A Drunk Birthday

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Check out my Bleach One Shots book if your interested!

Silence was the best thing at the moment. It's been a month since Ichigo proposed too you and all through the months you've never been happier. Rangiku screamed in happiness when she heard the news and hugged you to her chest, suffocating you greatly.

It was early in the morning as you woke up to see your face close to Ichigo's bear muscular chest. He was too tired last night to really change into other clothes so he took off his shirt and just fell asleep with you snuggled into his chest.

The soft snores coming from his mouth were cute enough to make you giggle, but a bit too loud to make Ichigo wake up. He moved slightly, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you up close to his face.

"Happy birthday (y/n)~" He sleepily yawned.

You blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

He gave you a look. "You don't even remember when your own birthday is? And you gave me crap when I forgot mine."

A blush spread across your face as you pinched his cheeks. "S-Shut it!"

Ichigo chuckled and got up, the light showing the tone core of his abs. "Why don't you take a bath while I make you a special breakfast?"

Luckily you turned around in time for Ichigo to not see the massive blush on your face. "S-Sounds great!"


Today seemed to be just perfect for you both as not a single cloud in the sky could be seen. The warm water was heaven as you didn't want to get out, but you had to and got dressed into a kimono. It was one of the fancy ones Ichigo bought for you a while back.

When you stepped out of the bathroom a wonderful smell entered into your nose. Excitement pooled through your veins as you entered into the kitchen to find foods of all kind. From dessert to breakfast of your favorites.

Drool came from your mouth as you quickly wiped it away. "All of this?! Can I even eat all of it?!"

Ichigo smiled and set the first plate down for you. "I'll help you then."


You dug into the breakfast as the flavor melted into your mouth. After about ten dishes you were almost full of food, but still tried to eat a strawberry left on the plate. "Oh god... that was perfect..."

Ichigo stared in surprise at the dishes. "Well... looks like you didn't need my help."

"Ugh..." You rolled over onto your side, completely feeling like your about to explode. "That was... amazing..."

Ichigo just shook his head and took up all the plate into his arms. "Well I can always wash these later..."

"Do I have to go to work?" You ask from out of nowhere.

He looked back at you. "You don't have to if you want too, but I guess the others will just come to the house to drop off the presents."

"Presents?" Your ears twitched at the thought. "I want presents."

"I know you do, because you love them. But, you're going to get mine from me at the end of the day."

You pouted and tried getting up, but failed as the food was taking it's time breaking down. "Why do I have to wait?"

"Because the ones who wait get the best presents of all."

"Lame! I want them now!"

Ichigo sighed and helped you to your feet. "Just got to work. You don't have to change clothes but at least hang out with other people while I work for today."

You mumbled under your breath. "Fine..."

Ichigo smiled and kissed your cheek. "Thank you."


(y/n) P.O.V

While it was sweet of Ichigo to help me to my desk, I still felt fat in my bell like a pregnant woman. Fighting the urge to sleep was the hardest thing to do since I had just woke up... a head quickly poked into my office but I didn't see.

"Who's there...?"

"It's me." Rukia answer back as Renji entered behind her with presents.

My eyes widen at Renji as I tried to get up, but I groaned in pain. "Renji! How are you feeling?"

"A lot better!" His eyes shined with life. "The bite tends to itch at times, but other than that I feel perfectly fine!"

"That's great! I'm still sorry I won't be able to help fix the wound..."

"Hey don't feel bad about it. It's your birthday, time to feel happy and other stuff too!"

Rukia gave me a warm smile along with Renji when he showed two wrapped presents. Inside I wanted to take them and rip them apart where they were, but I need to stay still and act like an adult... man, turning eighteen was hard already.

I opened Rukia's up first as it was a small bunny. "Aww so cute!"

"Its name is Chappy!" Her eyes shined with glee. "I hope you like him! I love him a lot!"

Renji rolled his eyes when she wasn't looking and handed his. "Of course you love the bunny more than me."

"I did not say that!"

