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Sanskar ( monologue): she left. She left this house. She left ME. But why I m feeling this pain to loose her. That's what I always wanted right? Atleast till a month ago. I wanted her out of my life always since the day we got married and now she left then why can't I find peace.why I m feeling she took my peace with her. Like she took the air with her leaving me breathless. She left my heart without it's beat. My palm are turning cold and I m feeling suffocated. I can feel my eyes burning and warm tears are making its way down from my eyes. I want to wipe it harshly and not let the tear fall more. I can't cry for her. No, I don't want to cry. She can't hold the power to make me helpless. She can't hold to power to control my emotions. She is gone, but I m not happy. I m feeling miserable. Can someone please overcome this pain.
I sighed and closed my eyes. I let my cold palm ran through my face to my hair to get relax. I can still see her angelic face with my closed eyes. She was smiling to me hiding her inner pain that she always got because of me. But she always choose to be silent not saying a word against me.
Then I started getting some flashes of our moments. Our not so perfect marriage where she was only Happy but not me.. then wedding night when I behaved like a jerk and she cried. My ignorant behavior toward her, always shouting on her. Her silence, her simplicity. How hurt she was the day she saw him with a girl but he said she was his girlfriend.

" There will be someone when I will leave" she said with smile Making him shocked. He said to hurt her and she was but she tried to mask it. Days passed and he didn't know when she started affecting him so much. With her words, with her actions, with her presence. He always denied that she don't but he always got affected by her.

I always wanted a simple life with my life partner,my family and friends. That's all and life is complete but I never knew that my life will be so complicated. Swara married me forcefully but she never tried to force to accept her as my wife. She never shown her wife right over me . She never tried to impose her love on me whether she loved me a lot. And that's the question I always used to ask myself why? If she is so wrong then why she didn't do anything else. She is sometimes very confusing . But sometimes she left me amused with her patience, her care .
I m not able to decide what's wrong and what's right. Swara came in my life forcefully and in starting I thought I can manage it. Anyway I would have divorce her but as months passed things changed . Adarsh Bhai always say that I take time to understand what I actually want in my life and he is definitely right. He knows me well. With passing months, I ignored her but my anger started subsiding . I didn't realize when I started to care for her. I get habitual to see her in this room and when she go ,I become restless. And then comes a day when my anger again raise to its peak when I saw her with Samar. I m still feeling someone piercing my heart with dagger and it's bleeding. Her lies and never saying about Samar , Everytime she tried to hide I feel broken . She said she loved me then why can't she hold enough trust in me to say everything . I m still not ready to accept that she likes him or anything because her eyes can't lie . I don't know why I have so much trust in her that she can never betray me. I don't know why I feel restless when she is going far, why I feel so peace when she is in front of my eyes but this is the truth. And may be I know the reason too that I never wanted to accept but I guess I m defeated . I m forced by my heart to say that I LOVE HER.

Sanskar looked outside window :

She wished for me that may that girl make my life more beautiful whom I love but does she knew she had ruined my peace. How can my life beautiful when she in not here with me .
I , sanskar Maheshwari never loose. But today I m defeated. I m defeated by u swara. I M FALLEN FOR MY WIFE . I m fallen for u swara.
Now, I realize what were those feelings, what were those fear of loosing u . Why I got worried for u. Why I cried when I thought u were betraying me . Why I felt someone stabbing me when I saw u with samar. Why I feel getting pulled toward u .... Because I love u swara. We realize importance of someone in our life when we are going to loose them but I m gonna loose u swara. I was not ready to accept these feeling and always keep denying it but ur leaving made me realize what u r to me . What will I loose if I let u go . U r breathe , beat to my heart , peace to my mind ... U R MY LIFE..., My soul.. I can't live without u. I love u swara...

He immediately got up But suddenly he reminse something when she said he is just her infatuation and whatever she said need time to think what she want . About samar,.. all stupid talks she said before leaving ..he started getting frustrated. He nods no..

Sanskar: no, she was lying. This can't be truth. Calm down sanskar.. think..

He shut his eyes for a minute and take deep breathe.
Sanskar remembers his moments with her , he can't ignore her uneven breathe when he get close to her, her shiver when he touch her, he reminds the moment when he accidentally fell upon her.. those all things can't be lie . She was definitely lying . She never said confidently looking into his eyes to him that she don't love him. Her eyelashes were blinking continuously . And not to forget ,her moist eyes, her unexpressed emotion but can be read by him..then that kiss she initiated but when he kissed her she also reciprocated. And when he was subconsciously about to say her to stop she stopped him from saying putting her palm on his mouth like she knew he was going to stop her. she didn't want him to stop her.. why?? She would have never kissed him if there would have been anything between her and Samar. So,he is confirmed about that Samar is nothing more than friend. But then what is there that she is still hiding.

