaze fell on the smiling black cat plushy wearing colourful scarf she hugged in her arms.

"E.J....." A tear rolled down her cheek as her lips quivered. She shut her eyelids tightly, hanging her head low, sobbing her heart out. My eyes darted to my classmates. They looked clueless about what had happened so they didn't dare to try to comfort Izuku.

"About E.J...." I spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "...he is also hospitalized here..." I exposed the secret that I never planned to tell her.

Izuku immediately got up from her bed and skidded toward me. She gripped onto my shoulders. "Where?! Where is he?!" She asked in desperation.

"He is only two rooms away from yours but Izuku, no need to rus--" Before I could finish my sentence, Izuku let me go and rushed out of her hospital room.

"Midoriya! / Izuku-chan! / Deku-chan!" My classmates yelled her name in unison. I gritted my teeth and chased after her. "Izuku!" I called her out but I didn't see her figure anymore. She is so fast!

I arrived at E.J.'s room. The door was wide open. I took a peek secretly and saw Izuku standing there frozen. "Izu... E.J. is..." I walked toward her slowly.

"...alive..." Izuku murmured. "Huh?" I replied in confusion.

"E.J.... Is alive...?" She croaked out in relief. I smiled softly, wrapping my arms around her hips and pulled her close to me. Our eyes locked on the said black cat, sleeping soundly on the bed. "Yeah, he is alive." I whispered into her ear. "That is why I told you no need to rush." I said.

"But how...? He was barely clinging to life..." Izuku asked. "Well... It turns out E.J.'s body is not like other normal cat... His body had been majorly modified so his antibody is much stronger than a normal cat's. That is why..." I let her guessed the rest of it.

Izuku teared up. She turned her body around facing me now. She attacked me with a tight hug, clutching onto the back of my shirt. "Thank God...thank God..." She murmured.

"Don't cry. Everything is over now. Though League of Villains are still on loose..." I muttered in dissatisfaction. "How about Mineta?" Izuku looked at me in worry.

"Your father beat him up to pulp...that he was paralyzed from the waist down. And now, he was imprisoned in a special prison far away from here..." I awkwardly informed her. Izuku let out a loud gasp. "T-that is... A bit too overboard..." She stated. "Nah, that grape scum deserved it." I denied her, agreeing with Hisashi-san's action.

Both of us stayed silent for a while, no word left our mouth since we were recalling back all events that happened to us in such amount of time.

Izuku suddenly placed her palms on my chest, sending tingling feelings all over my body. I had always been so sensitive to her gentle touch.

"Thank you, Hitoshi..." She muttered.

"But I didn't do anything during the incident." I exclaimed, admitting my mistake. I kept getting beaten up instead of protecting her. I felt so pathetic.

"That is not true, Hitoshi. During the incident, you were always there to protect me. I don't think I could face the hardship by myself. Because you were there... I was able to..." Izuku gazed into my eyes deeply with her teary ones, her soft hands cupping my cheeks. She brushed her thumb against my face.

"The villains made the wrong move to scout you because you're a hero... My hero... No one can change that fate you were destined to have."

My eyes slowly widened at her touching words. Izuku leaned closer to my face and gently, our lips merged together. I held her hips to support her as she stood on her tip toe.

It was a long, beatiful kiss I had dreamed to have with her. A very loving one, that only occured once in a blue moon. I enjoyed every second of her soft lips connecting with mine.

"Why don't you two get a room if you wanna get that intimate?" A voice full of disgust spoke out all of a sudden, interupting our romantic moment. We turned to the owner of the voice and surprisingly...


"Y-you really can talk?!" Izu and Me yelled in sync. E.J. hopped off of his bed. "So what if I can?" He tilted his head. "You guys had heard me while I was on the verge of death, remember?" He exclaimed.

"W-we thought it was only our illusion since..we were having mentalbreakdown back then..." I scratched my head sheepishly. E.J. didn't seem to care. He yawned sleepily. "I'm tired... I want to get out of here and meet my wife..." He said, rolling on the ground adorably.


