Birthright (Part 2)

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That moment when before the dagger was thrust into (y/n), her eyes held an innocents that I longed to save. She never deserved any of this, all she was doing was being a girl and knew nothing about her family line.

When the dagger opened up the scar I gave her, I felt the stab inside me. All the breath I had in me came out as I could barely hear her whisper, it was faint enough to make myself cry just a single tear as I felt it run down my cheek.

"I-I... love... y-you... Ich..."

Her eyes faded quickly from the light I loved to see them in. They turned into lifeless orbs I was used to seeing and was sick of it. Even if she barley said my name I felt my own sadness turning into something deep and dark.

Something inside me snapped, like a single line pulling at me as I let out a loud scream. My sense of being was melting away as I felt my hollow take over. I heard my hollow laughing as my hole formed again inside my chest.

I didn't care anymore. (y/n) was gone and I would and will get revenge. Watch as Aiko's blood spill at my feet as I stab him where he stabbed my (y/n). That's all I wanted to do... kill Aiko... kill the one who took my love away from me...

My lasts thoughts were of (y/n). Her kind smile and the way she lit up my world with just her crazy mind. The way her nose twitches cutely when she sleeps. All of that was taken away from me, and I will get it back no matter what, even if it meant I had to die for it.

I let the darkness take over and have my hollow come into action. All I wished for was for the pain to end. In my stomach and we're my heart was, when the line was cut into two...


"Bankai... Naitomea, ketsueki kage no tasogare."

The moment I said my Bankai the shadows of everything living thing bended at my will. The power was incredible, for I could feel people aura's in their shadows. I had the will to shape the darkness inside a person and control it with ease.

Shadows are a part of us. Their just the quiet part were we hide are darkness from people. It's why they don't talk and only come out in the light so people can see and be remind that with even the purest of things, light always revealed the darkest parts of it.

Feeling from the grip I didn't even know to tell my zanpakuto had changed. It was the purest black of the midnight moon along with the top of the blade being a long single streak of red. Not only could I feel shadows, but I could feel blood.

Ichigo howled at the top of his lungs and grabbed Aiko by his face, blasting a cero in close rang. Aiko jumped in time and slashed Ichigo's shoulder, but Ichigo just took it and grabbed Aiko face, throwing him into a white column. He let out a loud roar that even shook the sand of Hueco Mundo. Looking at Ichigo I now know he was lost in madness already...

'How can I return him back to normal...? He is like a mindless beast inside.'

Aiko growled in pain as he grabbed at his zanpukto, he managed to cut off one of Ichigo's arms. I screamed in horror, but Ichigo quickly replaced it as another arm grew ready to use. It was still forming, but he slammed Aiko pretty hard into the sands with his new arm.

The battle was an odd level with Aiko being king of hollows, but not for long as I was going to take the title. I know the snake inside him was controlling him, but I need to find a way to kill it without killing my uncle in the process.

"AIKO!" I shouted towards him while clashing swords together, "Tell me, were is the snake inside of you?"

His silver eyes grew pure metal like. When he opened his mouth his tongue spoke in the way of a snake. "Kill her!"

A red flash lit up inside Aiko's eyes as he pushed me back hard to slash at my arm, but I remembered my powers and focused on his shadow. He stopped midair, all his strength into his zanpukto as it shook violently in the air. A red light caught my attention as I gasped and barley dodged in time from the cero.

Aiko took the blast and took it, shaking with rage along with being tired from blocking the cero attack. His knees buckled under him as he face planned into the sand, his back rising up and down fast.

Hollow Ichigo stared at me with a deadly expression. He growled under his breath each time I took a step towards him. I could feel Ichigo inside. He was asleep while letting the madness succumb him slowly.

"Ichigo... are you their? I want to help you. It's me, (y/n)."

Ichigo was less tensed up when I said my name. In the shadows I could feel his sanity coming back slowly when I told him my name. To take a long step I reached out my hand towards him. "I promise you, it's me."

The hollow hesitated as I touched its long horn. Looking up at its pure black eyes I couldn't tell if it was comfortable with me touching it. After a minute of staring I went to touch its hollow hole, but suddenly it screamed and charged at me.

