My Fate That Lied Ahead, Captain

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Hope youre enjoying the story




(F/n)'s POV:

Squad Levi and I approached the forest of giant trees. The trees stood proudly along their homes. I wasn't frightened by this moment even though I've never been in the forest of Giant Trees before. But this did give me an advantage to use my 3DMG gear, and I'm sure Erwin and Levi had the same idea.

"Captain!" Eren calls out. "What?" Levi replies as we continue to race through the pathway. "Why isn't the other flanks coming in with us? With the center only in we'll be blinded from behind." Eren asks Levi. I can tell Levi was irritated as well, as I heard a low groan from him.

"Idiot, don't you see these big ass trees? This is the perfect enviorment for our 3DMG gear" Levi explains to the boy, carefully. "Huh? I-I didn't think of that." Eren manages to say.

Then again they might think I'm a rookie. Also, I don't know much about outside the walls so I have to listen to them

Eren, we know for a fact you're a rookie

Shut it (f/n)

Eren glares at me as we talked in our thoughts, I smiled, slightly to him. I noticed that everyones' faces were terrified. What the hell? This is werid, usually we'd know what Levi and Erwin are planning.

Was Levi winging this?  No, that's not like him. He wouldn't do such a thing. I roll my eyes over my own hidden thoughts and I kept moving alongside Eren. We raced together along with Squad Levi. The feeling of the silence that grew upon the squad was terrifying. All I heard was the sound of horses' hooves along the cobble stone. The eerie feeling was immortal in my mind.

Does no one know what's going on?! Does Levi not even know?!

Eren, cal-

Suddenly, a loud sound snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked behind me and saw a deadly black flare rise into the air behind us. "A black flare?!" Eren shouts. "People, draw your swords. If we see the titan it'll only be for a moment." Levi orders us, loudly as he draws his sword, slightly. The rest of the squad do the same. I firmly held onto the rein and my other hand, held my sword's handle.

I can do this...

I looked behind me as I saw a cadet in the air, staring at something deeper into the forest that was falling behind us. Then suddenly, that green cape of freedom was slammed against a tree, blood flowing along the air. I saw it or was I to call it a her.

The titan was skinless and had only showed its pink and red flesh that showed her toned body. She had a shaggy blonde hair that flowed agaisnt her forehead, and her electrifying blue eyes shined surely against her accomplishments on her deadly trial. My heart had raced faster and faster as I saw her, reached out for either Eren and I. Eren gasped as the female titan almost grasped him.

The titan slid along the ground, but she still ran after us.

"Move it!" Levi shouts out loud. The squad's pace picks up faster and faster. "Damn it, she's catching up." I mumble to myself as she continues to race for us. She held the back of her neck as she continued to murder the innocent soldiers that invaded her path. Eren kept shouting and hollering about the deaths that were burned into his mind.

"Damn she's too fast!" Gunther shouts. "She's catching up!" Erd cries out. "Captain your orders!" Petra asks, loudly to Levi. Levi's gaze was held with the titan. The female titan murders two more cadets in front of my own eyes. "Captain! Your orders!"  Petra cries and cries. Levi kept a steady gaze at the titan.

My eyes glared at the titan that ran, with such a speed behind me. "Levi! Damn it!" I call out to him. But he just keeps moving forward, not looking back. "I'll kill that bitch." Erd sneers as he begins to draw his sword. Eren smirks at the titan. I keep riding faster and faster, trying to reach Levi.

"Levi, what the hell is going on?" I ask him. Levi just keeps looking forward, going at his same accelerate speed. "Everyone, cover you ears!" Levi orders us. I see him pull out his flare gun and put an unfamiliar flare into the gun. I covered my ears with my hands.

He raises his hand that held the gun, his fingers swiftly shot the round into the air.

The round was ear piercing, as it echoed throughout the forest. The soudn had lingered in the air for a few moments then stopped. "Am acoustic round?" Eren asks Levi. Levi glares at Eren. "What's yoour job?" Levi questions the confused, heavy hearted boy. "I-" Eren began to answer, but was interrrupted. "Your job isn't to succumb to your emotions but to follow what we say. Our job is to keep you alive, brat. Even if that means we giv eup our lives." Levi tells Eren, then continues to ride on.