Sanskar: I don't care anything. I won't let u go now. U came in my life by ur choice but I won't give u any choice to leave me. I love u and u love me too then I don't need anything else. U r bound to me MRS. SWARA MAHESHWARI...

His lips broke into happy smile. He wiped his tear.
Sanskar:( determined) get ready to come back to me Swara.

He immediately took his car Keys and rushed out . He start the car. While driving he think about her and smile . He wish to get her back and live life with her . To have a fresh start of their married life with so much love and affection .
He stopped the car when he reached gadodia mansion really excited and happy to meet her.
Sanskar: ( monologue) I don't know how but I will do anything to take u back with me. I will apologize to u for everything I did to hurt u .

He go to main door and rang the door bell . He waited but door wasn't open . He got confused and rang the doorbell again . He was getting impatient and again rang the bell. Then the door was opened and he get relieve a bit but he frown not finding swara. It was a house maid.

Maid: oh ,hello Mr. Maheshwari..good evening. Please come inside .

Sanskar nods and he went in.
Maid: may I help u sir?
Sanskar: yeah, woh Mr. Gadodia and...
Maid: sorry sir but Mr. Gadodia had to go to New york . He had already left.

Sanskar: left?hmm.. Okay, leave it.. I m here to meet swara.. please call her.

Maid got confused.

Sanskar: what? Why r u giving this reaction. Just call my wife.

Maid: I didn't understand u sir. Actually swara ma'am is not here. She told mr. Gadodia that she will meet him directly at the airport .

Sanskar: what? Ok , she must have gone to drop him. I will go to airport then..

Maid: wait!! No sir. She also had flight with him.

Sanskar:( shocked) what??

Maid: yes sir, both had flight to Newyork .
Sanskar felt his body shook . She was going to leave this country forever?

Sanskar : no she can't leave.. no. I have to stop her.

He was about to turn around and go out but he heard maid.

Maid: sir, I don't think it will be useful Because the flight was of 8:30 p.m. and it's already 9.00 p.m.

Sanskar look at his watch and he got numb . He think about swara . He still wasn't able to believe she left him. He came out of mansion not caring whatever maid was saying . He think a bit then call airport enquiry, just in case flight got delayed or something. But his hope also got broken when he came to know that flight of newyork had already took off.

Sanskar shut his eyes feeling so much pain . He was rooted to his place and look down to the bare ground feeling emptiness inside his heart. Thinking about her.
Then only his phone rings . He take the call blankly .

Sanskar: hello..
Os.: Hello Sanskar, it's shreya .
Sanskar: hmm Shreya? Say..
Shreya: I m sorry, I couldn't call u. I had to go urgently and there was no network so I could not talk to u.
Sanskar: um, that's okay.. Shreya I will call u back. I m not feeling well.

Shreya: wait sanskar ,u seems sad, is swara okay? I know u must be worried about her. I just hope she will be fine soon. Don't worry okay?

Sanskar who was not his sense suddenly got alert yet confused about Shreya ,whatever she was saying.

Sanskar: what? What r u talking about?
Shreya : what do u mean? Aren't u worried that she is suffering from CANCER.

Now it was like someone dropped bomb on him. He felt the ground escaped beneath his fear.

Sanskar: WHAT THE HELL SHREYA!! JUST SHUT UP!!. How can u say like this?

Shreya: but that's the truth . U don't know anything? I already sent u her report. Didn't u saw that?

Sanskar: I saw that Shreya and her blood report was normal.

Shreya: what?no way sanskar.. there must be some misunderstanding . I personally saw the report and thought to talk to u directly but I had to go due to emergency . And I told my staff to send it to u . Why will i lie to u sanskar. It's truth.

Sanskar: no, Shreya. This can't be the truth . U r lying right? Please for god shake stop this non sense . Just tell me she is fine.. she is not suffering from... No.. just stop it.

Shreya : I m really sorry sanskar. But that is the truth. I know it's too difficult to accept.

Sanskar fell on his knees not knowing what to do. His mind was not in his sense . Why his world is shattering more and more with each passing seconds.. His mind roamed around few incidents.. she was hiding something.. was this the actual truth she was hiding. She was hiding her disease from him.

Shreya: but how u got wrong report that everything is normal? sanskar,.. sanskar.. are u there..?

