A Dreadful Sorrow

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The path leading all the way out towards Aiko was out of the soul society and made Rukia and Renji follow him outside of it. It was already dark out and Aiko was leading a path very strange and back and forth like, just like a snake.

Rukia stopped Renji in his tracks. "I think we're going into a trap. He might know were following him."

"Rukia don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."

Her eyes narrowed in nervousness. "But Renji he when out into the woods were hollows are mostly located at, it's very dangerous."

"Listen, I'll watch from the branch of the trees. The trees are high enough for anyone to have send an attack from the ground would make the person in the tree dodge it easily."

"Alright... just be safe."

Renji smirked and kissed her quickly. "I will be."

He flashed-step up the tree and looked around, everything was covered in branches and the trees on the top were pure white from lack of water. Everything was deadly quiet for a hollow forest.

"Were is that sliver eyed traitor?"

"I wouldn't talk about people like that if I were you."

Renji twirled around and stood only a foot away from him, at his leg was a long and pure white snake with a hollows mask on it.

"Auki ni michinita, hamono naito"

Before in a blink of an eye, all Renji saw was fangs and Rukia screaming his name out towards him....


Ichigo's sweet scent made you stay awake as since Renji was gone from the office and hasn't been seen since Ichigo has been asking around. When looking at the blood stained carpet you winced, metal and physically wanted to burn up the rug and acted like it was never there.

Rangiku came in running and hugged you, hot tears spilled on your forehead as Rangiku sobbed loudly. "Y-You had me scared! D-Don't ever do something like that again!"

"R-Rangiku" You shouted and pulled away from her huge chest, "I didn't let that happen to me! Someone poisoned my tea!"

"Whoever that is I'm going to hurt them! No one hurts my friends!"

You smiled and hugged her, having your face away from her chest. "Thanks Rangiku."

"HEY! MAKE WAY!" A voice shouted outside.

Rangiku, curious as always, when outside and gasped, holding her hand up to her mouth. You went out and saw Rukia carrying a bloody Renji over her shoulder. He looked almost lifeless as Rukia's face was covered in tears and blood.


Some people came by and help Renji off of Rukia. The leader of squad four let her assistants took Renji away as she talked to Rukia. She broke down crying as Ichigo ran to her side. He shouted something at her as she just sobbed more.

You ran up and helped Rukia be taken away to a healing room. Once Rukia was given one you turned to Ichigo. "What the hell happened?"

Ichigo sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Rukia shouted to me something about Aiko before breaking down. I've never seen her like this before. It's hurting me to see her in so much pain..."

"Do you think it was Aiko?" You speak up, "Maybe someone is or isn't posing as Aiko and were getting the wrong guy. Whatever is going on I'm still scared about this..."

Ichigo wrapped an arm around you. "Don't be scared. They told me Renji would be fine and suck the poison out."

"All I saw was blood. Where did he really get bit?"

His face when pale. "On the right side of his face. I saw tiny holes and green around them as they took him away."

Grief crashed down on you as you gave out a sob. "This is all my fault..."

"(y/n) stop." Ichigo urged on you, "This isn't your fault. Aiko is the blame, maybe he isn't but who knows. You're not the one to be at blame, don't ever think this was your fault."

"But... ever since I came here Aiko appeared along with us. Everyone is giving me dirty looks anyways..."

"When have they done that?"

"T-They haven't... but I can feel them judging me..."

"Don't worry about them. If anyone is blaming you for this then I'll kick their ass. Hey," He gently grabbed you chin and had you look into his eyes. "I love you. Why don't you help Rukia calm down? I'll check up on Renji."

"A-Alright... Love you too."

Ichigo smiled and kissed you quickly before walking off. It was quiet in Rukia's room as you opened up the screen door. She was cleaned of blood and stared at the celling with longing eyes. "Who's their...?"


Rukia looked down and began to cry again. "Oh (y/n)... it was horrible!"

"Its okay, Rukia"

You hugged her as she broke out into a huge sob. It made her body shake with sadness along her heart barley holding on by a threat. Rage build inside you as Aiko was the one who did this...

"Rukia you said it was Aiko. What did he do to Renji?"