I chuckled and opened up Renji's gift. It was a small axe, almost looking just like his own zanpukto, only mini version. It was sharp to the touch, and the thing even got its own stand.

"What do you ya think?" Renji asked with a smirk.

"It's... wonderful!" I fought for a smile. "Two wonderful gifts already! I can thank you both enough!"

"Aww you're welcome! We'll come back for the birthday party!"

They left as I poked at the bunny. It was cute, but not as cute as Kon. The look on his face as I said that... I would give anything to see it. An hour passed as I read a book to make it not seem forever until Momo and Rangiku came in.

Momo had a huge smile on her face when she set the present down at my desk. "Happy birthday (y/n)!"

Rangiku smirked and lean against my chair. "Have Ichigo and you... done anything special~?"

"Well he cooked me breakfast!"

"Aww so sweet!" Momo chirped up.

Rangiku sighed suddenly to make me raise an eyebrow "That is so sweet... too."

Momo had a small present as I opened it up to find two small silver bells. When they made a sound my eyes watered at how beautiful it sounded. It was like heaven and the wind signing together as one.

"Oh my... Momo this is beautiful!"

A wide smile was on her face when she bowed. "You're welcome! I'm so happy you love them! It's also for Ichigo and yours wedding bells if you want them to be."

"I will make sure these are the wedding bells."

"Okay, okay my turn." Rangiku pushed Momo out of the way as she started to protest.

Worry started to strike in my stomach. What was this woman up too? She even closed the windows also before coming over to my desk, one hand on her hip. "Now that you're eighteen, I think it's time for you to get your first ever drink!"

"Huh?" I replied confused. "But I'm too young for that."

Rangiku rolled her eyes. "Time flies by fast in the soul society, so you'll be fine. Just this one drink at the bar with me! That's all I ask! I'll even pay!"

"I don't know..." Worry ate my soul, "What if Ichigo gets mad that I drank?"

"You're your own person now! Don't let some grumpy ass boss you around! Even if he is the head captain!"

"Well..." 'I really do want to try a drink... but what if I didn't like it and throw up? Maybe even get a hangover before the party for my birthday was supposed to happen... what if I only had one? Yeah! Maybe only one!' "Alright then."

Ranigku squealed with glee and grabbed my hand. "Let's go then!"

She dragged me down the streets of the town. Everyone was either shopping or enjoying their time around them. The bar was small, but it smelled good when Rangiku opened the door. Drunks were everywhere, all their faces were pink and happy carefree.

Rangiku paid for our seats as it was in the middle of the bar. When the waiter came over he only looked at Rangiku. "The usual?"

"Yes please! And can you make one for the birthday girl here?"

The waiter nodded and went away. A group of people were crowded around one table as it was a shots contest. "So..." I began, "This is what drunk people do?"

"Huh?" She asked. "Well not really, but you can go into the game if you want."

"Umm.... maybe not..."

The waiter came back with two small cups of sake. The smell made my eyes water a bit. Maybe this was a bad idea... Rangiku drank hers down and already her face was relaxed. "Oh yeah... that was the spot."

I picked up my sake, watching its clear surface with an expression even I didn't know. What the hell, might as well try it... I put the cup to my lips and let the drink go down my throat. A fire burned through my throat when I was drinking it, but it was soon gone and replaced with something else... happiness.

My eyes were starting to light up with warmth as I looked around for more. "That was good..."

Rangiku leaned up and waved her hand to another waitress for more. "I told you... want more?"

At that moment, I knew I should have said no, but my drunk mind took over. "Hell yeah!"

Drink after drink I was getting wasted to the point where I even took up the drinking challenge. It was a large fellow as his face was pinker than mine, but he was still awake and alive with challenge. When I sat down at the table he laughed.

"A little girl?! How cute~"

"Just shut up and start."

Everyone was getting excited as my opponent took my request and started. He was fast, but I could be faster. Each drink burned my throat, but that was my way of wanting to keep on going more and more as the fire inside me wasn't dying anytime soon.