"Don't tell me..."

"It is Mikorin! Seeing you two getting so intimate irritated me...so I want to see my wife soon..." E.J. pouted. "You are the one who impregnant her?!" I yelled in disbelief.

"Yeah, why?" E.J. retorted calmly.

What is wrong with this cat? He has common sense and can talk like a normal human being!

"Don't worry. I got her consent before doing that with her." E.J. stated. Both of us stared at him strangely. "How did you even have her consent? She is a normal cat, idiot." I smacked his head lightly.

"You are the idiot one! Mikorin is--"

"It is just impossible... Mikorin is just a normal cat with no emotion or common sense..." Izuku added more.

"Listen to me! Mikorin is--"

"Woah, hey Mikorin! How did you get here, you preggy kitty!" Ashido suddenly cheered from outside. E.J.'s ears twitched and he rushed out of the room.

"Let's follow him!" I grabbed Izuku's wrist and led her to the hallway.

We saw our classmates surrounding E.J. and Mikorin. We approached them and witnessed a very adorable view.

E.J. nuzzling nose with Mikorin.

"Awww~" The whole class including me, except some of us went 'aww' at this adorable sight.

"I really wanna see you!" Mikorin's cute voice echoed in the hallway, shocking everyone. "Heh, me too. Sorry for leaving you..." E.J spoke uo softly.


"THEY CAN TALK?!" The whole class yelled. Me and Izu laughed at their reaction.


Two months later,
Class 1-A Dorm,

Midoriya's POV

After the Camino Ward incident, the students soon moved into dorm prepared by the school. We all have fun living together now!

Even E.J. and Mikorin were here with us!

Turns out, Mikorin was one of All For One's guinea pig but she is a fail experiment so he threw her out. A few years after that, the experiment with E.J. succeeded but he went berserk and ran away from there. He reunited with Mikorin and so, he stayed with her for a while. That was when she got pregnant. But E.J. was discovered so he was brought back there.

Aizawa-sensei was quite pleased when he met E.J.. Well, that cat resembled him after all! I even took a picture of him holding E.J.!

Hitoshi told me that Aizawa-sensei loves cat too. Todoroki-kun overheard us and asked him if he was Aizawa-sensei's secret love child--

I snorted before bursting out my laughters. Poor Todoroki-lun got really embarrassed after that.

So many things happen in such short amount of time...

Ah, I forgot to mention...

Dad is going to teach at U.A.! I'm so excited because tomorrow is our first class with him!

I knew about this when I overheard his conversation with Principal Nezu. I never knew about his past... I feel sorry for him.

But the thing that shock me the most is...

Mineta...is no longer alive. He passed away in prison due to major depression.

I honestly feel pity to him...

"Waaah~ Kawaii~~~" I chirped as I watched YenYen played with the toy mouse. Nero was on top of Hitoshi's head.

"Cute." Hitoshi said in content. Yenyen ran toward him and bit his toe, asking for attention. He chuckled and put Nero down. He picked up Yenyen and let him lick his face.

"You kidnapped my kitties!" E.J. hissed angrily at Hitoshi. "But they have always been here--"

"Jeez, I told them to stay here since I wanna look for you!" Mikorin scolded him back. E.J. hung hid head low, pouting.

"Deku-chan, we wanna play with the cuties too!!"

"Hahaha, alright!" I chuckled. The girls entered Hitoshi's room together. I watched them as they played with our cats.

I was glad that everything end well...

Hitoshi...Shinso... The boy that peaked my interest during the Sport Festival. I can't believe our meeting will bring us this far. I never expected to fall in love with him.

Hitoshi, you're a hero...

My hero!


AN- Oh dear... It ends... You're A Hero...


Thanks for supporting this book! I really enjoy writing this one because it has...cats XD

Good bye potatoes! I love you all so much!

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