Sanskar come into his sense . His eyes were teary but face was stern.
Sanskar: are u in hospital Shreya?
Shreya: yeah, I m about to leave.. why?
Sanskar: be there. I m coming.
Shreya: what ??but why?
Sanskar: I think DR. SAMAR needs to spill some answers.
Shreya: Dr. Samar? How do u know him?
Sanskar: I really want to know how and why did he changed the report? Why did swara hide it from me and why he helped her..?

Shreya: what!!.. hello.. hello Sanskar..

The call was already cut and sanskar sat inside car and drove rashly. He was crying but his was red due to anger . He was broken. He was getting flashes of her face, her beautiful smile..

As soon as he reached hospital, he rushed inside angrily. He directly go to the floor where Samar cabin was. Shreya saw him rushing upstairs.. she called him but he didn't listened anything and go. Shreya also run behind him while few people were looking at them.
Sanskar go to Dr. Samar cabin . He was about to enter but a ward boy tried to stop him. Sanskar pushed him aside in anger and entered inside with bang .
Samar who was having look on some report immediately stand up from his chair in shock as he find Sanskar in his cabin very furious . Before he could understand anything, sanskar come to him. He gave a tight smack on his face and hold his collar..

Samar: sanskar..

Sanskar: what happened to my wife? Why did u hide it from me, her husband? U were also helping her to hide all this right? U changed the report? Why?? Tell me or I m gonna make sure ,u loose everything u have..

Samar : sanskar, listen to me..
Shreya come following sanskar and shocked to see the scenario. She immediately tried to separate him from samar.
Shreya: sanskar.. leave him. Sanskar!!

She sperate him and pushed sanskar away from Samar.
Sanskar: stay out Shreya, I don't know what I will do to this guy.
Shreya: sanskar, u r reacting on basis of assumptions.. why will he do like that . Why will he change the report? He don't even know swara.

Sanskar: Because I know he did it. He know swara well.

Shreya: sanskar..
Samar: he is right. I changed swara's blood report.
Shreya look at him shocked..

Shreya: what? How can u do that dr. Samar?
Samar: I m sorry Shreya but i did that to help swara. She wanted that reports should not reach sanskar and that's why when ur staff was going to post I took it for casual checking and exchanged it.
Shreya:( angry) it's against the rule Dr. How can u take a patient life so casually?
Samar: I never took her casually. She is my patient and I know everything about her. I know she is suffering from ...( Look at sanskar and take a deep breathe) cancer.. and I did whatever swara told me. I helped her as my friend..

Sanskar: why she wanted to hide that? Why she didn't want me to know about her?

Samar: because of her stubbornness . She never wanted that u feel pity on her.

Sanskar: what? I don't believe this. I always felt swara was hiding something from me and she lied to me . She can't do that just because she don't want me to sympathize with her . I have every right to know about her. She is my wife DAMN IT!! How can she do this to me.

Samar: but u never accepted her as ur wife so just shut up sanskar . She was ur UNWANTED wife which was forced on u . She almost forced u in this marriage Because of her one WISH!!

Sanskar: wish? What else is still hidden Samar. Just tell me . It's frustrating me now.

Samar: I will tell u Everything.
Swara was very cheerful , bubbly girl . After she completed her study she went to tour before joining his father's business but after few days of her joining.. one day she came to know that she is suffering from cancer. I only came to know about it first and then I told shekhar uncle and swara . Shekhar uncle was totally broken . Swara was also breaking every moments but was never hopeless . She made a list of wishes she wanted to complete before she..... And you were her last wish.

Sanskar: last wish?

Samar: yes sanskar swara loved u since the first time she saw in his dad office. She was crazy about u . She thought one day u will also start loving her when u will meet her, know her . But she saw her dreams getting shattered when she came to know about her disease . She fulfilled her every wish but was loosing hope that will she ever get u? And then shekhar uncle came to know about her last wish . She broke down in front of her dad and told that she want to marry u whether for some days . But she wanted to spend few days of her remaining life with u. Shekhar uncle wanted to took her new York for better treatment but due to Swara's wish he agreed one condition that starting treatment will be done here and for further surgeries she will have to go newyork. Swara agreed . She knew that u will anyway won't accept her as wife because u were forced in this relationship . And neither she wanted u to accept her . Then after divorce she will go to New York . But she didn't have any idea that she had to leave soon . She was broken when she came to know that but she had to go .