Freezing up in shock I could do nothing but watch as hollow Ichigo pull me back as it took the stab in the chest for me. Aiko cursed under his breath while taking his zanpukto out from Ichigo hollow hole.

Fear rose inside as I screamed when a black energy filled up his hollow hole. Ichigo stopped moving and with a sickening thud Ichigo collapse for Aiko had stabbed him inside his hollow hole. Aiko's smile turned into a sick, twisted foul smirk.

"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed and clashed sword with him.

He only laughed and watched as the sparks made a tiny firework for us. "BASTARD I AM! COME AND GET ME BEFORE I SEND YOU TO DEATH AGAIN!"

All the hate, rage, and resentment gathered up inside my sword as it was held the darkness together like waves. In a blink of an eye I was punched backwards and throw into the sand. Groaning in pain I stood up and blinked awake, the snake was outside of Aiko and coiled around his neck.

'(y/n), you have to stab were the snake is, it's are only chance at not only killing it but freeing Aiko.' Akumu whispered inside my head.

'Got it, but will... Ichigo come back to us when I do free him?'

'I do not know, but Aiko will not stop to rest when he will battle you. Remember what I told you, I will always be at your side.'

A small smile appeared on my face as I grip my handle, letting the darkness seep out. 'I know Akumu, I now know the right between good and evil with powers of darkness.'

"SSSSSTOP SSSSTANDING AROUND AND FIGHT ME!" Aiko let out a sword slash of red power.

I dodged it and threw my waves of darkness at him. He took it like a man and laughed at the strong water crushing his breath. Strong hands held my sword as I looked up to see Akumu standing with me.

"Now, focus on his blood. It's the way to make him not focused when he will attack you."

Suddenly the waves disappeared as Aiko flash-stepped over to me. I gasped and barley clashed sword with him in time as with Akumu's strength I gave it enough power to send him flying back. Aiko howled with rage as he crashed into the same white column.

His shadow began to change shape as I looked to see his skin changing into a snake skin. "What are ssssso afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"Oh, but before I thrusted the dagger into you your eyes were filled with fear. I almost wanted to let you live and enjoy the fear that danced around your eyes. Those eyes... they remind me of your sssstupid father! His blood wasn't enough! But his curse won't ssstop me!"

"I vow to kill you!"


Something snapped inside me as I flash-stepped faster he could register and slashed a deep gash into his shoulder. His silver eyes widen fear, along with confusion. "NEVER CALL ICHIGO STUPID! I'LL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO SAY HIS NAME AGAIN!"


"Challenge accepted!"

I threw a slash to his neck but he countered it with his blade. He whispered something under his breath as his blade turned a deep purple. Just from the smell and color I could tell it was the same poison that helped kill me.

He spit some onto my cheek as I screamed in pain. I could feel the acid burning away at my skin with ease. Akumu helped by covering my cheek with the shadows. Aiko when to spit again, but I dodged it and slashed a gasp down his chest.

Aiko coughed out blood as it was mixed with yellow, the soul of the snake. He hissed instead of growled at me while his tonged turned into a snake like tongue. Blood, I looked at it and locked eye contacted with the eyes that wanted to kill me so badly.

When he was close enough I looked deep inside and locked a mind link with us. Aiko stop in midair and twitched uncontrollably. All the blood inside him was making his heart speed up or his brain not able to keep up with the enough of blood going fast inwards and outwards.

With a smirk I stepped closer and closer to Aiko, his eyes now holding a fear of me. I could see why he would find it fun, the way to watch as your victims wait next for their next action to do. Either let them go or watch as they pray and watch their blood trickle down the praetors hands.

"L-Let me go! AGH!" He bellowed and twinge badly.

"Oh, Uncle Aiko, if only you could see I'm helping you."

"He is lossst! Ssstuipd girl!"

"No, I can feel him inside their as you torment him endlessly. Never did he want to kill my father or my mother, or..." I held back my tears, "Ichigo."

"HAH! Naive girl! Once darkness takes over you, you fall into his shadows and never come back to see the light!"

"That's what I first thought of when I always hung out around my shadow. But, never in my life did I feel a hate, or resentment towards it. You know why? Because it was a part of me."

"I AM part of Aiko! The anger, the bitternessss, the longing of love he losssst long ago!"

