Baby Shower

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It has been five months since you been pregnant, and Ichigo had lived so far from the dangers of a pregnant woman. Rangiku planned a baby shower for you, without your permission so it was more of a forced party. People still came and brought presents which was good.

Your food craving hasn't gone down at all along with the feeling of smelling Ichigo's hair. Yes that was weird, but your senses grew stronger when you're pregnant. Momo was helping you change into a longer dress since you accidentally split chocolate milk all over it. It wasn't just a good craving you had either.

Momo giggled while she helped your arms through the dresses arm holes. "Geez (y/n), I didn't think that chocolate milk stood a chance against you."

You smiled and poked your head through the head hold. "Well I'm craving for chocolate milk and my sense just go off. It's hard to ignore them since they attack my sense of thinking."

She smiled and gently patted your belly. "Since you're five months in have you felt the baby move around yet?"

With a sigh you also rubbed your belly as well. "No. The doctor said usually it's hard to tell when the baby moves... but I should be able to feel it."

"Oh right!" She suddenly gasped, remembering something. "Have you let squad 4 see what the babies gender is yet?"

"We're not doing that. We want it to be a surprise."

Momo smiled as she knew who the other person was. "How is Ichigo handling all this?"

"Pretty good so far. His sisters and father are excited for the baby and if he's surviving then he's doing a job well done. I think he would be a great father. He had protected and helped raise his sisters when he was growing up, so I know he'll just be as good."

"Never spoken truer words." Momo gave a small smile.

"Are you guys done yet? It's time for presents!" Rangiku comes into the bedroom, drunk off her ass.

Ugh, maybe now you regretted making her the godmother. It's not that you didn't like Rangiku, but if she would get drunk a lot then that would be a problem around the baby. Now you could see why Ichigo didn't want her as the godmother, but it was already done and too late.

"Yeah, yeah we're done." You playfully sassed back.

Rangiku giggled and leaned against the doorway. "Well come on! We have cake out here!"

Cake. That called your name. As quickly as your pregnant body would let you, you rushed to the living room where a three layered cake was on the table. One side was pink for girl and the other boy, it was a game for the person to cut into which side to see which gender they thought what the baby was.

Rangiku had a pink slice while Momo had a blue slice. For you, you just cut in the center to have both a pink and blue side, now on one would fight over this.

"Alright," You said, with a mouthful of cake. "Were is my first present?"

"I'll go first." Momo handed out a small box that looked cute with tiny bells for the wrapping.

It was sad to rip away the nice wrapping but it had to be done. Inside was a raddled as one of Momo's bell from her zanpukto. It had a nice whitish sliver color to it when you see newly fallen snow falling down. When you jiggle it, it made a pretty sound of a wind chime and a calming river.

"It's so pretty... I love it!"

Momo blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Thank you, (y/n)."

"My turn!" Rangiku held out a huge box with wrappings of daisies on it. She sure had a thing with daisies. You ripped up the wrapping paper and opened it up to a crib, well kind of, it had to be put together which would be Ichigo's job.

You had been looking for a nice crib for a while as you smiled and looked at it. "I like it! I've been looking for something like this for a while."

"I know! Which is why I got it. It cost me almost half my pay check, but he/she is my godchild so I'll spoil them as much as I can!"

You laughed a bit at her worried imagination. "It's great Rangiku... also when the baby comes will you let other people hold he/she first?"

Rangiku pouted and rest a hand on her hip. "Why can't I hold the baby? Huh?"

"Well... I'm afraid you'll hog the baby all to yourself Rangiku... and not let anyone else hold the baby at all."

Momo laughed as Rangiku glared at her. "I would not! I would let other people hold the baby... when I want to give it up."

"As much as how fun that seems." Orihime chimed up. "Can you please open up my present next, (y/n)?"

She had a rather small gift but didn't matter too you as you took it with a smile. "Sure thing!"

It was just in plain wrapping paper since Orhimie came at the last minute. Inside the box was your favorite gift so far. A little plushy shaped like a strawberry. It had those weird but cute anime eyes on it too give off the effect.

