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This school looks more alive and cheery than it did when winter break was coming; why is everyone's so happy, it's Monday? But I'm just glad I'm here with my bros, Matt, Nash and Carter, because we're like family. We can tell each other anything and nothing can break us apart. I know it sounds a bit too cheesy, but it's true.

Matt's the jokester, he could turn anything into a hilarious moment, even a sob story. I'm never in a bad mood when I'm around him. Then you have Nash, who can be good and sometimes bad. He was a great friend, but also liked to be too honest, even if it meant destroying something. Then there's Carter, who's like my Asian brother; he's charismatic and crazy smart. Before, it was just Nash and me, then we met Matt and Carter, and we all became best friends. I'm glad I met all of them.

My day could've got better, but it didn't. Everyone hates Mondays for a reason. My reason, is Brooklynn Peters. She's the eye-candy of the school, but not mine. I honestly couldn't understand why everyone in this school is in love with her. Sure she's gorgeous, but also aggressive, bossy, self-centered, and just plain evil. She has a very ugly personality. Girls like that aren't worth it, even if they're super-hot or good-looking, they're just aren't worth it to me.

Brooklynn could have any guy in the school, even my bros if she wanted (which I forbid), but she wanted me. Why must the heavens punish me this way? Plus, during first period, she kept trying to get my attention, the more she annoyed me, the more I wanted to smack the makeup off her face. Did I mention she wears like four pounds of makeup on her face? Another reason I couldn't stand her.

I just want this year to be drama free, or at least Brooklynn-free. Once Brooklynn is around, trouble is around. But there was a good side to getting my classes changed with Brooklynn, and that was finally meeting this girl named Madison, she writes for the newspaper and has one of the best grades in our whole class. She's really cool, unlike most of the girls in this school who just strives to be noticed by me. She's different.


~Author's Note

-Hey guys! I hope people love this story. I published & wrote this story the summer of 2014 at 16years old.


I'm terribly sorry for the short chapter.

Picture from weheartit💕

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