Dreams Of Foretold

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Renji's P.O.V

"Ugh... I can't believe I have to do twice the stack of paperwork now... but it's for (y/n) so I'll just do this once for her." Renji mumbled to himself while stubbing into the office.

Aiko was there and working on paperwork. Everything was a mess as his hair was messed up to his clothes being all wrinkled. It wasn't a pretty sight but he didn't seem to notice me when I came in. Hmm... Maybe if I make tea he'll notice me.

I come back later with some tea and set it on his desk, but still he didn't do anything about it. "Are you kidding me? How can one person be so into paperwork? It's been two weeks in here and this is the first time me and this guy have met..."

"Hmmm? Who are you?" The guy finally looked up from his paperwork, his sliver eyes looking deadpanned.

"I'm Renji, the replacement of (y/n) until she's ready to go back into work."

"Oh!" He exclaimed and breathed deeply in, "I'm sorry. I've been loaded with a week worth of paperwork and been the only one working on it. I haven't been getting much sleep either..."

'Only one working on it? Guess him and (y/n) have different paperwork's.' "I see. Just hand me a stack and I'll get to work on it."

Aiko nodded and handed me the loaded stack. My eyes widen at the weight this thing had, why did first division have so much paperwork?! I was staring to regret this... "Geez... I just I'll start on this now..."

The paperwork almost slid off if not for my fast relaxes. Aiko seemed to notice the tea after I started on paperwork, took a sip of it, and cringed up his nose. "Too watery."

I gritted my teeth together. "I didn't put enough tea into it."

"Oh that explains it."

"Let's just get to work..."


"Hey, Aiko, where were you when (y/n) got poisoned?"

His rose his head up. "I don't see how this is related."

"Well a soul reaper said you were delivering paperwork and people who do that have to go back to their office. When Ichigo arrived he didn't see you anywhere or did anyone else."

He pushed his tea aside as he looked up at me. "I was visiting with Rangiku. She bumped into me and asked if I wanted to go drinking and I said no, after that I when to the bathroom but it was full so I had to wait, afterwards I saw the office floor covered in blood and (y/n) missing."

'Damn, this guy does have this facts in order' "I see. Hmmmm... Think fast!"

Aiko caught the pen in his fingers easily. He sighed in a bored tone and put the pen down. "Why did you try throwing the pen at me?"

"Too see your reflexes!" I threw a cup at him, paper holder, pens, pencils, and even a mochi at him. Everything he caught he put on the table, perfectly fine. Steam escaped my head as I bit down the urge to yell at him. "Looks like someone has a good reflexes."

Aiko chuckled and shuffled the papers in front of him. "I honestly have the best reflexes any man can have. It's a gift really."

"Renji, are you done yet?"

My heart soar in my chest as I looked up to find Rukia. I loved the way her hair split on either end and along with her white arm coats she uses. "Almost, just talking to Aiko."

An irk mark appeared on her forehead. "Baka! You're supposed to be working on paperwork! Not chatting away!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to know Aiko better."

"It's no problem, Miss Kuchiki, Renji will be able to go soon after one more paper to sign."

Rukia nodded and stood outside. Aiko chuckled under his breath while packing up his stuff, "What's so funny?" I ask him.

"It's seems like every man is always at the rope by the woman, listening to her commanded by default. It's really funny really how she's acts towards you even though she is so small for her size."

A smile creeped onto my face. "Yeah, but it's really funny when in the house we live together when she can't reach something she asks me, but to be mean I say no and watch her jump up for it or do anything to reach it."

Aiko burst out laughing, wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh boy... well I should get going."

"Were are you going?"

Suddenly, a quick dark aura passed over him. "You don't need to know. Have a good day, Renji." He walked out quickly before I could questioned him more.

I blinked in surprise. What was that guy's problem? Maybe Ichigo was right... from the way Aiko acts sometimes it isn't hard to notice something is off about that guy one bit. I cleaned up (y/n)'s desk area, wincing when I saw the blood stain in the carpet. They hadn't been able to replace it yet since everyone around the soul society is on the edge about the poisoning. A murder could be around us and we don't know who it is, but it has to be Aiko. I've know everyone around here for years and they wouldn't do something like this, not even Rukia, even though she disliked (y/n) at first.

Rukia came inside after Aiko soon left afterwards, her eyes wide from surprise. "What happened with Aiko? When he came out he had a dark look over his face."

"I just asked where he was going and he got weird... honestly I wonder how (y/n) deals with a guy like him."

"I wonder.... Renji let's follow him."

"Are you sure that's a good thing to do?"

"It maybe are only chance to find out if he poisoned (y/n). Ichigo is really upset about this and we as his friends need to help him. I want (y/n) to have a great time in the soul society, not be living in fear every day she comes to work."

I smiled at Rukia's speech, she maybe cute, but she could always get a person to change their mind just by her powerful speech. "Alright. Let's watch where he's going. What if we don't find anything?"