She pulled back and wiped the tears away from her puffy red eyes. "R-Renji told me to say behind while looking into the forest where the hollows usually are. I-I wanted to go with, be he took off. A shadow from the ground flashed - stepped up and I saw it was Aiko. I couldn't scream because I knew he wouldn't hear me from where I was."

She paused and took a shaky breath. "I-I flashed-stepped after to him to yell at him to dodge but I was too late as the snake bit onto the side of his face. Renji roared in pain as he grabbed the snake and ripped it from his face, snapping it in half. Aiko I guess got mad a-and charged at me... but he was too fast for me to dodge... s-so Renji got into front of me and took the slash to the chest... now he was two injuries... one from protecting me... Aiko ran away afterwards now no one knows where he is..."

Rukia began to cry again as you patted her back and let her cry in your arms. All your anger was to Aiko, how he could hurt everyone you loved and had it affect you deeply inside your soul.

"Rukia I will be right back. Ichigo told me Renji will live, so don't cry over him. He would want you be strong for him. Understand?"

Rukia nodded and held her head high. "Y-Yes..."

You gave her one last hug before leaving squad four healing center. A tiny pair of running footsteps caught your attention as clean black hair and beautiful ruby eyes came from the little kid.

"Hitomu!" You smiled and picked him up, "What are you doing running around?"

"Ahh well Mister Ukitake wasn't in his office and I found candy! I was hungry and ate some! Now I'm all hyper!!!"

It was true, the kid in the past weeks hasn't had his rib cage showing through his kinomo. The hollowness of his face was filled with health. He glowed with energy and life, making a small smile appear on your face.

"Hitomu, you know you're not to eat Ukitake's candy."

He giggled cutely and swung his feet. "It's good candy though! I love it! It even makes me happy! Heheh!"

A laugh escaped your throat as you ruffled his hair. "You're just too cute. Hey, do you remember were Aiko when to?"

He pondered off in thoughts. "Hmmm... last night he was moving really fast! Along with a short girl and a red haired guy with pineapple hair going after him!"

The mention of Renji made your heart sank a bit. He was injured and almost dead because of you. Sure it was his choice to go after Aiko, but him taking half his work hours and dating hours to help out with your paperwork. You would find a way to repay him, no matter what.

"Thanks Hitomu, go back to Ukitake for me okay? Cheer him up with your happiness."

Hitomu nodded and ran back towards Ukitake's office. You giggled at his cute walk and when back into your office. It was filled with paperwork airplanes and Rangiku threw them.

"There you are. I thought you were dead."

"RANGIKU!" You scolded and started picking up the papers. "You can't just make airplanes of my work!"

"Sorry hon. Say, I just wanted to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Rangiku ran a loud sigh and leaned back in your chair. "The way Rukia reacted remind me the way Gin died... I was so depressed I thought I would never escape my pit of darkness. He didn't leave me anything to remember much about him which I loved and hated about him... I just hope Ichigo and you make your relationship work together. I don't want you to experience the pain of losing someone you love..."

Her gray eyes glossed in the window light as a single tear ran down her cheek. You smiled and took in her words of wisdom. A woman like her was strong... it was beautiful.

"Thank you, Rangiku."

A bright smile lit up her features. "On the brighter note wanna go drinking?"

You growled a pen at her which she dodge while laughing. "SHUT UP RANGIKU!"


The lunch bell rang as you looked around to not find Rukia or Aiko. It was going to be a boring lunch but you would live with it as you sat at the same table as before and started eating. Rangiku was forced to work on paperwork with her captain watching her, and Momo was helping Rukia well better.

It was a blessing to know Momo had that kindness to help others, it was like a miracle it was when they said Rukia was almost to herself. Her brother was on a mission but coming back once hearing the news. Loud laughing broke out of your thoughts as you looked over to a group of squad eleven people snickering about you.

A growl came from your throat as you stood up and walked over to the table. "What's so funny?"

The one who started the laughing looked up at you. "Nothing, the back luck around here wouldn't know humor."

The guys chuckled as you growled and curled your hand into a fist. "Take that back, you idiot."

"Looks like someone isn't good at comebacks, but they are at killing people!"

Everyone laughed as something inside you jumped in and punched the guy in the face. He cried out in pain, but you weren't finished and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt then head butting him hard. Blood ran down his head as you pulled back to punch him again, but one of the guys threw you back and pinned you down.