You must be thinking, why she didn't told u all this, at the time of marriage . Atleast u would not have behaved rudely with her . U must be feeling guilty that girl who was already suffering u make her suffer more but it's not totally ur fault sanskar. It's Swara's too . She didn't wanted u generate any kind of feeling for her. Whether it's guilt, sympathy,like or LOVE . She was fine with that u hate her thinking it will be perfect for her to go without letting u know anything .
She thought everything will be go accordingly as she planned but she started noticing ur behavior . She told me that ur behavior was changing toward her and sometimes she find some emotions that she can't let develop for her . U started care for her. With that ,swara started feeling worried . That day when Shreya took the blood sample even after swara denied to have blood test. She knew that Shreya will know about her disease so she told me do something so that the reports doesn't reach u . And I m sorry I had to do that .
And yeah, that day when u came to hospital and saw her in my cabin . She already knew u were her as she came to know u must come to check her. And whatever she did was all drama . I know u were hurt with that but I can say that she was hurt too .
She thought u will misunderstand her and that will her way to go . But u didn't ask anything about hospital to Swara . Swara got confirmed that ur belief on her was rising but was helpless to do anything . But when u confronted her . She could easily clear ur doubt but she didn't and use the situation in her favour to go away . I know she must have blabbered stupid things about her ,her life ,love.. confusion but please don't believe all that sh**. U believe her now also ,I can see that . She did all that just that u don't fall for her and hate her . she will live her few days with u and then leave silently . She thought that if u will love her and if she .... ( Didn't said word). She thought u won't be able to move on after that. She just didn't wanted u to fall in love with her.

Sanskar: ( with teary eyes and hurt face ) but she failed to do that because I m already fallen in love with her .

Samar and Shreya look at him. Samar already felt that sanskar love swara and he told this swara also.

Sanskar thinks about few incidents when she started to feel dizzy.. And rests.. when he saw her nose bleeding , when she was coughing. which she immediately hide and always made excuse..Her denial to have blood test.

Sanskar:( think something and ask in stern tone) how can it be done?I m her husband and without my knowledge it's all happening? My wife was going under treatment and I have no clue . How can u do this? Doesn't my consent or any signatures required before doing anything?

Shreya: sanskar is right Samar . It's against hospital rule . U can't do anything just like that .

Samar: I know but swara's treatment started when she didn't marry u and after that swara told to continue like that only. So, in medical profile and reports.. she is still swara gadodia and it's just needed her father's sign to continue her treatment. Not urs. And I did like that only .

Shreya: how can u do this Samar? U were compromising ur job for just helping ur friend but u should remember u r a doctor . U should have kept ur personal life away from professional life . U just wait, I will file complain against u to hospital authority.

Shreya was about to go . But sanskar stopped her.
Sanskar: no Shreya..
Shreya: what? U r stopping me?
Sanskar: if u would have been swara's friend and doing her treatment also what u would have done?

Shreya get shocked.

Sanskar: he is wrong but not totally. He just helped swara for whatever she said . It must be equally difficult for him.

Sanskar: how is she?

Samar:( look down) we just can hope she gets fine but chances are very low.

Sanskar: how much?

Samar: only 10-15%.. sanskar,She needs strength to support herself. She might be strong but she is too soft from heart. She is trying to face it and fight but inside she scared too . I know it's u who can be that support for her. I always told her to listen to me and tell u Everything but she never heard me.
I tried to make her understand no. Of times that she should tell everything to u . U must not be kept in darkness but she never listened . She was always stubborn . ( Sad laugh) I used to irritate and tease her that she will get a husband who wont give a damn to her stubbornness . And I know u r perfect guy for her who can knock some sense in her stupid brain .

Sanskar: You know Samar, whatever swara did may be wrong but Still she said one thing right that I won't be able to move on but u know what I won't need that . I will bring her back in my life whether her survival rate is 10 - 15% . She can't leave like that . I won't let her go . ATLEAST NOT WITHOUT ME!! She might be stubborn but I will make sure that she won't be able to hide any single thing from me afterwards.

Saying this he came out of Samar cabin . Samar and Shreya were stay rooted in their place. Samar sighs.

Sanskar sat inside the car,then took his phone. He called his p.a.

Sanskar: book my first flight to New York .
P.a.: but sir, it's midnight already . U can go tomorrow ...
Sanskar: just do what I said DAMN IT!! Or u don't need to show ur face again in mm industries.
PA.: Sorry sir.. I will do it and inform u timing.

Sanskar cut the call . He closed his eyes and tear fell from his eye . Then he started crying leaning down to steering trying to overcome his pain. He was questioning himself just one thing " how can she do this to me".
A moment later he composed himself and wiped his tear with determined look. He knows he can't break like this. He need to be strong for her.

Screen freezes on his determined face.

To be continued..

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