After fifty of them the guy looked ready to pass out. Rangiku cheered on as I did my sixty one and slammed the glass on the table. The man went to grab another drink, but turned around and poke his head through the window to throw up.

Cries of my name cheered around as Rangiku laughed and held up my hand. "Winner!"

"W-Winner..." My head was getting dizzy as I started to see two of everything.

The door to the bar suddenly slammed open as when everyone looked to see who it was and fell deadly quiet. Rangiku herself even stood in fear. Through my drunk state I saw orange hair as I felt my hair stop for a second before beating.

"Where is (y/n) (y/l)?"

People moved away as I came into view. Ichigo's stare burned into my soul as I giggled and held out my last cup. "Hey Ichigo..."

He didn't say anything and came over, threw me over my shoulder, and took us out of the bar. Ichigo was deadly silent along the way as people stopped to stare. Right now, I felt like I really wanted to die at the moment.

I recognized the road as it was the road home. "Where are you taking me...?"

"Home." He stated angrily and opened the door.

He put me down as people gathered around. There was a banner saying 'Happy Birthday!' along with cake at the table.

"Dang... she really is wasted..." Renji's voice came from the crowd. Someone smacked him next. "Oww..."

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone said.

"T-Thanks..." I mumbled sleepily and fell down seeing the floor the last thing I saw.


A pounding headache burst inside my head as I groaned in pain. It was late at night I could tell with the shadows along the wall. I smelled a candle to help with the headache. When I rose to sit up everything turned the wrong way, making me groan and lay back down.

Footsteps were echoing inside the hallway as I closed my eyes shut. They soon turned quiet when they entered the room. I heard Ichigo sigh and come over to the bed. My heart pounded inside my chest but it died down when I felt he was putting a cold wash cloth over my forehead.

"Sorry about being angry with you. I just can't believe you went out drinking."

I opened my eyes to find Ichigo's face not too far away from me. The bed leaned when he came under the covers and snuggled close to me. "I know it was your birthday, but that doesn't mean you can do everything."

"I know..." my voice was soft as Ichigo rubbed my back, "I just wanted to try... and Rangiku locked me inside the room so I couldn't really say no if I wanted to..."

Ichigo sighed and kissed my forehead. "I swear, I wonder how Toshiro deals with that woman."

I laughed slightly as I could hear Ichigo's heart skip a beat. "I bet with all the yelling he does he could win a contest with it."

"He would win for sure. He was the one who told me about the drinking thing, but he didn't think Rangiku would take you with her."

"Either did I... but I feel so wasted..."

"I bet... anyways, here's your present."

My eyes opened all the way when it was a small box. He opened it up as it was a necklace made of sliver and a moon cut into a crescent half. "It's to represent my zanpukto... hope you like it."

The necklace gleamed in the light as I weakly grasped for it. "C-Can I wear it?"

"Will you try not to throw up after I put it on?"

I glared at him as he laughed. "Just making sure."

"Yes I promise, now just give me the damn necklace."

He helped me up and had me lean against him as he helped me put it on. The crescent moon rested at my neck giving me a slight chill when it rested fully. The outlining of the moon was blue along with white, making it all the more perfect.

"I love it... and I loved my birthday, even though I passed out for half of it."

"No kidding... you slept like a baby. Maybe you can have cake later. I saved you a piece as everyone ran for it like a pack of hollows."

A warm smile lit up my face as I reached out the best I could and kiss him on the lips. He tasted his lips and chuckled. "You taste like sake."

I giggled. "Can you still kiss the birthday girl?"

"Of course I can~"

He leaned his head down and rested his lips onto mine. Peace spread all over my body as my soul melted into his. His soul and kisses were always amazing enough to almost have me begging for more. Dizziness and drowsiness both hit me at the same time when I kissed him back. He must have sensed it for he pulled away and kissed my nose.

Darkness took over as the warmth of his heart gave me life...

"I love you (y/n)... goodnight and have sweet dreams... because you're my princess..."

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