"Then we watch him some more. It has to be him, I didn't like him the first time he came into this office."

"Should we get more help?"

"Hmmm... I know just the people for the help."


Warm air was the only best thing for your pale and sick body. It's been almost two weeks and you've been getting better. At first coming back home was like hell. Nauseous and dizzy spell with every moment you gave with your body.

Ichigo stayed home to take care of you which you were super grateful for. Right now he was taking a bath since he hasn't cleaned himself in a while.

Birds chirped outside getting your attention. Their wings glisten in the morning sun as their yellow talons matched their golden feathers. They sang beautifully which brought a smile to your face.

"I can't wait... for this to be over... I can... finally walk again..."

You took a slip of your water, cleaning your throat which made it better. The poisons affect was fading away, but the certain area around your neck still didn't fade away.

"Ow!" You reach for the spot. It seemed fine on the outside while inside it was burning like magma.

The chirping of the birds suddenly stopped. Turning around your heart almost stopped by itself. At the window was a snake pure as snow as its eyes shined bright yellow. It wasn't the same as the last one, but that didn't mean it wasn't dangerous.

You reach for your sword, but it was faster and strike at you. You screamed and barley dodge in time and back up to the back of the bed. The snake recoiled to go for the final kill, but a foot comes and smashes its head.

You looked up to see it was Ichigo. His orange wet hair dripped onto the ground but it found its way into the edges and sharpness in his handsome face. Ichigo relaxes after the snake disappeared like a hollow would do before checking you over. "Are you alright?"

"K-Kinda... I'm scared... what if something like that comes again..."

"I promise it won't."

Fear got the best of you as it made you broke down. Ichigo hugged you close to him, letting you to make his fresh black kimono ruined with tears. After a while you began to calm down with light hicups.

"(y/n) are you sure it was Aiko?" Ichigo randomly asks, "I'm sure it was him too but there could be someone else behind this."

"I just know its Aiko, it has to be."

Pain burst through your head with a terrible dizzy spell. You groaned and rested your head back on the pillow, closing your eyes to help the world stop spinning everywhere. Chills ran down your spine even when Ichigo gave you four blankets to sleep with. The pillow was drenched with sweat and make your hair stick to the back of your neck, making you look like you just woke up from an undersea nap.

"You need to clean up." Ichigo felt the back of your neck. "I bet you're covered in sweat."

"I-I'll try... I just need... help with... getting cleaned..."

Suddenly, Ichigo's face turned bright red with embarrassment. "Hell no! I'm not helping you clean! I'll set the bath and help you into the room, but you can undress yourself and wash!"

A light laughter escaped you as it filled up room. Ichigo's heart jumped in joy from hearing you laugh, he hadn't seen you this happy for a while. "W-What's so funny?"

"You! Your face is cute when you're embarrassed! J-Just like a strawberry!"

Ichigo growled and helped you up. "Just get going before I leave you in their without a towel."

"Yes, my strawberry~"


The bath was a heaven as Ichigo had slid some fresh clothes under the door. The warm bath helped with the dizziness as when you went to bend over and grabbed the clothing you didn't throw up. Mouthwatering food filled up the hall as you walked with your nose to the kitchen. Lunch was ready on the table as Ichigo smiled once he saw you.

"Looks like the bath helped."


Ichigo helped you eat for fun, but after halfway through you didn't want to eat. "I'm not hungry..."

He rose an eyebrow. "But you've barley only got a third of the food. You need to eat, (y/n)."

"But I don't feel like it..."

"You're not going to bed until you eat."

"Make me."

His strong arms pulled you into his lap as he had an iron grip around you. Hitting and kicking at him didn't help at all. He was like a human wall! "Let me go!"

"Not until you eat." Ichigo sternly said.

"It's just rice!"

"Yeah! Rice that I made! You're going to eat it, like it or not."

"What if I don't like it?"

"Then live with it."

A fake tear rolled down your cheek, but Ichigo didn't buy into the act. "Just eat the damn rice. The more you eat the faster you can recover."

Sighing you did as asked and ate it. Even though you couldn't feel it, but you knew you stomach enjoyed Ichigo's rice. Tight pain coiled around your stomach, making you sick and nauseous. "I don't feel so good..."

"Your stomach is just getting use to eating so much."

"I guess..."

"Tell you what. If you promise to eat dinner tonight we'll take a walk around the garden."


"No buts, this is for your own health."


Ichigo gave you a warm smile as he helped tie your hair up with chopsticks pinning it to help you not feel warm and sweaty. Your weight leaned all against him but he didn't mind as he twined hands with you. The fresh air of the garden refreshed your soul as the seemly endless days of the poison made you dark and unhappy.

