Big Step, One Dream

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Peaceful breeze meant peaceful air for once. A valley of never ending green grass stretched out before me. Everything about this place looked familiar as in the distance I spotted a tiny house.

It wasn't a far walk, but it ended feeling forever with the wave of grasses stretching onwards. Up close the house was small, but big enough for three people. Stepping inside the floor made a creak as I looked inside.

I could sense I was born in this place. Growing up before I was taken away by Akumu for my safety. The walls were worn out by the time in years as it was a musty brown, with some yellow at the top of the corners.

Walking inside the hallway there were two rooms. I stepped into the one on my left to find it was my parent's room. They didn't have much which was confusing, but I realized having less didn't mean anything. A medium sized floor bed along with a stand with all there belongs.

I opened up the small box to find jewelry inside. One thing in there did catch my eye. It was a small, but around ruby jewel inside the ring. The ring itself was white with black cracks to add the effect.

After looking through all their things I stepped into the room next to me to find a small child's room. Toys littered the floor as papers of drawings hung on the walls. A small smile spread across my face as I remembered this place. On my old rickety bed with Mr. Stuffy, my old childhood panda, sat on the pillow.

I lean down and sat on the small bed, surprised the thing wasn't breaking. Mr. Stuffy looked at me with his pit less eyes as I smiled and hugged him close to my chest.

"Don't you two look cute together? Ahh... sweet old memories..."

It was a woman's voice as I turned my head sharply to see a woman with a man. They didn't like quiet that old either as the man held his wife dearly close to him. Her hair was the same color as mind as I got some of my face from her. At the husband I could see my eye color in them, along with a hint of silver around the pulpit.

"Mom... dad...?"

The man smiled and reached out for my hand. "Yes (y/n), mom and dad."

Shock burst through me like a wave as I stared at their faces. They weren't blurry anymore as I could truly see the faces of my parents. I stopped for a few seconds before running into my father's arms.

He was warm and smelled of wood as I sobbed happily into his chest. I felt my mother stroke my hair as I could tell she was crying to, but with joy at seeing her own daughter grown up. My father pulled me back to get a good look at me.

"You've grown so much... I kind of miss five year old you. But I will love you the way you are."

A chuckle escaped my mouth as I wiped away my tears. "Thanks, dad."

"Oh honey don't mind your father," My mother fixed my bangs, "He's just messing with you. I'm so glad you grew up to be so beautiful.... there is someone else you might want to see. He was sacred when he came he, but now that your here I bet he'll be thrilled."

"Who is it?"

"Who do you think?"

I was still confused and went outside the house, but my heart did a flip when I saw the reddest of ruby eyes of all. His black hair picked up from the wind as I ran up and hugged the little guy to my chest. He laughed and hugged his tiny arms around my neck.

"(y/n)! I missed you!"

Warm tears dripped down my face but I didn't care this time as I hugged him close to my heart. "Oh Hitomu! I am so, so sorry about you dying! I should have listened to you when you yelled at me to stop! I am, so, so sorry... please forgive me..."

"(y/n) I already forgive you!" He giggled cutely. "I'm thankful because I got to see my mother before she went to be reborn."

"Aww... I'm glad you got a chance you got to talk to your mother again."

"I-I also met my father... he was a great man to talk to. You see, he died before I was born and waited for my mother when she died before starting a new life with her. My mother had him wait until I died so I could meet him.... I looked so much like him.... it was like seeing an older version of me."

I smiled and kissed his forehead gently. "I'm glad you got to meet both of your wonderful parents. Say, what are you going to do?"

"I figured I'll try to be reborn just like my parents. My life was too short, I hope the next one I get a longer one than that."

Tears weld up in my eyes as he smiled and hugged me again. "Please don't cry! It wasn't your fault that I died! Please be happy for me when you wake up for me (y/n)!"

"I will... I swear I will, Hitomu."

"Oh yeah, there's someone else wanting to talk with you. He doesn't have much time left so I better go now."

"What about you?"

"I'm gonna go be reincarnated. Just remember that I love you."

Hitomu started slowly disappearing in my arms as I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek before his body turned into air. The wind picked up and carried his soul away, higher and higher into the clouds. A feeling inside me was telling me to go this way as I did what it told and when northeast.

