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*Why did Christmas break have to end so soon?*


Monday wasn't one of my favorite days, maybe it was because it was the continuation of me being alone and invisible. I didn't have many friends, unless you counted the Math-Club geeks, who always called me anything other than my name. My name's just Madison, not Mabel or Madeleine, just Madison, Madison Walters.

Another reason for me to hate Mondays, was because almost Monday, Brooklynn and her posse showed off to the guys in their incredibly tight cheerleading outfits, while performing somewhat skimpy dance moves, and it makes me sick; and by the guys, I meant Carter, Matt, Nash, and Cameron. They were the 'it-boys', the most popular guys in the entire school. People would do anything to get close to them; in our school, they were treated like celebrities.

Carter was my hot Asian brother, with a 3.9 GPA, which made him even more attractive. Not often would he do stunts with ya, but when he's bad, he's bad. Matt was the class clown, and could crack any joke in class and could have everyone dying of laughter, but never gets in any kind of trouble whatsoever. Nash was the one that always kept it real. He could be the angel sitting in your shoulder guiding you to the right direction, or the demon driving you right into the principal's office.

And then there's Cameron, Cameron Dallas, the greatest one of all of them. He was handsome, funny, genuine, and fun to be around, well, from what I've heard about him. His heart seemed so big and warm and I have never met a guy so popular that was actually kind, because popularity can get to your head.

I mean, I know Brooklynn gained her popularity from being captain of the cheerleading team, but I just hated the fact that she used that as an advantage to try to get with Cameron. But personally, I don't think he's into her, she's a bit too stuck up.

As I was scrambling to get my books ready for first period, my Monday got even better (note I said that sarcastically) when I bumped into Brooklynn and her posse.

"Watch it you loser!"

"Sorry, I didn't see you."

"Well then instead of buying such revolting clothes, you should save up for some glasses."

Before I could even say a comeback, she and her posse had already forgotten what happened as they applied more makeup to their faces. How short could their attention span get?

After that train wreck, I finally made it to first period, but it looks like we had a new teacher. He looked slightly younger and more good looking than our old one, Italian maybe. While he was writing his name and today's assignment on the board, I tried to take my pitiful seat, surrounded by a group of obnoxious guys talking loud, throwing paper balls for each other.

"Okay class, my name is Mr. Gilbert and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year..." Gilbert. What an ugly name for such a good looking man. Speaking of ugly, Brooklynn walked into class, ten minutes late. Did she think popularity meant coming to class anytime she wants?

"What happened to Mr. Bezidi? Did he finally realize that he wasn't fit enough to be a teacher?"

"I am Mr. Gilbert, your new teacher, and you must be Brooklynn Peters."

"And you must be taken, 'cause a hot guy like you cannot be single."

She was flirting with our teacher that we haven't been had for half an hour yet? That's just gross and pathetic.

"Brooklynn, all the teachers have warned me about you and that means I have to keep an eye on you."

"Okay, that's fine. But I know a better way to keep your eyes on me." She said blowing him a kiss as she went to her seat. I bet he was disgusted, I mean who wouldn't be?

"Okay now class, for today's lesson we will-"

"Sorry Sir, I know I'm late but- wait, you're not Mr. Bezidi?" Cameron said running into class.

"I am his replacement, and you must be our new student, Cameron Dallas."

Oh boy, this class just got even better.

"Yeah, I decided to switch classes. I realized theater is not my thing." Kinda ironic, being that Cameron was such an entertainer.

"Good to know, just find a seat anywhere in class."

I could feel Brooklynn gesturing him to sit near her, but out of all the seats in the room, he sat next to me.

"Sup, I'm Cameron." He said gliding right into the seat, making very heavy direct eye contact on me. I've never actually heard his voice before, and it's as beautiful as everyone says it is. So soft, yet so mysterious and handsome. Maybe if I wasn't so overwhelmed I would actually answer his question to keep the conversation going.

"Uh, did you hear me?"

"I'm Madison." I could've said more, but I got more nervous more I allowed words to flow out of my anxious body.

"That is a very pretty name."

"Thank you." I said as I concentrated back to writing in my journal. I wrote everything in my journal, it was kinda like a friend, a friend who you could tell secrets to and it'd never spill out, because you knew you could trust that friend. I had over 600 pages, so I guess about two pages for every day of the year.

"What's that?"

"Oh nothing," I said, realizing that he was referring to my journal once I looked down. "It's just my journal. I wrote in it every day."

"Well, why does it say Aggie?"

"That's my grandmother's name. This was her journal before she passed away. I write in it, because it's kinda the only real thing I have left of her; writing in this journal, gives me a bigger connection with her, almost like I'm writing to her, and she's reading every word."

"Oh, Madison, I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"

"No, it's okay. I'm fine."

The bell rung about five minutes later, and Brooklynn had to shove me out of her way just to blow Cameron a kiss and say goodbye. He looked really annoyed.

"Uhm, I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see you around."

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