Only One Order, Captain

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Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I've been going through some things but

I'm back!!

This chapter is going to be short!


(F/n)'s POV:

The body of a fallen friend, kept him hung along a branch. My eyes couldn't turn away from this paralyzing image of Gunther. His neck was sliced, and his eyes were still open, in shock from such an early death. I felt my heart begin to stop as I kept my eyes on the poor boy.


"Gunther?"  I managed to say as I came down closer to him. "(F/n)! Let's go!" Erd shouts, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me away from Gunther's deceased sight. "(F/n)! Keep it together!" Oluo called out to me, as I snapped back into reality. I shot my anchor out as I followed my cadets' accelerated speed along the trees. "Damn bitch!" Oluo sneered, aloud as he looked behind him. Eren and I kept our distance from the masked murderer.

I glared at the nonexistent, cape that hide their face. "Protect (f/n) and Eren!" Erd ordered Petra and Oluo. Eren and I stayed next to each other, Eren was in terror as he saw the murderer's cape. I feel my eyes begin to water as I keep thinking of Gunther's early meet with death. My heart sickens itself as the memories wash over me. I could've saved him.

"Which way are we going, Erd?!" Oluo asks, Erd as we kept our speed with the crusader behind us. "Full speed to HQ! Forget the horses!" Erd orders us. I followed Erd's order, going at my maximum speed along the forest with Eren by my side.

"Damn you..I'll kill you! I swear by it!" Petra curses to the person. "Is the person who was in the female titan?" Oluo asked us. My ears perk up with intrest and I take a glance at the caped person.

Is it? No. It can't be!

I shake off these thoughts. "I don't care! I will kill her!" Petra swears into the void. My eyes widen at Petra's remark. This was not the Petra I knew. This Petra was blood thirsty, and revengeful. I knew this was Petra's true cadet self. I continue my glance at the caped suspect, until it vanishes into the trees.

We all continue to look out into the void.


The uttering familiar sound of a lightning bolt had pierced my ears.

No way...


Female Titan


Hello my fellow Kawaiis!

You know I'm sorry, I haven't updated in quite sometime. Recently, I found out my boyfriend (now ex) was cheating on me for a little over a month while we were still together...

Due to that, I lost intrest and thought of anything. In matter of fact, I had told myself that 'love' is not real and that its just a fake emotion.

But, for my own sake. I began to be with people who make me happy and smile.

For that I will always be grateful for my friends.

Now, currently. I have someone who does care for me and helps me with my past.

For all of this is why I haven't been able to write. Truly, I'm sorry.

Everyday, I always thought of my little Kawaii readers.

Now, I'm back and better.

Well lets continue on with this story so I may tell you all my next coming up fanfic!

Can you guess what it is????

Also, people have been asking me for a Q&A so, I don't know if I should or not but just comment and tell me

yay or nay?


Until Next Time!!

Stay Kawaii <3


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