Part 3

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(really long part ahead! Flashbacks are the paragraphs in italics)

"We know what took Y/N. You're not gonna like it."

Arthur felt a lump form in his throat. Y/S/N was staring up at him with wide eyes. "What was it?" Arthur asked Dean. "A witch. We found a hex bag." With a glance at Y/S/N, Arthur made up his mind. "I'm on my way. Y/S/N is coming with me. He can help." He didn't wait for an argument before he hung up. "The Winchesters found something. We're leaving now." Y/S/N nodded and stood. "What happened to my mom?"

Arthur considered not telling him, but at the same time, the child had a right to know. "Your mother was a witch." Y/S/N's brows furrowed. "A witch? Like a what mom sometimes calls a bi-" Arthur held up a hand to cut him off. "No. An actual witch." Y/S/N scoffed. "Please. I'm 11, I'm not stupid. Witches aren't real. If they were, I would have gotten my Hogwarts letter already." The matter-of-fact way he said it made Arthur want to laugh.

"I assure you that witches are real, Y/S/N. In fact, all the nightmarish things you read about are real. Witches, vampires, werewolves. All of them." Y/S/N rolled his eyes. "Yeah right." Arthur sighed. There was no way he was going to get the boy to believe unless he saw. That wasn't something Arthur was going to do. Instead, he changed the subject.

"Does your mother have anything in your home to protect you?" The boy nodded. "Yeah. She's got a gun in a safe in the closet. She said she'd teach me when I turned twelve." Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. "What if I taught you now? Just a quick lesson before we go meet the Winchesters?" Y/S/N agreed happily.

Y/S/N wasn't a bad shot at all, much to Arthur's surprise. While he hoped it wouldn't be necessary for Y/S/N to use the gun, it was better that he knew at least the basics for what they were doing. The two got in the car and headed for your home.

As he drove, Arthur didn't speak much. Y/S/N had fallen asleep during the short drive and Arthur's mind was betraying him. It kept dredging up the memories of you that Arthur would have rather stayed buried. The ones that would make this job even more difficult.

"Come back to bed," your voice drifted to where Arthur was sitting at the edge of the bed. Behind him, Arthur heard and felt the shifting of the bed. Your arms wrapped around him a moment later and he had to fight the smile threatening to creep up on his face. What was supposed to be a one-night stand had turned into something much more. Arthur spent every free second with you that he could.

"I can't, love. You know that." You rested your chin on his shoulder and gave him a playful pout. "Please?" He almost relented, but knew he couldn't. He had a job to do. "I can't," he said again. He gently removed your arms from around him and stood. He turned to face you before leaning down and capturing your lips with his own. "I'll be back tonight, if you'll let me." You grinned. "Of course I will." Arthur kissed you again, then turned and walked out, shedding the smile and replacing it with his usual scowl. Every trace that he had been happy a second ago disappeared.

Arthur smiled softly at the memory. That had been about two months after you'd met. You had somehow become his normal, something Arthur had never expected. He also never took into consideration that one day, your curiosity would get the better of you.

Arthur opened the door of your home, knocking lightly. "Y/N?" You called out to him that you were in the kitchen, but something bothered him. You didn't sound like yourself. Arthur moved to the kitchen and found you standing in the kitchen, one of his guns resting on the counter in front of you. His eyes went into the dining room and, sure enough, you'd found it. The Devil's Trap he'd painted under the rug that rested under the table.

"What is this, Arthur? Are you part of a cult? Is that why you're here? To induct me into your weird games?" Arthur would have laughed if not for the look on your face."I'm not in a cult, Y/N." You balled your fists and rested them on the counter. "Then what is it?" Arthur shook his head. "I can't tell you." Rolling your eyes, you scoffed. "If you can't be honest with me, I think you need to leave."

You turned to leave the kitchen and Arthur started to panic internally. "It's called a Devil's Trap." You glanced back at him. "It traps demons." You blinked in surprise and turned to face him again. "Demons?" Arthur nodded and held out a hand to you. Warily, you reached for it and let him lead you to a chair. Once settled, Arthur began to tell you everything about what he did and why he was in America.

Things had changed for you both after that day. And they changed for the better. It was as if Arthur sharing his burden with you had lifted the world off his shoulders. He taught you just enough for you to be able to protect yourself after he left. That day would come so much sooner than either of you realized or wanted.

You stared up at him with tears in your eyes. "Do you really have to go?" Arthur nodded. "I'm afraid so, darling." You crossed your arms over your chest. Arthur knew you weren't mad, but hurt. The old men had called him back to England after a year of cleaning up the messes the American hunters left. The plan had changed and now, he had to leave you.

