Part 7

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"I want you both to come to London with me."

You stared at Arthur in disbelief. "You want us to what?" Arthur's eyes never left your face. "I want you and my son to join me in London. I need to return, but I want my son near me and I know you will never let him go without you." You licked your lips. He sounded so sincere, something you'd missed from him. "You want us to pick up and move to London, leaving everything we know behind so you can continue teaching young boys and girls to become killers."

Arthur shook his head. "Weren't you listening? The old men are letting Mick and I change things. They won't kill anything except the monsters. Y/S/N will learn how to defend himself and others from the monsters we know are out there. That's all." You shook your head. You were being stubborn, you knew that, but you were also trying to protect your only child.

You felt the tears beginning to well in your eyes, but you refused to let them out. Arthur was going to leave again, but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You felt his hand on your shoulder and you glanced over. "Think about it, Y/N. I told you, I want to be in his life. Yours as well." It wasn't asking much and you were certain you weren't going to change your mind, so you nodded. "Alright."

And think about it you did. It was in the back of your mind as you went out to celebrate your son's birthday with dinner. It was on your mind as you came home and ate cake. It was even on your mind as Y/S/N opened his presents. To the outside world, it seemed as though all your attention was directed to your little family. You learned how to zone out years ago, when Y/S/N was at that age where he talked all the time. But truly, you couldn't stop thinking about Arthur's request.

"Mom, can Dad stay and watch a movie with us?" You almost said no, but Y/S/N looked up at you with those big eyes and you couldn't resist. Not on his birthday. "Okay. One movie and then it's bedtime." Y/S/N eagerly agreed and ran to pick out a movie. "Perhaps I should go," Arthur said softly and you shook your head. "He wants you here, Arthur." He stared into your eyes, making you feel slightly uncomfortable. "Do you?" Luckily you were saved from answering when Y/S/N came back into the room, announcing the movie was ready.

Y/S/N sat on one end of the couch, forcing you and Arthur to sit right next to each other unless you wanted to sit on the floor. You sat as far away from Arthur as you could, your eyes glued to the screen in front of you, but you weren't really paying attention. Neither was Arthur.

He sat stiffly beside you. It didn't matter how often he spent time with you and Y/S/N, he was still slightly uncomfortable with getting to close, both physically and emotionally. As far as Y/S/N was concerned, it was probably too late. Arthur had never felt so protective of anyone in his entire life. But you were a different story.

The tension between you wasn't awkward. Rather, it was familiar and that scared Arthur. There were times when he wanted nothing more than to take you in his arms and hold you close as if you might fade away. Other times, he wanted to walk out the door and never come back, if only to save you and Y/S/N from being hurt. And yet, there were other times still when Arthur felt like the three of you could be a happy family. The problem was that Arthur wasn't sure which option to choose.

The movie ended and Arthur stood to leave. "Do you have to leave, Dad?" Y/S/N asked. Arthur smiled. He was finally getting used to being called "Dad" and he really enjoyed it. "I do. I have a few things to take care of." He bid you farewell and moved to leave. You glanced at his retreating back, your heart making up your mind for you.

"Arthur, wait!" He stopped and turned to you with furrowed brows. "Y/S/N go to your room please." Y/S/N started to protest, but one look from you sent him scurrying from the room. Arthur put a hand in his pocket while he waited for you to speak again. You let out a breath and met his gaze. You knew what you wanted to say, but it certainly didn't come out that way.

"I miss you," you said. Not what you planned, but the words rolled off your tongue before you could stop them. Arthur grew confused. You missed him? What was that supposed to mean? He saw you on a regular basis now because of the son you shared. "I miss having you with me. I miss seeing you every day, waking up beside you. I miss having you in my bed. Feeling your lips against mine. I miss everything you are and what we used to have."

It was almost too much for Arthur. This outpouring of emotion wasn't what he was used to. "Please say something, Arthur," you whispered when he hadn't replied for several minutes. He was just standing there staring at you as if he couldn't process what you'd said. Honestly, he couldn't. You were practically telling him that you loved him without using those exact words, even after everything.

"Maybe you should go," you said. Arthur still hadn't responded and he saw the effect it had on you. Your expression fell and you moved to turn away. Arthur removed his hand from his pocket quickly reached over to stop you. He spun you back to him, until you were chest to chest and your faces were mere centimeters apart.

The air in the room grew thick with tension. "Arthur, what do you want?" you breathed out. Arthur didn't even hesitate. "Kiss me, Y/N," he ordered. Now normally, you'd be angry that he was trying to boss you around, but this time you were far too lost in the heat between the two of you. You closed the barely there space between you and attached your lips to his. You immediately felt like you were drowning in that kiss. It was everything you'd missed and then some. It was fire and desire, lust and love, hot and cold. It was everything.

The obnoxious need for air forced the two of you to part. You were both panting heavily and your skin was flushed. Arthur rested his forehead on yours, trying to catch his breath. He hadn't felt such a rush in a long time. Far too long and he never wanted it to end. Arthur realized that, when he was with you, he was home and he hoped that you would feel the same.

He opened his eyes to find yours already looking at him. "Will you come with me to London?" You let your lips turn up in a soft smile. "Yes. We have to let Y/S/N finish out this school year and then, yes, we'll come to London." You pressed your lips to his again, much softer this time. Neither of you noticed the shadow of the young boy standing in the hallway cheering silently. His parents were together, hopefully for good. "Best birthday ever."    

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