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"Let's make a cake!"

Ichigo looked up at you through his textbook. Staring at you as if you were Kon.

"What? Bake a cake? Why?"

"Because one, I'm hungry. Two, I want to eat cake."

Ichigo put down his textbook and stood up facing you, "But I don't know how to bake a cake, (y/n). If we bake it we might just end up poisoning are self."

"I'll take that chance."

Ichigo scowled at you, "No way am I baking a bake."

Just then, you jumped onto Ichigo's back making him yelp with surprise, "PLEASE?! I promise we can bake it together! It will just be a tiny cake! Not a huge one! Just please let me eat something sweet for once in my life in a while!"

Ichigo rolled his eyes at you as he threw you down on the bed, "Can't you just eat something else?"

"No! My stomache is in the mood for a cake! Once it's mind is made up there's no turning back!"

"I think you can live without a cake."

Pouting, you poked him in the chest, "If we don't make a cake I'll make sure too not give you kisses for a whole month."

Ichigo tensed up, looking down at you with a angry smirk, "You wouldn't live long enough without mine anyways."

"Yes I would." You stated matter of factly, "I don't usually go for the first move but you seem too. Making you the one without living with my kisses!"

A irk mark appeared on Ichigo's orange hair, "Why you little!"

You giggled and ran downstairs to escape Ichigo. Unfortunately, he was faster and ending you picked up and held up high in the air.

"Fine!" Ichigo yelled while putting you down, "We'll make a damn cake!"

Your eyes sparkled with stars in them, "Yay~! I'll go start the oven!"

Ichigo smiled to himself as he wrapped an apron around himself. He gave it too you as you put it on while getting out the ingredients for a cake.

"First, A cup of flour!"

Ichigo and you both went for the flour. Your hands collided with each other as the flour spilled out onto the both of you.

Ichigo laughed while you groaned at the mess.

"Great! Now I'm covered in it!"

"Hey!" Ichigo said through his laugh, "You wanted to make a cake. Well here ya go!"

You growls and threw some flour at his face, "Only beacuse I'm hungry!"

Some flour when up into Ichigo's nose as he sneezed. The flour maked his face all powdery white while you laughed at him.

Ichigo growled back as he hugged you too him. You yelp, banging and pounding at him too let you go. Once he did flour was all over you. In the face, some in the hair, and on your clothes.

"Oh now you wanna play it ruff?!"

You threw more flour at him as Ichigo laughed and threw some back. Later the kitchen became a floury mess.

Once after the flour fight, you finished making the cake mix and put it into the oven. Watching it rise as time when by.

"How much longer?!" You groaned while slump against the counter top.

"Just be patient and wait for the cake."

"Hmmmm. Fine."

You sat on Ichigo's lap as Ichigo smiled. He pulled you close to him as he lightly kissed you, "I love you~"

You smiled and kisses him back. "I love you too~"

Ichigo smiled as he nip at your ears. You giggled while playing with his hair and kissed him. It lasted for a while until a ding could be hear.

You jumped up in joy and putted the cake out. The crust was golden, meaning perfect.

"I'll test it first!" You grabbed a fork and started eating it, "This is pretty good."

Ichigo took a bite too and nodded with approval, "Yep, but not as sweet as you are~"

You smiled and kissed him again. But this time tasting like (f/f).

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