Chapter 8

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He's practically 90% leg.


2D closed the window behind him and dusted himself off. 2D lent me his hand. I took his hand as he helped me up. I stood up and went to turn on the lights so I could actually, I dunno, see? As the light turned on, I noticed that 2D winced at the sudden brightness. He must've been outside in the dark for quite a while.

I looked at his face carefully and noticed that the hand print on his face was almost completely faded, seeing as it wasn't bright red anymore; you wouldn't notice it on a galloping pony. But what I also noticed was the light tear stains that trailed from his void-like eyes down to his jaw. I have to pretend that I didn't know what happened. My brows furrowed as I put a concerned look on my face.

"Hey, are you alright? Did something happen?" I asked, pretending I didn't already know. "Oh, it's nuffin'. I'm surprised you couldn't hear it." 2D rubbed his neck and looked away, avoiding eye contact. Little does he know. "What happened, 2D?" I demandingly asked, the question sounding more like a statement. "It was just another stupid arguement with tha' old pickle, Murdoc." 2D said quietly. I scanned his face once more.

"It doesn't look like it was 'just another arguement.'" I stated bluntly. 2D looked up at me. "It wasn't."

I looked down, feeling guilty for interrogating him, especially since I already know what happened. Our friendship can't be built on lies, I won't allow that.

"2D, I know what happened." I responded softly. 2D had a look on his face that looked like a mixture of shock and confusion. The look on his face basically said "Explain. Now." I sighed and looked into his eyes—those dark, seemingly endless eyes and spoke once more. "I lied to you. I know what happened, 2D. I was listening the whole time."

At this point, 2D was dumbfounded. The astonished look on his face told me that he was having trouble processing this. I sighed to myself and examined his handsome face. How can this man continue to be so beautiful; even during times of depression and dismay? I feel guilty for having these thoughts at such a time.

"Yew didn't have to lie to me, y'know." 2D grumbled. "I know. I'm really sorry. I just... I didn't want you to think I was some weird stalker, and now that I say it out loud, I realize how selfish it was. I forced you to tell me about something you weren't comfortable talking about yet in order to avoid embarrassement..." I said apologetically. I'm not sure if I can forgive myself right now. Even after apologizing, 2D still looks a bit upset with me. I'd be mad at me too.

"(Y/N), yew should know by now that I'm just a big pushover. I really care about you even though we haven't known each other for very long. I'm still upset with you for lying to me like that, but I'm still your friend." 2D sighed dissaprovingly. "What? What are you talking about?" I questioned. 2D wrapped his arms around me, and I was enveloped in his warm, calming embrace. "What are you doing? You're supposed to be mad at me and hate me, or something!" I exclaimed as 2D ran his long fingers through my (H/C) hair. 2D paused and knelt to my level as his hands gripped my shoulders. He had a serious, stern expression on his face.

"I could never hate yew, (Y/N)."


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