"Roger!" Petra replies. "What?!" Eren cries. "How can you people do that when your comrades are back there fighting?!" Eren began to debate. I ride a bit farther back towards Eren. "Eren, stop! Just listen to Levi!" I order Eren. "(F/n)! What the hell?  You should know you save people before they get the chance to die!" Eren cries out. My heart trembles like the grass in the windy day as I here his statement. I do save people, but what was causing me to not intervene with the titan.

My eyes widen as I hear that awful scream of a cadet. My hands gripped tighter to the rein. I watched as Eren deploied his swords and glanced at his thumb. I saw the yearn he wanted that craved him to bite his thumb to fight for those fallen men.

"Eren! What are you doing?!" Petra shouts, as she looks at Eren, terrified. "You're only supposed to use that if your life is in danger!" Petra begins to scold. Eren places his teeth along his hand, preparing to bite. "Eren.." I call out to him. Eren looks at me, with glossy eyes.

"Don't do it. Trust that we'll fight, just not now!" I shout at him. He widens his eyes, I saw him trying to weigh out his decision. "If you want to fight, then go." Levi begins to say. Everyone followed onto Levi's words. "The only thing we're allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made." Levi continues on to say.

"The only reason how we may be able to figure out a decision so quickly is from experience we gained in the past." Levi finishes, then he looks out to the void. I smile to myself, as Levi's words lingered into my mind. I knew I'll always keep that by me. I continue on, speeding every second.

"Believe in us." Petra tells Eren. Eren looks at her, with a bewildered face as if he just saw a ghost of the past. "Eren! Make a decision, now!" Levi shouts. Eren shakes his head for a second.

"I'm with you!" He replies, unsurely. Levi's eyes widne as he hear the boy's answer, but I smirked. I knew he wouldn't be that stupid. Another cry is suddenly heard from a cadet, I look behind me, I saw the titan glide the cadet along the trees. I swallow, hard.

The titan reaches out for Eren. As we make it past a tree's point, a sudden blast is echoed throughout the forest. I gasp for a second as I hear that god awful sound. We keep riding out of the forest and we are in a small clearing. The squad looks back at the white smoke that filled the forest behind us.

"Tie up my horse and hide in the forest." Levi begins to say as he stood on his horse. The squad looks up at our leader. "Follow Erd's orders and await my signal!" Levi orders then leaves on his 3DMG. I followed Levi's gaze as he left.

Be safe..

He goes off and I watch him, he flies off into the forest behind, and his body is no longer visible as he goes into the misty smoke. I close my eyes for a second, and I shake my head over deadly thoughts that roamed my mind. After a few more minutes, we finally came to a spot.

"Tie up the horses and let's go into the trees." Erd orders us as he stops and ties his horse up to the tree. We all follow his orders, and I tie up (h/n). I put away my swords and I shoot my anchor up into the tree's branch.

We all make it to a high point of the tree and we rest. "What do you think is going on?" Petra asks me as I sat on the large branch. My back was firmly against the tree's trunk. "I don't know." I replied, she sat in front of me.

What the hell is going on? Was this Erwin's plan? To capture the femlae titan or to go to Wall Maria? I wondered all these questions to myself. But most of all, will Levi be okay? I ran my hand through my (h/l) hair. The (h/c) strands flowed along my forehead, blocking my vision of Petra. "(F/n)-chan." Petra breathes. I look up at her. SO many questions and emotions ran through my head.

I suddenly felt something on my boot. I looked up and I saw Petra's hand lied gently on there. A warm angelic smile plastered her face. "I know you're worrying about Heichou." she sighs. I look at her, gesturinf her to continue. "He's going to be okay. I've seen Heichou survive the worst of hell, and he always makes it back to you." she tells me, assuring me of his safety. I knew I felt the doubting feeling of him not returning. But Levi will make it. I know it..

