Part 2

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Silence fell over the room. Mick and the Winchesters all kept glancing between Arthur and Y/S/N. The two were locked in a staring contest. Y/S/N was determined and Arthur was visibly shocked. "I'm afraid you're mistaken. I don't have a son." Y/S/N smiled softly. The same soft smile that Arthur had been trying to forget. "Yes you do. You and my mom were together twelve years ago. I was born eight months after you left."

"And...who is your mother?" Arthur asked. It was taking everything in him to keep his voice from wavering. Looking at Y/S/N, Arthur already knew the answer. There was absolutely no denying it. The boy was a younger, male version of you. Arthur knew without a doubt that you were his mother. "Y/F/N."

Arthur fought back all showing of emotion. "Where is she? Does she know you're here?" Y/S/N suddenly frowned. "No. She's...gone. I-I don't know where she is. She told me if I was ever in trouble to find my father, Arthur Ketch. If I couldn't find him, I needed to find the Winchesters." The boy was near tears. Mick moved over to him. "Are you hungry? Come with me. I'll find you something to eat while Ketch talks with Sam and Dean."

As soon as Mick and Y/S/N were gone, Sam turned to Arthur. "He told us that he's 11. Could he, you know, be your son?" Arthur nodded. "He is my son. The timing works and his mother, Y/N...We had a fling. And the boy has her eyes." Dean quirked a brow. "A fling, huh? I don't think I remember the eyes of a chick I had a fling with twelve months ago, let alone twelve years ago."

Arthur glared at Dean. "My relationship with Y/N is no concern of yours. Did you get any information from the boy about her whereabouts?" Dean shook his head. "Not really. Only that his mom was there when he left for the bus the other day and was gone when he got home. We're going to head that way now that we've got an address. He started talking, but when he found out that we knew you, he clammed up. He was determined to see you."

It was too much for Arthur to take in. He sank back down into his chair. His eyes stared ahead, unfocused. He had a son. He had a son with you. And now you were missing. Without really thinking it through, Arthur knew exactly what he needed to do. "I'm going with you," he told the Winchesters. Sam and Dean exchanged a glance. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Ketch," Sam said slowly, "I mean, what about the kid? You really want to leave him here? Do you trust your people with your son?"

"Probably the safest place for the lad." That's what Arthur almost said. Then, he thought better of it. If Mick let it slip that Y/S/N was Arthur's son, the old men would see him as either leverage or a distraction. Either way, the boy would be in even more danger. Not to mention what you would do to Arthur if they somehow managed to find you alive.

Sighing, Arthur stood again. His mind was bouncing between two options. Go with the Winchesters and find you or stay with your son. His son. "Very well. I'll remain with the boy on one condition. As soon as you find out what's happened to Y/N, you call me. I...have to file the paperwork with Mick."

It was a lame excuse and Arthur knew it. So did the Winchesters. "You know, you can admit that you have feelings for this woman. It doesn't make you weak. It actually makes you seem human." Dean just crossed his arms and nodded as his brother spoke. A glare from Arthur had the Winchesters heading for the door. "It's about an hour away. We'll call."

Mick returned with Y/S/N a moment later. "I'll, uh, leave you to it, shall I?" Arthur nodded as his eyes locked with those of his son. "Do you know what happened to my mom?" Arthur tucked one hand in a pocket. "Not yet. Sam and Dean will let me know if they find something." Arthur couldn't remember the last time he felt so awkward. Apparently, Y/S/N felt the same.

"'re my dad. Why aren't you with my mom?" Arthur fought to keep his expression neutral. Y/S/N was definitely not pulling any punches, something he must have inherited from Arthur. Arthur gestured to a seat and sat back down. "How much did your mother tell you about what I do?" Y/S/N shrugged. "She said you protect everyone from bad things. That you sometimes have to do bad things to save others. She said you're a hero." Y/S/N gave Arthur a proud smile.

Arthur found it difficult to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth. Had you really said all that? About him? Did you believe it? "I see. Did she tell you why I left?" The boy's smile fell. "She said it was for work, but I don't believe her." Arthur's brows furrowed. Y/S/N believed him to be a hero, but not that he left for work. "Why?"

Y/S/N clenched his fists on his lap and stared at Arthur. "Because lots of my friends' dads go away for work, but they always come back. You didn't! If you had come back, Mom wouldn't be in trouble! It's all your fault!" Y/S/N's sudden anger didn't surprise Arthur at all, but he certainly didn't know how to react to it. Y/S/N was probably right. It was Arthur's fault you were gone.

Unsure of what to do, Arthur stood up and cleared his throat again. "Y/S/N...I won't apologize for leaving. I left to protect your mother. The bad things I protect people from would hurt her." Y/S/N was silent. He didn't say a single word. He was quiet for so long, Arthur was beginning to feel uncomfortable again.

Hours passed just like that. Y/S/N not speaking and Arthur feeling strangely about it. Then, as if someone were listening to his silent pleas, Arthur's phone rang. Dean. "Winchester," Arthur greeted when he answered the call. "We know what took Y/N. You're not gonna like it." 

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