"What do you think about it? Uryu helped me sew it together in one piece."

"I love it!" you chose your words carefully because of Rangiku in the room. "It's my... second favorite gift!" You hugged her close to you and whispered into her ear. "It's really my real favorite, I just don't want to say it in front of Rangiku."

Orihime smiled with a nod and let go first. "I understand." She looked at her watch and yelped in surprise. "I have to go to work!" She picked up her coat and waved goodbye while running. "Thanks for inviting me!"

"You're welcome!" You yelled back, smiling as you were glad Orihime could come at a late party notice.

Rangiku giggled and lean against the wall. "Now let's get really parting!" Her eyes when crossed-eyed as she fell down to the floor, passed out for good.

Momo helped and dragged her out of the house. "Sorry about that (y/n)! Enjoy the rest of the day!"

"You too!" When you closed the door and turned around, you realized with the huge mess behind you. "Oh well... I'm too lazy to really pick that up. Time for a nap!"

The best part about being pregnant? Napping all day long. Ichigo would make you nap because of the paperwork you have to work on in the morning. You didn't work today, but that nap still sounded so good...


(y/n) P.O.V

It was late evening it seemed when a loud sound came from the library of the house. It woke me up as I yawned and stretched the best I could, but a pregnant belly would limit you to do such things as easy as that.

Looking around the library a small, brown leather book was on the ground. Picking it up it was a bit dusty on the top, but it seemed rather new than old than the rest of the books in the library. Opening it up I recognized it was Ichigo's handwriting, inside it was like a journal.

Inside you looked at the last entry that was two months before you ever met.

xxxx/xx/xx (I don't know the real date in Bleach so it's just x's)

It's been almost two years since my powers have been gone. I can't see ghosts anymore, feel any spiritual pressure, or even feel the strength I use to have. My reflexes from battle are still there, but I missed the feeling of Zangestu in my hands, to feel his soul right next to mine in battle. Ever since the winter war things have changed for the better of everyone but me. My grades were dropping but I slowly brought them up, but I still can't find someone to love. Is it just possible I can't love? Maybe it's because of that. Whatever the reason it's killing me, along with the ability to not protect the people I love. I have always wanted to be a normal person, but now I wished I could take that back to see all my friends from the soul society again. There has to be a way my powers can come back to me, and I'll find a way if I have too.

That was the last of it as the other pages after are just blank. Ichigo had lost his powers before? I didn't know he was this sad before he met me. I now know why people tell me I changed Ichigo for the better, I helped bring life into him again.

"Oh, you're in here." Ichigo's voice suddenly came from nowhere.

I yelped in surprise and held the book behind my back. "Y-You're home early!"

His eye rose as he tried to see what was behind my back. "What do you got behind your back?"


He didn't believe me and quickly snatched the journal from my hands. His eyes quickly looked over it as he growled annoyed. "Damn it. I thought I told Renji to get rid of this."

"What do you mean? You didn't tell me you lost your powers... what was the winter war?"

Ichigo sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he explained. I regret ever asking him since his face was in deep pain, like the memories were like poison too him. He shook his head in the end and hugged me. "Don't worry about Aizen. He's locked up in prison for good."

I sighed in relief. "That's good... sorry that I asked about this. I didn't think it would cause you much pain."

He just smiled lightly and kissed my cheek. "It's alright."

"That's good. Anyways, what's for-"

I stopped as I felt the tiniest of movements. It was light and barely a second, but I did feel the baby move inside me. Ichigo gave me a puzzled look until I wordlessly put his hand on my belly, letting him feel the small kick I just felt.

"Oh my god..." Ichigo's eyes widen in joy. "That was amazing... our child is amazing."

I laughed and took him into the kitchen. "You sure are easily pleased. Now, make dinner. The baby and I are hungry."

Ichigo smiled lightly as he set the journal down on the table before starting dinner. "Yes dear."

Looking at the journal I could have just opened it up to read more, but I decide not to. If Ichigo didn't like the book then I didn't either. All what was left was five or four more months until the baby is born... and I'm excited for them to come into the world.

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