The Baby Arrives

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(y/n) P.O.V

At last it was the final month and I was due this week. It was nerve racking because I've heard about the pain of giving birth while being in labor. Ichigo promised he would be right beside me when the baby arrives... but I'm just so scared and nervous something will happen.

Rangiku helped by watching over me which was a blessing, because I could get my chocolate milk faster this way. She worked on her paperwork (for once) while she watched over me. The baby would kick once in a while making me wince in pain, but nothing I couldn't handle.

"Are you okay?" Rangiku asked while drinking some sake. "You haven't said anything and you're just lying on the couch reading."

"I'm fine. Just thinking about what will happen... the baby just kicked so I'm a bit in pain."

"I think that means you're ready. Well, I could be wrong."

My heart beat sparked up greatly. "What? I-I'm not ready!"

Tears leaked from my eyes as Rangiku rushed to my side, hugging me to her huge boobs. "Don't cry! It's just the hormones getting to you! Everything will be just alright." She faced me too her and lightly poked my belly. "If that promise doesn't come true you can drink all the sake I have in stock."

I laughed which not only brought my spirits up but hers as well. "Really? Even the special kind you have in the back?"

"All for you if you promise not to cry those pretty eyes out, alright?"

With a nod I wiped my tears away, laughing a tiny bit. "I can't believe I'm going to be a mother... it's amazing really. I never really had any thoughts of raising a child at all."

Rangiku cocked her head to the side. "Really? How come?"

"Well... my adoptive parents weren't the best around me as they let me do anything they want. If I wanted to do drugs that was okay with them, which isn't a thing a parent should let their child do. That's why I was so afraid of having a child was if my childhood came to them, then they would be stuck not knowing who their real parents were."

"Oh sweetheart, come here." Rangiku gave me her famous warm hug, filled with real love as I cried quietly in her arms. "It's okay... not everyone had the easily childhood life. Not Momo, Captain, me, you, Ichigo, or anyone else that we really know. It's what makes us stronger when we don't realize it."

"Thanks Rangiku." Ichigo's voice came from nowhere making me jump.

He stood leaning against the doorway with his captain coat on, filling him just nice and right to give the image of a captain out to him. I don't know if it was just today but his whole body was filled with happiness and joy, mostly all this week because he knew I was due around this week. Renji told me he was nervous becoming a dad, but he was mostly excited to hold our own child in his arms.

"Looks like the big man is here." Rangiku stood up and stretched. "I'll be going. Call me if you need me."

She grabbed all of her paperwork, which was almost above her head, and walked out of the room. Ichigo let her past and sat down next to me on the couch, his edges of his eyes a bit purple from the lack of sleep he was getting.

"How have you been?" He leaned against the pillows and sank right in.

"Pretty good. Baby just kicked. But... I am still nervous... what if something goes wrong?"

Ichigo yawned and grabbed both my hands. "(y/n) please, I promise you nothing will happen to the baby. It will be healthy and filled with life if you stop worrying. Stress is a bad thing for you being pregnant, so just relax."

"I'm trying alright!" I suddenly snapped at him and ripped my hand away from his grip. "Being pregnant is harder than it looks! I have these nightmares and food cravings because of my worry. Don't you say relax, DON'T YOU THINK I'VE TRIED TO RELAX? KUROSAKI? HUH? DO YOU?!"

Ichigo held the pillow in front of him as if trying to protect himself. "I get it, just don't kill me yet!"

"Yet?! I should just-"

There it was, the leak. I felt my water burst as all in a second I was filled with mixed emotions, but in bit of pain as the pain down-under was contracting and tightening up tightly. I groaned in pain as Ichigo hurried to my side.

"What happen? Are you alight?" His voice was quick and panicked over me.

"I-I think my water just broke!"

"What?!" Ichigo shouted too loud for my ear as his eyes began to widen in shock. "I-I-I what do I do?!"

"TAKE ME TO A DOCTOR!" I wince as the baby gave me a hard kick, "JUST DO IT BEFORE I KILL YOU FIRST!"

Ichigo nodded and shakily helped me to squad four. People made way for us as Captain Unohana rushed over to me, feeling my forehead and belly every few second while helping me to a wide bed. "How are you feeling with the pain?"