There was a tall hill with a single cherry tree with its blossoms falling down gently onto the ground. When I saw midnight blue hair my heart quickened so fast I was almost out of breath by the time I arrived. Aiko was there, playing a small flute in his hands.

The music was sweet as the cherries and light as the winds that carried the music. He opened his silver eyes and stopped once he saw me. "Come and sit down."

I almost tripped over myself when I sat down by my uncle. His face was so peaceful and his eyes full of life. When he moved his arm a clank could be heard as I looked down to see a pitch dark chain around his left wrist.

He sighed and held it up. "I'm chained to the snake. Since we both died together my soul is bound to him. I'm given some time in this place before I'm sent down into hell."

"Aiko... no..." A sob made my throat croak as I hugged him.

He hugged me back tightly as if his life depended on it, which it did, but he accepted his punishment. After a while he pulled me back and gave me a small smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll be find down in hell. It's a way I can really be given my punishment for killing all those people."

"But that was the snake! Not you!"

"I know, but someone has to chain him while I hold him down. I'll do it since I know him well. (y/n), just don't worry about me and enjoy your life. I already lived mine and fucked it up. But, you're only seventeen, almost eighteen here in a few months so you have your whole life in front of you."

"I-I understand..."

"Thank you. You're almost about to wake up. Talk to your parents for the last time. That is my last wish for you."

I nodded and gave him a big hug. A silence held over us as I walked away, but I knew it as a good one as I sensed Aiko's soul being taken away by the wind. It was a long walk but I came back to my old house.

My mother saw me first and wrapped her arms around me. "I forgot to tell you before you left. I accept Ichigo as your boyfriend. He's protected you so many times and is so loving towards you..."

"Plus," My father began, "He cleans up after himself."

I laughed and shook my head. "Yeah he does. I love you guys..."

"We love you too." They both said with love filled voices.

My parents gave me a huge hug as their bodies started to disappear. I pulled back, but my mother caught my wrist and gave me a smirk I got from her. "Also, make sure to give us grandchildren. That is both your father and I's last wish."

"H-Huh?!" I stammered as my mother laughed and disappeared. The wind around me suddenly picked me up and lifted me off the air. I yelped and tried to fight it, but gave in soon as the winds wrapped around my body and carried me into the sky...


"Hey I think she's waking up!"

A bright light burned my closed eyes as I groaned and opened them up fully. Rangiku and Momo stood over me as they helped me sit up in my soft bed. It was my house as the floor was littered with paperwork and girl stuff.

"What... did you guys do...?"

"Oh! We're babysitting you while Ichigo works! He's been working nonstop lately... I feel bad for him."

"Yeah..." Momo mumbled, "But we're glad you're awake!"

"H-How long was I out..." My voice was raspy as I drank down water to help.

"About five days." Momo replied.

Rangiku stood up and ran her fingers through my hair. "You need a bath. I'll send a message to Ichigo your awake."

"Why can't I see him right now?"

Rangiku and Momo shared the same look as Momo gave me a mirror. I gasped as my hair was ratty and greasy, not to mention by face need a bit of cleaning up too. Momo laughed at my gasp and took the mirror away.

"It's not so bad."

"Yes it is! I'm just glad you stopped my stubborn ass from going their!"

"Yeah, yeah stubborn ass alright." Rangiku said and helped me out of bed, "Let's get you cleaned up."


The bath was heaven and I thanked the girls as they helped me dress up into comfy clothes. It was a sweater along with some long pants since it was getting cold. The office was a bit far away but I didn't mind once I poked my head in.

I blinked in confusion, he was gone. I looked around the place, under the chair, table, couch, even behind the door once. Disappointment grasped me as I sighed in slight anger, but stopped once I found a small note on the paperwork.

I picked it up and read it over. 'Rangiku told me you were awake. I'll be waiting on the huge hill near the society to meet up. I only have so much time so please be there.' ~ Ichigo.

"Why does it have to be a hill?!" I groaned and started my walk.

The breeze up there was chilly which made me glad for my soft sweater. The hill was really huge, maybe even as big as the soul society. Up in the distance I saw a white coat as I sped up my walking.