"You're wrong! There were moments when I saw Aiko out of your control. When he gave me a towel or helped me with my paperwork. He was fighting your control but he did lose in the end, but it was destiny to kill you along with him... even if it pains my heart too do it..."

"LIESSSSS!" He spit out poison towards me as I raised my arm to cover myself. The pain was agony, but I didn't scream as I still held eye contact with the snake.

"I would never lie about something like this, only a snake would. Because a snake lies to everyone he meets because he is the creation of evil, the devil himself, and that's what you are."

A rough laugh came out from his throat as it was fighting over my control. Fear washed over me for a second, but I couldn't let that happen. "It's true, you're the snake of the devil."

"Ssso what if I am? Nothing can ssstop me, you can kill me, but I'll come back to kill your line of royalty! YOU TOOK MY PLACE AND I AIM TO TAKE IT BACK!"

In the moment I felt Akumu right behind me, all the waves of darkness spinning around my blade as I raised it up high, aiming for the snake. "Then I curse you to always be kill by someone of my line, stay in the hell and repent your sins!"

'I love fighting alongside you, (y/n). But now, take back your birthright.'

'Will do, and thank you Akumu.'

I felt her smile at me when I stabbed through the snakes head. Aiko staggered backwards and wail in agony. The blue energy leaked out from the snakes head and returned back to me. All the powers of the hollow line rested inside my soul as I felt it settle in there, like it always belonged in there.

Aiko fell to the ground as I took the soul of the snake away from his body. "Now, I send you to Hell and stay down there for all of eternity!"

The ground shook under me as chains came from the ground. The snake of the devil cried out in fear as one by one the chains wrapped him up nice and tightly. He cursed at me while screaming in protest, but it stopped once the ground closed up around him.

A wind suddenly came up as the soul of Aiko came up from his body. He looked at me with a nice and kind smile. "Thank you... I am finally free... along with the other spirits Aiko has killed..."

Peacefulness washes over me as I stamped Aiko's forehead with the stamp of the soul reapers. "Thank you, Uncle Aiko. This stamp will have you and the rest of the spirits too have them decide if they want another chance in the soul society or be reborn."

Aiko nodded and hugged him with his soul body. For a second he was solid, but he slowly disappeared with a kind smile on his face. Tiredness took over as I almost fell over, but I remembered Ichigo and turned slowly towards him.

His hollow body was gone, but his hollow hole was still there. Mournfulness took over as I bend down to my knee and held him close to me. His once brown handsome eyes were lifeless, making a painful sob come out from my throat.

All of air around me blew a gentle breeze as I bawled my eyes out. I now knew how Ichigo felt when he lost me, but this time I lost him and nothing could bring him back. Touching his hollow hole I felt for his soul as it was barley still alive inside him.

Hope burst through me as with shaky hands I felt around, evening pocking at the soiled black mass. "I-Ichigo... can you hear me...? P-Please... i-if you c-can... do s-something."

His soul inside lit up a tiny spark as I almost cried out in relief. An idea when through my head as I held his hand and let some of my spirit pressure enter into him. It wasn't much, but I was enough I could give him for me to not pass out from lack of spirit energy.

Slowly and longingly the black mass was disappearing around his hole as his hollow hole was closing along with it. I was almost out of spirit energy when it finally disappeared. Ichigo gasped for air suddenly and wretched forward as his chest heaved up and down.

I couldn't believe my eyes... he was alive, his clothes torn up and ragged here and there, but alive with his golden brown eyes shining with life in them. Exhilaration flowed inside my very soul as I wrapped my arm around him, giving him a tight hug.

"ICHIGO!" I wept with tears of joy, "Y-You're alive!"

His eyes were fuzzy, but he smiled crookedly and kissed me on the head. "O-Of course I am... I'm so proud of you... You defeated Aiko."

He suddenly pulled me up into his arm. "Most of all, you saved me from going mad. I heard your voice and everything was clear around me. (y/n), I truly believe we are soul mate, but I'm glad your mine."

A small sneaky tired smile lit up my face. "I love you too-"

The world went dark as I fell over in exhaustion, but I felt Ichigo's strong hold holding me up and hugging me close to his strong chest...