I grunted as another kick came. "A-A seven."

Unohana gave me a pill to take and got out all different kinds of stuff. "Labor will take some time but this pill will help with the pain. When you're ready to push I'll be in the next room."

When she left Ichigo came into the room and pulled up a chair. My breath was caught in my lungs as through all the tiredness in his eyes he was smiling through the barrier he held. "Do you want to hold my hand?"


Gently as a feather, he twined our hands together as I could feel the warmth of his hand through my cold ones. He stroked with his thumb the back of my palm while lightly touching my belly. "What do you want to name the baby?"

The thought shocked me as it never came across my mind. Rangiku asked me a month ago but I wiped her question away because I was drinking my chocolate milk down. Maybe... names that meant what the baby would grow up as.

"I have the names, but I'll tell them to you when the baby is born."

Ichigo smiled and lightly squeezed my hand. "I understand. Are you ready now?"

With Ichigo at my side I was ready for anything. "Yes."


From the early morning to late night the soul society was waiting for the news of the newborn child of the head captain. People were betting on whether it was a girl or a boy, mostly over shots of sake over course. In the waiting room waited Rukai, Renji, Rangiku, Momo, and surprisingly Toshiro, only because of Momo of course.

The door to the birthing room finally opened as Ichigo came out of it. Renji was the first to notice and jumped up from his seat. "Is the baby delivered?"

Ichigo held a proud smile. "Yes. You guys can come in but be quiet because (y/n) is asleep."

They all nodded and one by one came in, but Rangiku shoved her way in first, making Renji smack into the doorway. Ichigo glared at her and stopped her, inches from the bed. "I said make quite noise. You're going to hold the baby last."

Rangiku pouted quietly. "That's not fair!"

"Actually it is, Rangiku." Toshiro simply put as he crossed his arms.

Ichigo rolled his eyes and ignore the tiny argument in the background as he stared at you. It was the perfect scene as you held your baby boy, comfy and warm near your chest. Rukia smiled and bent down to gently poke the baby's nose.

"What's his name?"

You woke up and blinked awake, barley hearing what Rukia said. "Hitomu..."

Renji, who was rubbing his red nose, stopped in shock. "That kid who Aiko killed? You named him that?"

You nodded and gently kissed the pack of soft (y/h/c) (your hair color) on Hitomu's head. "I liked the name, and it's a way to honor him. I can feel him inside him, what a cute baby he is."

"Can I hold him?" Rukia said, but Rangiku heard and wouldn't let her get the first chance.

"Wait! Let me hold him! I'm the godmother!"

Ichigo sighed and began to shove everyone out, "Okay, It's only one at a time in here!"

After everyone left Hitomu started to wake up and wale with his new lung he found to use. With an old memory you remembered the song your real mother use to sing to you and used it on him. After the last note Hitomu fell asleep again.

Ichigo smiled and snuggled up next to you, staring and lightly playing with Hitomu's fingers. "You knew it was going to be a boy, didn't you?"

You nodded and sat up more. "Kind of. I wanted the baby to be a boy secretly so I could name him after Hitomu. But after all the paperwork I was doing the thought slipped my mind until you asked about a name."

"Well I like it. Huh, dad will be surprised. He said our child would have orange hair like me, but he managed to get your hair color."

"I'm sure he has your beautiful eyes, too."

Unohana came in with a warm and tender smile on her face. "How are you feeling? Any pain so far?"

"Just a little, but not too much."

"That's good." From her coat she gave you a bottle of milk. "I figured you were too tired to feed him the natural way, so I made some milk for him to eat... which is right now."

"Can I help?" Ichigo asked you.


You gently woke up Hitomu, who was fussy like his father after a nap, and held him up while Ichigo held the milk. Hitomu quietly drank it down again and played with Ichigo's finger, making your husband laugh.

"I didn't think babies would be this cute. Maybe... we can have another one?"

A blush came into your face as you gently began to rock your son. "Maybe sometime later. I just gave birth!"

"I know, which is why I'll wait for you to say when you're ready."

With a smile you rocked Hitomu until you got tired. Ichigo gently took him into his arms and wrapped his other arm around you, having a cute family sleep together.

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