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Arthur was nervous. His first year as the new Headmaster of Kendrick's had gone well, but now he was embarking on another venture. It was new to him, being a family man, but he liked it. He liked video chatting with you and Y/S/N almost every night. He liked holding you close during school breaks when he came to visit. He liked feeling like he belonged for once. And now you were finally joining him in London.

Arthur paced impatiently in the hangar while he waited for the private plane to arrive. "Mate, they'll be here. You need to relax," Mick told him, barely looking up from his paper. Arthur rolled his eyes. He knew Mick was right of course. It was just different. The man had never lived with someone before in his adult life. The old men had set everyone up with their own place when they finished schooling. Now, as Headmaster, he had his own little cottage on school grounds that he was going to share with you and Y/S/N.

Before Arthur could get too lost in his own head again, he heard the sounds of the plane getting closer. Arthur stopped pacing long enough to make sure he wasn't going to be in the way of the plane landing. Mick stood from his seat, ready to greet you when Arthur was finished. He liked you and he liked your son. You were good for Arthur and your son was a very bright boy and well as very sweet. He captured everyone's hearts and attention.

The plane touched down and, after a few minutes, the doors opened. Y/S/N was the first down. He instantly ran to Arthur and hugged him. "Hi, Dad!" Arthur noted that the boy's voice had gotten deeper and he was nearly a foot taller than the last time he saw him. "You've grown." Y/S/N rolled his eyes. "That's what teenagers do." Arthur chuckled to himself. It was strange to him that Y/S/N was nearly 13 now.

Arthur's attention was pulled away from his son to you coming down the steps. "Y/S/N, I know I didn't just hear your sassing your father," you scolded gently. And although you were speaking to the teen, your eyes never left Arthur. "I think I'm gonna go over there with Mick. I don't want to be around when you get all lovey-dovey." Y/S/N walked over to where Mick was waiting.

For a brief moment, you and Arthur simply looked into each other's eyes. "I missed you," you said softly. "And I you." You quickly wrapped your arms around him. Arthur pressed a kiss to your forehead and then to your lips. "I can't wait to start our life together here," you told him. Arthur smiled that genuine smile that was reserved for his family. "Yes. Our life. Yours, mine, and Y/S/N's. Just the three of us."

You didn't reply, causing Arthur to glance at you. You were biting your lip. "What is it?" You flicked your eyes back up to him before looking at the ground. "Y/N?" You shrugged a little. "Please don't be mad." Arthur didn't get a chance to ask why before he heard it. A small yip. He looked and saw one of the attendants walking toward you with a pet carrier. "She was just so cute, and Y/S/N asked so nicely. I couldn't say no."

"Don't tell him the dog was my idea! She wasn't! I wanted a baby brother or sister!" Arthur's eyes widened almost comically and you looked mortified. "I told you that your father and I would have to discuss it." You took the carrier and opened it up. Inside was a German Shepherd puppy. "Isn't she sweet?" Arthur looked between you and the dog for a moment. His mind was going a mile a minute.

"I wouldn't be opposed," he said low enough that Y/S/N couldn't hear. You cocked your head to the side. "To giving Y/S/N what he wants," he clarified, "To having more children. If and whenever you are ready. If you would rather just have more dogs, I would be pleased with that as well." You grinned at him. "Maybe someday. For now, I think I'd like to get settled in." After you placed the puppy back in her carrier, you took Arthur's hand, linking your fingers together. "Very well. Let's go home." Arthur smiled. "Home," he thought pleasantly as he felt the ring on the third finger of your left hand touch his skin. So much had changed in the last two years, but there was no way it could be mistaken. Arthur Ketch had finally got everything he ever wanted and he was, dare he say it, happy.

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