⭐ 90th Annual Ball ⭐

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Let's go to the ball!

NOTE: There will be some lemon on these next few chapters, that includes this one too!



3:00 P.M


"Ugh! Krista, can you please braid my hair!" Sasha whines as she tried for her 100th time braiding her hair. "(F/n), can you braid Sasha's hair for me? I'm doing Mikasa's hair." Krista asks me.

"Sure.." I reply as I head over to Sasha. "Oh, (F/n)! Thank god! I've been doing my hair for like 20 minutes now!" Sasha cheers as I stood in front of her. I sigh, as i remembered her many attemps at braiding which was actually quite entertaining.

Sasha turned around and I began to braid her hair. Currently, everyone was in my room getting ready for the ball which started in about a few hours. I was not dressed yet, rather I was helping the girls get dressed. I sigh remembering my past, wanting to go back with Levi. Just to be with him again made me happy. But, the world is cruel enough to break us apart.

I would think, everything is for a reason, until my family broke away from me. Now, I curse my ways of life. But, I just had to keep on living with life.

After i finished Sasha's braid, I twisted it up into a bun. "Oh! It's so beautiful, (f/n)!" Sasha squeals, happily. Sasha gets up and hugs me. "Yeah, thanks." I smile as I pull her away.

"(f/n), get dressed!" Petra orders me. I roll my eyes and I take out my dress. The beautiful (c) silk, felt so smooth against my hands.

I take off my uniform and I put on my dress. I look at myself in the mirror and smile at myself. Be happy, (f/n).

I sat at my vanity and look at myself in the mirror. From the beginning, I've always thought i looked so much like a child, as if I still had a youthful face.

But now I look, more mature. No more innocent (e/c) eyes, rather the eyes of someone who's seen the world so lively.

I comb out my (h/l) (h/c), and do a curled hairstyle, that Grace taught me a few days ago. I had put on some strawberry juice gloss, that Holly had made me. I added some length to my eye lashes and I finished.

I did look good, honestly. Usually, I'd feel like a titan had just stepped on me but today I felt fine. I guess.

I stood up from the vanity stool, the girls' eyes widen at me. "Oh! (F/n), you look so beautiful!" Petra smiles at me. I felt my cheeks, heat up.

"Aww, she's blushing!" Krista cheers. "Good, now she has color on those (s/t) cheeks." Sasha tells them. I roll my eyes at the girls and I began to head out of my room with my (c) purse in hand.  I let the girls in front of me and we began to walk to the foyer.

When we go to the staircase, the girls' dates were there. Connie wore a suit with a green tie

which pretty much suited him, Sasha races over to Connie with a smile and they began to chat away. Eren wore a suit as well, with a golden tie, Petra and him both catch each others' eye and they began to flirt a little with each other. Mikasa on the other hand, didn't pay attention rather she went with her date, Armin, who wore a suit with a blue bow tie.

Krista went with Ymir who wore, a suit strangley she pulled it off perfectly. I was the last person to go with my date. I walked down stairs and I saw Jean.

(The pictures are what Levi and Jean are wearing... Just let me say Jean and Levi look so damn fine! *faints from such sexiness*)

"Wow, Jean." I gasp at his appearance. He looks at me with widen holden eyes.

"You're as beautiful as the stars." He whispers in my ear. My cheeks began to heat up at his compliment before I could say thanks, he handed me a pale pink orchid.

"For you." He tells me as he takes my hand. "Th-thanks.." I stutter.

I smile at his gift as we both began to walk outside to the carriages.

The snow fell down slowly. Jean took my hand and we headed to the carriages.

There were a lot of carriages but Jean and I had to share one with someone.

"Oh, there's one over there." Jean tells me. We walk to the carriage where, a coachmen held the door open.

Jean got in first, but before I got in, I froze on the spot.

"Oh, hi (f/n)." Yuri smirks at me, with Levi at her side. Levi looked so handsome in his suit. My god.

He glared at Jean as I got into the carriage and sat next to him.

This is going to be a long ride...

3 Hours Later:

"It took me forever to find this dress, so you like this dress on me, Heichou?" Yuri asks Levi as he looked out the window, intensely.