I lie my head along the tree's trunk, and I look up at the sky. The leaves stayed still and glistened in the light. I sigh at this peaceful yet eerie feeling. I close my eyes, and darken my vision as I wait for Erd's next orders.


"(F/n), Erwin would like to speak to you." I heard Jenna tell me as I keep reading my book. "Sure." I sigh as I mark my place in my book and I jump off my bed. "Oi, good luck!" she laughs as she looks at me with wide eyes. "Luck?" I questioned as I walked off to Erwin's office.


I knock on the door, slowly as I stood at the door, twiddling my thumbs. The door opens and its Hanji. "(F/n), glad you're here." Hanji smiles as I walk in. "Yeah, what's up?"  I question her. She closes the door and I look at the scen in front of me. Erwin sat at his desk, while Levi stood against the desk, arms crossed.

"(F/n), this is your position placement." Erwin tells me. "Huh? I thought you just picked the squad for the cadets?" I questioned him, as I put my hand on my hip. "Well, that's true. But-" Erwin begins to say. "We all want you on our squads." Hanji finishes Erwin's sentence. I widen my eyes as her statement.

"W-What?" I question. "So, in conclusion of that you have to choose." Erwin tells me. I bite my bottom lip, nervous. Who was I to choose? I know Erwin was head of the Scout Regiment and ordered the expeditions. But Hanji conducted experiments, and got to play with the titans, in my eyes. Then there was always Levi. He was a brute and such a stoic asshole for the Scout Regiment's ball. I mean who mistakes me for Yuri. But, he did have amazing skills and good comebacks, honestly.

I sigh, thinking about my decsions. "(f/n)! Pick me!!" Hanji tells me, jumping up and down. "Oi, glasses! Let the brat choose." Levi sneers at Hanji. Hanji sticks her tongue at Levi then rolls her eyes. "Well, who will it be?" Erwin asks me.

After thinking,  I knew who to choose. I knew. I would come to my answer, clearly liek the water. I smiled as I thought of my enduring choice of my new comrades.

"I want to be on-"

Flashback Ends~

"Oi! Get up!" I heard someons shout. I looked up and saw Eren shaking me. I gazed into Eren's eyes. "What is it?" I questioned. "A signal went off to stop the expediton." he tells me. My eyes widen as I hear him. "Come on, we're filling up our tanks." Eren continues. I sit up and dust my butt off and I fill my tank.

We're finally going home....

"You were out for awhile." Erd tells me, as I begin to gear up. "Yeah, I guess." I yawned. I rubbed my neck. "See we did it! The fierce Squad Levi always triumphs!" Oluo boldly, announces before we begin to take off on our 3DMG.

We all go off the tree, flying through the trees. "Congratulations Eren, you made it through your first misson!" I laugh. "Yeah. but that still means your a rookie!" Oluo calls out. "I'm amazed, you didn't pee your pants like Oluo and Petra." Erd laughed. "AHH! You weren't supposed to say anything you bastard!" Petra cries out. "No way! Did they seriously do that?!" Eren questions me.

"I had no idea this even happened." I laughed. I started to laugh as I thought of that idea of them, pissing themselves. "Alright enough guys.  Let's keep moving forward." Erd tells us. Suddenly, there was a green flare in the air. Are we still continuing?

"Let's go, that  must be Levi's signal!" Gunther tells us. He lands on a branch and shoots up a green flare, and we continue on.

That's werid...Why are we continuing on? I follow along with Eren by my side. We whisk by the trees, so quickly. I'm so lost in thought as I think of these rambling thoughts of the expeditions. 

"Ahh!" I heard an ear piecering scream. My eyes widen as I searched for the voice. "Gunther-san!" Eren schreeched. My heart stopped for a second as I heard the name.

My eyes caught an unforgettable sight, that will be forever etched in my mind.


Hello my fellow Cadets!

I hope your enjoying the story!

The next chapter is many of the following:



Fight Scene

So be prepared!

BTW: Sorry for my grammar mistakes!

Any questions? No! Okay!

See You Next Time!

Stay Kawaii <3


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