You snarled at them and kicked and screamed at them. "LET ME GO! LET ME FUCKING KILL HIM!"

Someone cut you off by stomping on your stomach. It hurt like hell as you gasped in pain and the guy you punched smirked as he stared down at you. "Looks like someone is gonna get a beating too."

White spots came in your vision when he punched you straight in the stomach. The others cheered while other people cried out to them to stop. They didn't listen as they kept kicking and punching everywhere they can.

Blood dripped down the side of your face as the pain was everywhere. A girl pushed her way in and tried dragging you out, but the other guys pushed her away. He was about to make the final blow, but a strong hand grabbed his wrist and twisted it along with a painful sound.

The guy cried out in pain as the other guys ran away while orange hair came into your vision. The girls helped you up and started using kido to heal your bruises.


The guy shook his head and ran out of there. The girl worked her magic quickly as Ichigo came over to you. "Are you alright?"

"A-A little lightheaded... but fine."

Once the girls finished their work Ichigo thanked them and took you back to his office. You cried out in anger and threw the pen across the room. "I'm too damn weak!"

A sob broke out of your chest as Ichigo ran over and hugged you. "(y/n) you're not weak. It was one against ten and I fixed it."

"Y-You fixed it but my pride can't be fixed!"

"Forget about your damn pride (y/n)!"

"It isn't that easy!"


He accidentally grabbed your chin too hard but made it up by rubbing his thumb over the spot while staring into your eyes. "You're not weak. If you were weak you wouldn't be able to withstand all the paperwork or duty you have on your hands. Strength doesn't matter when it comes from power, it comes from the soul and how it affects you. Don't let those damn idiots words get in your way."

A snot escaped your nose but you sniffed it up in time. "T-Thanks Ichigo..."

He smiled and hugged you. "You're welcome. Just know I'm always here for you."

You nodded and embraced his hug. It was something about his warm hug that could help you feel better within the minute. His soul seemed to mix inside yours, warming it and comforting it too help it feel better. A small smile appeared on your lips just when Ichigo pulled back.

He cupped the sides of your face, leaning it closer and closer to your lips. He just about grazed it when a scream sounding like a little kid was heard. Ichigo stopped and looked outside, his eyes widen and yelling to stop.

You followed after and only to have your soul in pure rage. It was Aiko holding his zanpakuto against Hitmou's neck. A thin line of blood was drawn as a single drop fell down on the ground. You growled and pulled out your zanpakuto, only for Aiko to draw it closer to his neck.

"Take a step forward and I end this kid's life, all because of you."

His eyes were a hard silver and glinted with blood thirst. Hitmou was crying as your heart cried out towards him. "Take a step back." He repeated."

"Aiko why are you doing this?!"

"If you hurt the kid I'm going to kill you..." Ichigo snarled at him.

"BECUASE OF YOU! I'M SICK OF THESE FIVE MONTHS PRENDING AND NEEDING YOUR BLOOD!" He panted and held Hitomu closer to him, "Give me your blood."

Hesitated, you stopped yourself. "Why do you need my blood?"

His laugh echoed inside your skull, "Because of the powers inside you... I need it all to myself..."

"Then I'll give you my blood, just don't kill Hitmou!"

"Oh I won't"

"Don't!" Hitmou cried out, "He's lying! I can feel it!"

"SHUT UP!" He stabbed at his shoulder and pulled it out to come back at his neck. Hitomu didn't scream but his ruby eyes were filled with tears.

Anger seared through you as you held your zanpakuto and cut open your wrist. You could feel Ichigo didn't like this, but this was your choice. It burned when it happened as you handed the blood and let it drop on Aiko's hand.

Everything in the last moment was a blur. Aiko venomous smile as he cut opened Hitmou's neck. The light in Hitmou's eyes disappeared as you screamed and charged at him. Aiko couldn't dodge the attack as you slashed right down his face, giving him a nasty scar.

He hissed in pain and backed up and opened a portal. Blind by rage you when after him as Ichigo called out your name, but you didn't look back as the area was all covered in seas of sand and a single crescent moon in the distant...

Auki ni michinita hamono naito = Vemous, Edged Night

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