"Tch, can you be quite, brat, for a second?" Levi says with his same emotionless voice and face.

I roll my eyes, knowing that was my Levi.

"Oh, (f/n), you have something in your hair." Jean tells me. "Huh? Do I?" I question. "Here I got it." He smiles as he faces me, and pulls out a small twig in my hair.

"Oh, haha...a twig." I laugh, softly. Jean smirks at me then, throws it out the window.

Levi's eyes showed of jealousy and hatred for Jean at that moment, but rather his face stayed the same.

The carriage comes to halt and the coachman opens the door for us, Levi gets out first, and holds out his hand to Yuri.

"Let's go, cadet." Levis says, empathizing the word cadet. Yuri smirks at me then gets out of the carriage and they leave to the ballroom.

I felt my eye twitch for second over my small side of jealousy.

Just whatever, (f/n), Levi is just....nice...I guess?

Jean gets out and holds his hand out to me, I smile at him, happily. Just as I'm about to grab his hand, he picks me up like a bride.

"Oh!" I gasp, out of surprise. Jean smiles at me then puts me down. "Let's go!" He tells me.


9:00 P.M


The sounds of the violins and pianos filled the lively room, of a winter's day. How lovely the room looked, decorated in gold and pale blue, signifying snow flakes.

Jean wrapped his arm around my arm and we walked into the grand ballroom.

The cadets and trainees were dancing and talking at the beautiful reception.

Hanji quickly caught my eye. She ran over to me.

"Aww! You look so beautiful, (f/n)!" Hanji squeals as she sees me. "Not as beautiful as you, Hanji!" I smile back. She looks at Jean then she gets her serious face on. "You take care of my(f/n), tonight, Kristein." she warns Jean.

"Don't worry Squad Leader, she's in good hands." Jean promises Hanji. "Okay, you guys have fun, tonight, then!" she smiles then leaves back to where she was. "Okay, well...do you want something to drink?" Jean asks me.

"Sure, thanks, I'll wait over by the table with Petra and Eren." I tell Jean, then we both take our seperate paths. When I walked over there, suddenly I someone pull me by the arm. I look to see Sasha, holding my arm.

"Yes, Sasha?" I ask. "Where's the food?" she asks me. I roll my eyes at her.

"The food is in the corner." I reply, laughing a little. "Phew! Thank goodness! I thought there was no food for a second!" she laughs.

"(F/n), here's your drink." Jean interrupts Sasha and I. He hands me a glass of champagne. "Thanks Jean."  I smile. Sasha gives me a stupid wink before she goes back to dancing with Connie.

Jean and I walk to a nearby table and sit down. We both take sips of our drinks, awkwardly, over our embarrssed selves.

"Umm, (F/n), you want to dance?" he asks me. "Oh, sure." I reply. Jean takes my hand and we go to the dance floor. Eren and Petra were dancing together, from what I was seeing Petra was blushing, hardcore.

Hmmm, I can see them together. Mikasa and Armin were just drinking their champagne and talkingin the corner. Sasha and Connie were dancing, Krista and Ymir were smiling and talking.


9:00 P.M

It was a nice ball to be at right now. Sadly, I just wanted to be with Levi. Until, the music soften.

A man came up and spoke.

"If you and your partner would like to lead the evening dance, please stay on the dance floor." he announces.

People started to escape their way off the dance floor. "Can we dance?" I ask Jean. Jean rubs his neck then smiles.

"Sure." he replies.

In the end, the only couples were Eren, Petra, Erwin, Hanji. Levi and Yuri stood at the end. Levi would glance at me, and I would look at him, as well.

The music began.

(Now for this dance, I didn't think of really any specific song, but you can think of any song for you and Jean's dance!)

Jean laced his hand with mine and we began to dance first, down the aisle of the three couples. Jean and I glided down the dance floor, ever so gracefully, and we ended right next to Levi and Yuri. The people clapped at our dance. One by one the couples went until Levi and Yuri came up.

The music for their dance was rather spicy and erotic to me. Levi and Yuri danced down the aisle, but with more...umm.. physical movement to their dance. Yuri and Levi ended up in front of Jean and I.