His white coat flapped in the high winds as my walking slowed down when he turned around. He groomed up for me I could see the end spikes of his hair trimmed as his face glowed with pride when his rich brown eyes met mine.

He held out his hand as I happily took it. He wrapped his arms around me and had me sit down on his lap. "Look forward," he whispered in my ear.

I did as told and gasp in awe. All of soul society could be seen. If I could focus my eyes enough tiny dots the sizes of ant could be seen as I knew it was soul reapers going about their business and day. The wind picked up again making me shiver despite my sweater.

Ichigo took off his captain coat and draped it around me. "Sorry I wasn't their when you woke up. I had a lot of paperwork to do since I have no third seat yet to replace Aiko."

"It's fine. Rangiku and Momo helped clean me up."

He laughed and played with a lock of my hair. "That was the worst bed hair I've ever seen!"

A blush came into my cheek as I smacked him lightly. "S-Shut up!"

His laugh rang out onto the hill before he stopped. He looked down at me as his eyes landed on my lips. I didn't pull away as he lean down and kissed my lips. His lips were rough, but I didn't mind as I pulled him closer to him.

He titled his head just right making me moan slightly. Everything around us was gone as it was only him and me. The feeling of his hands tangling into my soft, wet hair was so good I accidentally moaned out loud. Ichigo only smiled at my moan and deepened the kiss more.

My hands traveled their way around the edges of his face I love dearly. The sharp cut of his jawline, the high feeling of his cheekbones, the soft edges around his eyes I love so much to feel. Ichigo hummed in bliss as I cupped his cheek softly in my soft hands.

Ichigo moaned slightly when I accidentally found his soft spot which was around the crook of his neck. I smiled in the kiss, never breaking apart, and I messaged the spot. His moans grew louder and louder as he pinned me down to the ground.

His hands started to roam my body as he suddenly stopped. A huge shock fired inside my chest before he stopped, making me blush madly to feel that sudden reaction. He pulled back slowly and kissed by nose. "Sorry about that. I'm getting a little too far ahead of myself."

I gasped in short breaths for air. "I-It's fine. I didn't mind it at all."

A smile lit up his features as he picked me up and sat me down on his lap. His hand played with a small box in his hands. "(y/n), I'm going to be serious right now to this point so please answer me a single question afterwards."

I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat. "O-Okay."

He nodded with a small smile and let me see the box. It was small enough for it to be a ring. He opened it up as time seemed to stop around me. The jewel was a pure ruby, a real ruby as it shined in the sun easily. The inside was swirled around with white to give the ruby a weird, but beautiful look. The ring itself was silver as my breath seemed to be stuck inside my throat.

Ichigo sat up as I stood up and he got on one knee. His brown eyes looking into mine with endless love. "(y/n)... I can't explain how you changed my world. I will never forget the time we met each other that one day... that day I saved you from the hollow. It seemed like we were to meet anyways, I guess that's how soul mates work. I know we were the moment we kissed I could feel a tug inside me to tell me I found the one. Please, I know I've made dumb mistakes because I'm me, but I hope you can forgive them and stay with me. I want to marry you, (y/n) (y/l). I promise to protect you to my last breath, share the last drop of my love, and give you my heart if I ever died. So... will you marry me? An orange haired boy who can see ghosts?"

I couldn't say anything as I tackled him with a love hug. Ichigo was token by surprised as he yelped and fell backwards, but held me against his chest. I smiled like an idiot and kissed all over his face. "YES! YES! YES! I'll marry a stupid idiot like you!"

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Wow thanks for my self-confidence."

"You said it for yourself!"

"I know I did, but you weren't supposed to agree with me."

He slipped the ring onto my ring finger as I smiled down at the ring. It fit just perfectly on my finger. "I love the ring."

Ichigo sighed in relief. "Oh good, I was afraid it wouldn't fit."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, my new ring glinting brightly in the high sun. "Most of all, I love you, Ichigo Kurosaki, because you're my strawberry."

He gave me a huge smile and touched are foreheads together, just barely grazing are lips. "And I love you, (y/n) (y/l)."

The moment are lips connected together I knew we were just right for each other. Everything around me once against turned into nothing as the moment of love between us was just something simple and special...

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