"Why do you have to do what they tell you?! You aren't a lap dog, Arthur! You're a man." Arthur sighed heavily. "I know. I want to leave." Your frown deepened. "W-What?" It nearly killed Arthur to say what he did next. "Darling, you were a mere distraction. Something to pass the time while I was here." He refused to meet your gaze, knowing you could see through the lie. " You don't mean that." Arthur plastered on a smirk. "But I do. Just a passing fancy. An infatuation."

He moved to leave your home for good, but your hand on his arm stopped him. "If you really are leaving me for good, I have one thing to ask." Arthur finally looked at you and asked you what it was. "One last kiss as something to remember you by." He didn't want to, but he did at the same time. Arthur knew that, if he kissed you again, he'd never get you out of his mind. But, seeing you looked up at him with those (e/c) eyes of yours, Arthur knew he had no choice.

Arthur took your face in his hands and kissed you deeply. It would be the last time your lips ever met and Arthur wanted to enjoy every second. He wanted to memorize the feeling. He wanted to have something to keep him warm on the lonely nights to come. When he finally pulled away from you, you were both breathless. "You are a liar. You wouldn't kiss me like that if you didn't feel something for me." Arthur didn't answer. Instead, he straightened up, grabbed his bag and walked out the door for the final time.

He had left to protect you, but as he pulled into your driveway it became clear that Y/S/N had been right. Had Arthur not left you or had he come back, you wouldn't be in the situation you were in now. The Winchesters were outside your home, leaning up against Dean's precious car when Arthur turned his off.

Y/S/N woke suddenly and the two climbed out of the Bentley. "You brought the kid?" Arthur nodded. "He can give us some insight to his mother." Y/S/N walked slowly inside the house with the adults following behind. "How do you know it was a witch that took my mom?" the boy asked suddenly. Sam and Dean looked at Arthur before Sam pulled the hex bag out of his pocket.

"Kid, would your mom let anyone in that she didn't know?" Y/S/N shook his head. "Nope. She never even let me have friends over unless she met them first. She'd always put this weird water into their drinks and pulled out the good silver for them to eat with." Dean looked at Arthur. "You gave her the talk?" Arthur nodded. "It's how she knew about you two. If she didn't let strangers in the house, then it was obviously someone she knew and knew well."

"Y/BFF/N!" Y/S/N suddenly cried and Arthur's eyes widened. He recalled hearing that name. It was connected with the clean-up he'd originally been sent to America for. "What?" Y/S/N explained how your best friend was supposed to come over the day you went missing. "Mom was really excited about it. I didn't really like Y/BFF/N though. They always gave me the heebie-jeebies."

"The question is, why would a witch pose as Y/N's friend instead of just taking her or hurting her?" Arthur cleared his throat. "I can answer that. You were right, son. It was my fault. My people were responsible for the death of Y/BFF/N's coven twelve years ago. An American hunter killed one witch but didn't realize there was actually a coven. We came in and took care of the foul up. Y/BFF/N must have escaped."

"So this is revenge. Against you." Arthur frowned. "It appears so." Y/S/N was staring at him. The boy's expression kept bouncing between anger, disbelief, and pain. It was obvious that he wanted to be angry with Arthur, but at the same time, he found it difficult. After all, Arthur was his father, the father he'd dreamt of meeting his entire life. "Can you save her?" he asked in a small voice. The three older men looked at him with sympathy. "We're going to try."

Sam tracked your phone and, with a little help from Y/S/N, they were able to pinpoint the most likely location to find you. Arthur climbed into his car with Y/S/N again. This time, Y/S/N was wide awake. He was practically bouncing in his seat. Whether from excitement or fear, Arthur didn't know. He only knew that he hoped they would reach you in time. If they didn't...he shuddered at the thought.

"Mom still loves you, you know," Y/S/N said suddenly, breaking Arthur from his thoughts. "I beg your pardon?" Y/S/N smiled softly. "She hasn't said, but I can tell. She gets this weird look on her face whenever she talks about you, kind of like all dreamy and girly. It's gross, but yeah. She only gets that way when she talks to me about you. Never with her other boyfriends or anything."

Arthur shook his head. "I'm certain that's not true, Y/S/N. Your mother perhaps has some fond memories of us, but we didn't part on the best of terms." Y/S/N shrugged. "I don't know. I only know what I saw." There was silence in the car for a few moments before Y/S/N spoke again, "So, how do we save Mom?"

"The Winchesters and I will save your mother. You will remain in the car," Arthur told him firmly, cringing inwardly at the fact that he actually sounded like a father right then. "But Dad-" Arthur cut him off, telling him that under no circumstances was he to get out of the car. There was a slight tug at Arthur's heart hearing Y/S/N call him "dad". It wasn't something he'd ever thought he'd hear.

They arrived at the location and Arthur just knew they were in the right place. "Remember what I said. If anything happened to you, your mother would never forgive me," Arthur warned. He grabbed his gun along with some witch-killing bullets, and hurried after the Winchesters. As he made his way inside, Arthur found himself praying and, for the first time in a long time, he was afraid.    

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