Ichigo's P.O.V

When (y/n) collapsed in my arms I knew it was from exhaustion so I pulled her close to my chest, cradling her gently to let her stay close to my heart. The spot were my hole was I could feel were (y/n)'s spirit energy saved me.

Opening up a portal took almost half of my energy as I walked through and ended up where the captains meet. Exiting out of the hall it looked like the soul society was in a mess, everyone was looking for (y/n), Aiko, and me I guess.

"There he is!" Sui-Feng appeared out of nowhere and bowed, "Head captain, were where you?"

"On a mission. Take (y/n) to squad four to rest and heal up. Where's Shunsui at?"

One of Sui-Feng's men took (y/n) away and flash-stepped away. I felt a pang of longing when she disappeared but didn't show it in front of Sui-Feng when she talked. "He's in his office right now, but I can summon him to the captain's meeting hall."

"Please go and do that."

"Yes sir."

Within the ten minutes I had I managed to change into new clothes I had in my office before Shunsui came in. His flowery kimono was an eye catch before he even came in with that laid back air around him.

"So, Sui-Feng told me it was a mission. Are you going to spill the real truth out with me?"

"Yeah, and in the end I need your true and honest opinion about it. Being the new head captain around here I'm still not honestly sure if everyone will accept it."

"Well let's hear it then."

In about an hour I hold him about my story with Aiko and (y/n). At times his face would change into surprise, but it would fall back down to have it look like he really was listening.

After I was done my heart beated loudly inside ear drums. "What do you think I should do?"

Shunsui sighed and titled his hat forward. "At times like these it's a good way to get a nice drink. I remember hearing something about this back when old man was taking care of it. (y/n) grandpa, Takao, was the one who ended the reign of the kingdom, but couldn't get rid of the royal line or power that is carried with it. The soul society did them no harm as the royal family who were the most powerful of hollows, never really meant to harm us. I believe it's because they had their sense of humanity inside them while other hollows didn't."

I nodded. "I see. Is that all you know about them?"

"Yes, only Ukitake,Yamamoto, and me know about this. In my opinion I would keep it a secret for right now. Or, let (y/n) tell everyone. My saying is let the wind guide you were it wants to guide. It is either a good or nasty path."

"Thanks, Shunsui. Honestly I feel like I can count on you around here."

"Oh? I feel slightly honored." He gave me one of his famous smiles, "If you excuse me, I still have some paperwork to do."

I nodded and excused him. (y/n)'s health wouldn't leave my head as I got up and went over to the squad four barracks. It was always quiet, but it was good to have it that way.

Unohana was finishing tending a patient when I came up to her. "Is (y/n) done checked over?"

"Why yes, she is. Right now she is resting but with her condition for overdoing her powers she will be knocked out for around five days. I suggest checking over her while she sleeps from time to time if she gets a sudden fever or chill."

"Thank you."

I stepped forwarded to go to (y/n)'s healing chamber, but Unohana stopped me with her hand. "I suggest we check you over too, head captain."

"Oh I'm perfectly-"

"Head captain Kurosaki," her whole being glowed a dark aura, "I know you are the head captain, but doctors check is always more important and checked over for the head captain's health. So, please sit in an empty room while I check over you."

A shiver of dread washes over me as I nodded my head. "Y-Yes, captain Unohana..."


"Geez... that woman sure can turn from kind to blood thirsty in a matter of seconds. Wonder if that's always been a hidden side of her."

I mumbled to myself as I entered into (y/n)'s chambers. When Unohana checked me over she said I could take her back home with me after staying one night in here. The room wasn't so bad for just being plain.

Looking over at (y/n) a small smile lit up my features. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair spread out around the pillow as her chest rose up and down, even and gently to let people know she was asleep and resting.

Tiredness washed over me as the bed was big enough for me to squeeze in. Her tiny frame was a blessing as I smile and pulled her close to me. Her skin was cold, but it burned when I touched it with my warm ones.

"Get better, (y/n). Within these five days I have something planned up for you, I've been meaning to do this before but... things got it the way."

I kissed her small forehead, blew out the candle and pulled the blanket over us as I enjoyed this small and meaningful moment.

Naitomea, ketsueki kage no tasogare = Nightmare, Twilight of Blood Shadows

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