Preparations, Captain

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Sorry, I haven't been updating!

My stupid computer has been giving em problems


Here's an update enjoy!


-1 Week Later-

(F/n) POV:

"Oh, Hanji you look beautiful!" Petra cries as she sees Hanji in a lavender purple floor length dress that had a large slit on the side that showed her leg, with silver heels on.

"Oh, thank you, Petra. Let me see your dress Krista, Mikasa and Sasha!" Hanji calls our to the girls who were in the changing room.

We were currently in Grace's dress shop.

Of course, she helped all my friends out. But she wouldn't let me choose a dress, yet.

Petra wore a pretty beige balloon dress with a white bow at the waistline with white heels.

Mikasa came out in a Sapphire blue strapless column dress, with a rhinestone waistline.

Sasha then came out with a gold tea party length dress, with matching heels.

Finally, Krista came out in a mint green ruffled mini dress with white heels.

"Oh, you all look so cute!" They all said in unison as they saw each other.

I sigh, annoyed.

Well..I did say yes to Jean.

"Oi, (f/n). Come here." I hear Grace call me as the girls were talking about accessories.

I walk over to Grace who held two dresses in her arm.

"Take this try it on." She tells me. She hands me the dress and I head into the dressing room.

(The dress in the pic is your dress)

I put on the beautiful dress then smiled at the beautiful (c) color.

"You look beautiful.." Petra gasps as I come out. The girls began a storm of chatter as they see me in the beautiful (c) dress.

If only Levi could see me...

Third POV-

'The days have gone by without seeing (f/n). Tch, who knew woman were so obsessed with clothes.' Levi thinks.

"Oi, Levi, the dark blue tie or the black tie?" Erwin asks Levi as he held up to neck ties to his suit.

"Tch, Erwin, I don't really care." Levi sighs annoyed.

"Levi, get into the spirit." Erwin sighs, as he kept deciding between the ties.

"I can't get into any spirit right now, I have work to do." Levi sighs, as he reads over his documents.

Erwin sighs at Levi. He knew why Levi was frustrated. I mean if you knew (f/n) is going to the ball with Jean, I'd be kind of pissed too.

"So, about Jean and (f/l)-" Erwin began to say until, Levi stood up, abruptly and walked out of the room.

Levi walked down the halls, and heard the cadets talk about the ball, in Eren's room.

"Connie, you asked Sasha right?" Armin asked Connie.

"Yeah, hey what about Jean snatching up (f/n)!" Connie replies.

Jean looks at the group of boys then smirks.

"Yeah, I asked her and she said yes."

Levi slams the door open.

"Oi! What are you brats doing? Get to cleaning!" Levi orders the cadets.

The cadets rush out of the room, Jean was the last to leave, until Levi puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Kirstein, go clean the stables top to bottom, and if they're not to my standards, then you will be cleaning the headquarters, all by yourself tomorrow." Levi orders Jean.

Jean's eyes widen then, soften as he salutes Levi and heads to the stables.

"Tch, Brat." Levi sneers as leaves Eren's room.

He looks at (f/n)'s room, then opens the door.

The door creaks open, slowly and he sees the dim sun shine brightly into her room.

The (c) blanket shining against the dim rays.

Levi inspects the room.

"At least she kept it clean." Levi sighs, until he hears the sound of a carriage arriving.

Levi looks out frosted winter balcony window, of pure white snow.

Hanji, Petra, Krista, Sasha, Mikasa and (f/n) come out of the carriage.

(F/n) wore a large warm (c) peacoat, with her uniform underneath, she laughed with the Sasha under the snow.

Levi stared at his loved one. "Tch..I'll get your trust soon, in exchange, you'll always have mine." Levi promises, silently to himself.

Levi leaves the room and heads to his study to finish the rest of his work.

(F/n)'s POV:

The cold winter snow falls on my hair and I smile at the weather.

Such beautiful snow.

"(f/n)!" I hear a familiar voice call me. I turn around to see Jean, with cleaning supplies in his hand.

"Jeanie!" I greet, with a smile.

"Don't use that nickname...." He sighs as he walks to the stables.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I have cleaning duty." Jean sighs, sadly.

"Oh, well when your done tell me and I'll make some hot tea for you." I smile as I began to head to HQ.

"Okay, bye (f/n)!" Jean smiles before leaving.

I head into the foyer following the girls as we held our dresses in our hands.

As I walked in, I saw some Eren, Connie and Reiner cleaning the foyer.

"Levi?" I asked as I walked upstairs.

"Yup." They all answered. I walk to my room, with my dress in hand. I walked into my room and I put my dress away.

My (c) peacoat covered my uniform, I sighed as I put the coat away.

Until, I heard my door creak. I felt a presence behind me. I could hear a soft breath behind me.

Before the person could even speak, the next thing I new I had already twisted their arm back.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Eren shrieks. I quickly release Eren from my death grip. "Sorry, Eren. I just thought you were someone else." I apoloqized.

He rubs his arm then sighs. "Its fine, it was my fault for not greeeting before I came in...." Eren smles as he scratches the back of his head.

"What'd you need?" I ask as I close my balcony curtains of thefrosty winter wonderland outside. Eren sat on my bed, with a curious look on his face.

"So, you and Jean?" he asks me. My eyes widen at his question. I can feel myself blush. "Uh..we're just going to the ball together that's it..." I smiled, nervously.

"Uh huh....." he smirks at me. I glare at him, annoyed. "I'm serious! We're not doing it or anything!" I fire back. Eren smiles at me then stands up from the bed and heads to the door.

"Okay." Eren tells me before he leaves my room. I sigh, heavily before I follow him out of my room and to the kitchen. As I walk down stairs, I hear someone call me. I turn around to see Yuri leaning on the railing.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed. "Oh, (f/n). Is that anyway to talk to your dear friend?" she asks, laughing. "Yuri, you lost your place as my friend a long time ago." I sigh, as I continue to walk down the steps.

"Well, look I'm sorry I dated Peter." She apologizes. "Apology denied." I say, coldly.

"Hey, I remember you took Levi from me." She remind me.

"Excuse me? Its not my fault that he took you off of his squad and you got transferred." I sneer at her as I reach the bottom of the staircase.

Her green eyes widen at my comment and she comes running down the stairs.

Yuri comes at me, but I quickly dodge her attack and roundhouse kick her to the floor.

She hisses in pain and glares at me.

"Look, I'm not in the mood. The ball is tomorrow and I need to start preparing my dress." I sigh, as I turn on my heel.

I hear her laugh, madly as I walk away.

"I'll see you there, (f/n)." She smirks as I leave her in the foyer.


Hey guys, If you read earlier I've been having computer problems, and such so I haven't been really able to update.


Either way in back!

What'd you think of this chapter?

Next Chapter is the Ball

Tales of Love and Revenge with be told in the next chapter.

And I'll be updating a lot this week due to me being sick, so yay!


Till Next Time!

Stay Kawaii


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