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**The next morning**


Last night was exhausting. Too much homework, and no Cam. We barely even talked; major bummer. I hope he's feeling better. It really is too much to handle for him.

I've walked past at least forty people who were reading a newspaper, which meant that the sneak peek was here! Now I can see what article I wrote, because I don't even know myself.

"Madison, just because you're Cameron's girlfriend doesn't mean you can humiliate him like that. But loved the article! It had a lot of juicy details" Some girl said walking up to me. Humiliate? What? And what details? And why we're they juicy?

"Can you be an even bigger jerk?" Another student said to me. What did I do?

"Mads!" Nash said as Carter and Matt was following him. "Not cool man." Nash said looking disappointed.

"What did I do and what's going on?"

Nash gave me the sneak peek paper. It was about Cameron's dad, but it had my name on it saying that it was written by me.

"No guys, I didn't do this! I swear!"

"Really, because Brooklynn yesterday was telling you that she couldn't wait to read your paper, and now it's here. I can't believe this. You were pretending to be our friends all this time and trying to get closer to Cameron just to increase your views in the newspaper. What a jerk. And sorry, we don't allow hypocrites to sit at our table anymore. C'mon guys." I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. My eyes were waterless. I didn't write this, and now everyone hates me for this. But I know Cameron will understand. As Cameron approached me, I had to get my story straight.

"Cam, about the paper-"

"It doesn't matter. Mads-Madison, just keep your distance from me from now on. I don't think I can do this anymore." He said walking away from me. How did I manage to lose everything in just fifteen minutes? I ran in the janitor's closet and cried my eyes out.

I was late to first period, but I didn't care. Thought everyone was eye-balling me like I was some criminal, it didn't affect me because everyone's been doing it all day.

Cameron didn't look up at me not once and Brooklynn has been looking at me the whole class. When class was over, Brooklynn told me that she loves the paper.

"Gavin! Gavin! I didn't write that paper!" I said running to him free first period was over. "Gavin, I did not write that paper, I don't know who did, but it wasn't me."

"Madison, don't be so modest, the paper is a bit embarrassing but look at how many people read it? Keep up the good work." Gavin was too happy about the paper that he wasn't listening to a word I was saying.

Plus, why would he be happy that I crushed someone's heart?

I couldn't sit with Nash at lunch, and my math club, or should I say ex-math club who voted me off. I sat alone, at the table right near the trash can. Gross. My food smells like shit.

Cameron was sitting at the table a couple of feet from me. Poor Cam.



"So not only did Madison use him, but she broke his heart. We know how much he loved her. Or liked her. He was so into her. And then she crushed him. She broke my best friend." I was telling the guys how I felt about Madison. I thought she was pretty cool, until I found out her trick.

"You know, maybe Brooklynn knows about this." Carter said looking over to Brooklynn's table.

"I know I'm the jokester of the group, but I believe Madison. She was starting to tear up when you were all in her face, Nash. I don't think she would do that on purpose, she's a sweet girl. And if she did, she probably has a reasonable explanation, like someone blackmailed her or something." Matt sure maybe funny, but he's not the brightest. I wasn't so sure what he was saying was true. Madison is still in probation in my eyes when it comes to the friends pyramid.

Brooklynn had passed by us, rolling her eyes.

"The more I see Brooklynn, the more I just want to choke her." Matt said starting at her.

"Same here. Hey, I know her locker combo, we should fill her locker up with these spaghettis!" I said holding up my tray. They all agreed. Time to show Brooklynn how this school really feels about her.

"Why do you know her locker combo, dude?" Carter asked.

"Sometimes, you should just shut up, and enjoy life." I told Carter.

Once we got to her locker, I had to open it instantly before anyone caught us. Once I opened the locker, a bunch of the newspaper from this morning fell out. There was also a note that fell out as well: 1. EDIT/PROOFREADTHE ARTICLE YOU WROTE FOR MADISON



"No, it was Brooklynn, she set Madison up, that's why she was saying she couldn't wait for her new article, and Madison didn't even know what she was talking about. She set the whole thing up." I can't believe Brooklynn was that low, to ruin their relationship like that.

"Even if she did, how did she find out about it?" Matt said looking at the evidence on the ground.

"I don't know, but we know that it was Brooklynn's fault."

After school, the guys and I tried to find a way to expose Brooklynn. We couldn't tell Madison it was Brooklynn until we had proof. I've called Cam a bunch of times, but he never answered.

"Dude, I have an idea, Brooklynn knows about Madison leaving your house the day she came over to watch the zombie movie, maybe she thinks you still don't like her. If you can invite her over, and discuss both your hatreds for Madison, maybe she'll open up about this whole thing and confess." Carter's plan was kinda good, but not quite finished.

"Yeah, but I don't hate Madison, I really like her, or maybe I still do if she's innocent."

"Well, just pretend you hate her when you invite her over, and make sure to record the whole thing."

This plan had to work. Cameron needs to know the truth.


~Author's Note

Will the plan work?

Sorry for the short chapter

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