For their final move, Levi had slowly dipped Yuri. Yuri smirked at me, then the impossible happened. When Levi had brought her back up, they kissed. The claps of the cadets roared in the ballroom, the uproar covered the sound of my heart shaterring the small fixed pieced that were already broken.

I slowly walked back from the dance floor, with a smirking Yuri looking at me. I rushed out of the ballroom and to the bathroom.

"Oi, (F/n)!" I hear someone call me before I lock myself in the bathroom sectional. I slid onto the white tiled floor and I began to feel the pain slip out of my eyes. It hurt. SO badly.

I loved Levi...so much. I wanted him, he wanted to be with me. He needed my trust. I don't know though...After that.

Levi knew how much I hated Yuri. I sniffled up my tears and I stood up from the floor. I straightened up my dress and I walked out of the bathroom, hiding my face, and going outside to the balcony, throught the open ballroom doors. I lean against the stone balcony fencing and I look at the clear moon. The snow falling slower by the second as each cloud passed, slowly by the beautiful moon goddess.

Its so cold. Until, I feel something warm around my shoulders. I look to see its Jean's jacket. He faced me, then sighed.

. "Lets go home, I think we've had enough for tonight." he tells me as we began to walk out of the balcony area.

Jean and I walked through the ballroom, and left to the foyer. I saw Sasha and Connie leaving as well.

"You guys leaving?" Jean asked Connie. "Yeah, we're tired from tonight." Connie yawns.

Sasha looks at me then gives me a hug before she and Connie goes to their carriage.

"Sorry, (f/n). About tonight." she whispers in my ear. I smile at her then wave as she leaves with  Connie. Jean and I get our own carriage, then we head back to HQ.

-3 Hours Later: It's about 11 and you and Jean won't be home for another 10 minutes-

"But, overall I had a great time." I smile as we rode down the frosted dirt road. "Yeah, me too, you're a great dancer." he compliments me.

"What?! Not as great of a dancer as you!" I tell him. "Me? I'm not that great, I think I'm only good because of my movement." he tells me.

"Movement?" I question. Suddenly, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me over closer to him. "J-Je-?!" I began to say until, his lips are on mine. My eyes widen at his sudden action.

He pulls away and smirks at me. "My movement, is my key to dancing, that's why I'm so good at 3DMG because of movement." he whispers in my ear. His lips travel down to my neck and he begins to slowly suck on my neck.

"J-Jean.." I moan, softly. He nipes at my neck then brings his lips back up to mine and kisses me, passionately.

I kiss back, instantly at his act of passion. His hands runs down my body. The carriage then stops and we're at HQ. The coachman opens the door, for us.

Jean and I get out of the carriage and we into the warm foyer. No one was in sight, Jean held my waist firmly, against the wall of the foyer. His tongue licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I of course  let him and we kissed. The more and more we kissed was the more I wanted him.

Jean looks at me with a steady gaze then gestures me, to go another room. We made our way to my room, and locked the door.

He pushed me up against the door and began tounzip the back of my dress. The dress dropped to my feet, and I stood there in front of Jean in my (c) bra and matching (c) lace panties to go along.

Jean smirked at me then, kissed me once again. His hands ran up and down my body, his finger tracing my curves, Jean lifts me up and takes me to my bed.

He strips out of his suit and he stood there in only his underwear. He unhooks my bra as he kisses the other side of my neck, softly.

His hand comes up to my neck, then his hand traces down my body. I look up at my cieling to see the wood, but it was suddenly replaced my Jean's face.

He kissed me, again, his tongue and mine intertwining, together. Jean pulls away then looks at me with that gaze.

Then, he goes into me. I gasp at his sudden action. He goes rocks back and forth, my moans become louder and louder by the second it felt like. Until, Jean supresses my moans with a kiss of passion.

He keeps going, until we both reached our climaxes. "J-Jean!" I moan, loudly. "Oh, (f/n)." he moans. He pulls out of me and falls right next to me.

I pull the blanket up to cover Jean and I, before we fell asleep from our night, at the 90th Annual Ball.


2 Updates in 1 Day, man I'm just so happy to be back!

Okay, so......how about that plot twist?

What'd you think of the chapter?

Please don't hate me for the Jean and you thing! I promise its part of you and Levi getting back together!


Until, Next Time!

Jean: G




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