Sun light was even filling up your color again, which made Ichigo smile a tad bit. Koi jumped from their pond making you smile. Everything was just beautiful and perfect in this garden. After a while of walking you both sat down in the grass under a tree with beautiful blooming white flowers from its branches.

"Ichigo... I love you."

Ichigo smiled and pulled you closer from around his waist. "I haven't heard that in a while."

"Yeah... ever since starting soul society I've been more to myself and I feel bad about ignoring you sometimes."

"Don't feel bad. It's your job and you're doing it, unlike Rangiku who is always yelled at by Toshiro."

Rangiku and Captain Hitsugaya yelling at Rangiku in your mind made you laugh. "Hehe yeah. Their relationship is weird."

"Besides them I forgot to tell you Renji has been doing your paperwork all this week."

You looked at him with a crazy look. "What?! Do you know how much paperwork I get?! Renji must hate me!"

"Renji doesn't hate you he just hates me for tricking him into it."

"What was the deal?"

"I raise his paycheck by twenty percent for doing your paperwork."

You laughed and rested your head on his chest. "He must hate paperwork a lot now."

"I don't feel sorry for him. He did get himself into the mess."

You hummed in agreement and listened to the quiet air. From Ichigo's soft heart beat you could tell he fell asleep. A stab of pain when through you as all this two weeks Ichigo has been taking care of you. He hasn't been eating much from worried, making you a tiny bit guilty. But now he was sleeping you began to start drifting off into sleep...


The smell of iron was everywhere, even coated on the blade in front of you which was glinting in the faint light. The people who were death at your feet were the parent you've been seeing in your dreams.

"How does it feel to kill people, (y/n)?"

Aiko's voice washed over you like a haunting melody. He too was covered head to toe in blood. "It's only natural for a murder like you to kill your parents in cold blood."

"Y-you're wrong..." Your knees wouldn't stop shaking... everything even this was all wrong... you couldn't have killed your parents...

"It's time to open your eyes, (y/n). You've only seen half of the monster you really are."

"Shut up!" Anger surged through you, "I'm not a monster! You're the sick bastard who tried to kill me..."

His sliver eyes glinted across the blade's faint light. "You don't have the proof that I'm behind all those schemes. Every day you don't find the person I will enjoy every inch of pain you have."

"You're wrong! I'll fight you, Aiko. I'm stronger than you think. My friends, Ichigo, and I will take you down!"

Aiko laughed as his laughed echoed the bloody covered walls. "What an imagination you have. Don't you see, I've been watching you your whole life... even the accident with Ichigo's hollow..."

Fear washed over you. What was this? Hollowness washed over you as you mask started slowly appearing on your face. "W-Who are you...?"

"The real monster people talk in fairy tales, the one who has made your life a living hell, all because of that power inside of you..."

"Then why don't you take it!"

"Because I want to kill you first... everything your parents were.... I can take my revenge on. I've waited this moment for ages... it seems like only yesterday you were born in this world, and will destroy it by using your own power, princess."

"Then you can't have it. This hollow inside me will never bow down too you..."

"Just like what your father said to me... too bad he's already dead at your feet, just like Ichigo will be because of you~"

Blinded by anger you stabbed Aiko through the back with the sword. He gasped as blood trickled down his chin, but soon began to laugh evilly in a psychotic mater. "Soon... soon I will rise..."


"(Y/N)! WAKE UP!"

Shock jolted through you as the coldness of the grass and peaceful air were once together happy. Ichigo sighed in relief as he slacked his grip on your arm, along with his face relaxing soon afterwards as he wrap you into a hug, "You wouldn't wake up."

"I'm sorry I scared you...."

Ichigo sensed something was wrong. "Did you have a bad dream?"

You nod and told him about it. After talking about it Ichigo kissed you quickly, like a gentle breeze on an afternoon day. "Don't believe what Aiko says about you. Even if it wasn't Aiko doing all that stuff I'll still find out who's going this."

"Thank you..." You thoughtfully said with your raspy voice.

Ichigo nodded and helps you up. "I think it's time for dinner."

A low growl escapes your throat. "I'm not hungry..."

"(y/n), what did I say?"

"*sigh* Fine..."

Ichigo smiled and carried you back into the house. After dinner it was bed time as Ichigo had you snuggle up to him and curled into a ball. The faint smell of strawberries from dessert was still on him as you breathed it in, a small tear escaping your eye. "I even told you about Aiko saying I would kill you. I bet you didn't believe me, but what if it does happen..."

Suddenly his arms wrapped around your waist and pull you up close to his face. His honey brown eyes were tired but held a strong love for you. "(y/n) I know you better than yourself. Aiko is lying to you just like he is doing to everyone, don't let his words get into your head, alright?"


"Now, get some sleep because we're going to try to go back to work tomorrow."

His lips locked onto yours as he kissed you softly. Sleepiness was taking over while you kissed him, but he didn't mind as he gave you one long kiss before you fell asleep peacefully in his arms.

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