A Ghoulish Halloween

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It was that time of year where the dead came back to the living to haunt them once more before going back into their slumber. In this case, the souls of the dead were going to party more than scare anyone.

Ichigo stood still as I painted the left side of his chest a kind of gray color. He was Frankenstein and needed some help so I stepped into his picture. To add the effect I painted some stitches on his face and along the sides of his colored spots.

He breathed in lightly so he didn't mess me up. "So..." He began, "What are you dressing up as?"

A heavy pause hung over me. "Just... something original..."

"Like a cat?"

"Well... not quite..."

He looked at me confused. "Well are you a witch, mummy, vampire, werewolf, or succubus?"

"No I'm not any of those things. Rangiku picked out my costume for me and... It's... well... I'll show you..."

I looked through the closet and gripped the sides of it tightly. "It's this..."


Rangiku was humming to herself as she put together her Halloween costume. It was a witch outfit, but it had a lot of cleavage for a witches outfit.

"So (y/n)," Rangiku spoke up while putting the final touches together, "what are you going as?"

"Hmmm... I don't really know." I responded back, half focused on the last stack of paperwork in front of me.

"Really? You don't know? Want me to help out?"

"Hmmm... sure..."

It was at that moment I regret saying yes to that. A huge smile carved its way on her face as she giggled and ran into the back of the room.

I was in her office doing my paperwork for a change since the silence in my office was... well... haunting me a bit. Ever since Aiko has gone I've been kinda lonely to myself. I just hope he's doing well in Hell... I miss my uncle and his help with the paperwork. He was so good at it too...

"Ichigo will love you in this! You're going to wear this to my party or you're not going."

When my eyes landed on the costume, I knew at that moment, I made a mistake big time as my first time in the soul society...

*end flashback*

I pulled the costume out as it was a sexy maid costume. It was Rangiku's last year's but it didn't fit her so she gave it to me. Ichigo's eyes widen at what was really left of the costume. It was designed just like a normal maid outfit, but the back ended at butt height, so the chest would show a lot, and some fish - net stockings to give off the affect.

"I'm dressed up as a sexy maid..."

His face grew very fast to red. He eyed the dress so much I was getting embarrassed already even thought I haven't tried it on. He coughed to make the blushing stop. "It's.... ummm... I bet it would look nice on you."

My cheeks turned rosy red as I threw the costume on the bed. "I don't wanna wear it! Its way too revealing and j-just horrible! There needs to be a law around here banding anything like this ever again! I'm the president of this thing!"

Ichigo laughed. "Just suck it up and wear it. It's only for tonight."

A growl came up into my throat. "Shut up! You don't know what I have to go through!" Realization struck me hard, making me feel very hot, "Y-You're just agreeing to this because you want me to dress up as this!"

A long pause came over him. "No I don't."

"Lier! You didn't answer for a long time! I can't believe you Ichigo!"

"Hey! I didn't know Rangiku gave you something like this! I thought you already picked out your costume already."

I sighed and dragged a hand down my face. "Why is it me that has to suffer this...?"

He rubbed my back gently. "Don't worry, I'll make sure no man will try to do anything too you."

A small smile came up into my face as I picked up the costume. "Thanks Ichigo. Ugh... I hate this..."

"Just hurry up and change," Ichigo walked out of the bedroom. "We only have ten minutes until the party."

I grumbled under my breath and close the bedroom door. The costume looked complicated as the back was to be tied up and the legging were really tight to show off all the curves. Getting it on was the hardest part as it was tight all over. How did strippers work in these things? After I finished putting on the death trap I looked myself in the mirror just as Ichigo came in.

"Are you-" He froze and stood still like a statue.

His eyes traveled up and down my body as it showed off all the curves, angles, and volume. A blush was working its way quickly up into his cheeks as I blushed as well. Ichigo shook his head and looked away, "S-Sorry! I-I just... you're r-ready..."

A giggle escaped my throat as I hugged him from behind. He gasped and tensed up. "I love you~"

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Giving my soon-to-be-husband a hug!"

I could feel his whole body on fire with embarrassment. Over time he eventually relaxed and I let him go, but he suddenly turned around quickly and lifted me off the ground. I squeaked and wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on.

"What was that for?!"

"I just wanted to give you a hug back. Speaking of marriage, do you have your ring with you still?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I do."

I held out my ring finger as the red jewel inside shinned brightly. Ever since he proposed to me I haven't ever taken off my ring. It was too valuable to me to ever let go of.

Ichigo gently grabbed my hand and kissed the ring. "Good. I can't wait for are wedding. Only three more months."

"Three more huh? I-Is it normal to be nervous?"

"Of course it is." He set me down and held me close to his chest. A tiny blush came over my cheeks as I could feel the solid core and shape of his abs. "I'm nervous myself but that's normal in a marriage."

"R-Right." I looked and gave him a smile.

He smiled back and quickly kissed me, lingering on my lips before pulling back. "We should get to the party now."

Rangiku's voice was already in my head, telling me how good I looked in this costume. I nodded and twined my hands into his tough, but manly, hands and headed over to Rangiku's place. Her house wasn't a bad size really. Two stories tall and filled with people dancing and having a great time.

Before Ichigo went to ring the bell Rangiku opened the screen door. The witch costume looked great on her as it fit her just right, surprising for her giant boobs. "Ichigo! (y/n)! You came!"

"Yeah. Also I wore your costume."

A smirk came onto her face as she trailed every inch of my body. "Perfect, just fitted you right. Come on in! I'll show where the rest of the group is!"

Rangiku lead us into her house as everyone was either drunk, crazy, or pranking anyone they saw. It was in the middle of the house I guessed is where she stopped as three people sat together.

Rukia was dressed up as a succubus with a red outfit to go along with her red pick fork. Captain Hitsugaya was dressed up as a pure snow werewolf. His ears would twitch a bit making me laugh slightly until my eyes landed on the mummy.

"Hello Rukai, Toshiro, and... ummm... who are you?"

The mummy stood up with its peeking wide eyes. "You don't recognize me? It's me! Renji!"

I blinked. "Renji? Why are you dressed up as a mummy?"

"I'm not a mummy, I'm a pirate!"

Ichigo and I both gave him confused stares. "Huh?"

He sighed and shook his head. "I'm an injured pirate so I'm wrapped up in bandages!"

"O-Okay..." I said, making sure I sounded fine. "That makes sense..."

"Captain!" Rangiku piped up and grabbed a red squeaky ball, "Let's play fetch!"

Toshiro's ear twitched in annoyances. "I'm not a dog!"

"Fetch!" Rangiku threw the ball.

Out of nowhere Toshiro barked and ran after the ball. I stared in amazement at how someone so strict like him had a character like that deep down. He returned the ball and dropped it on the ground as Rangiku picked up, petting the top of his head.

"Good Captain!"

His tail wagged happily until it suddenly stopped from his anger. "Stop it! I'm not a dog!"


Again, Toshiro ran to catch it as I watched the scene confused. "Ummm... that's nice. Anyways we'll leave you two alone."

"Alright then." Renji got up and had Rukia sit in his lap, "We'll be right here if you need us."

I nodded and turned back to give Rukia a thumbs up. "Nice costume by the way."

Rukia gave me a nice smile. "Thanks (y/n)."

"What about my costume?!"

Ichigo lead me away from Renji before I could report back. The floor was crowed but people were dancing like crazy drunks or simply being weird. I felt Ichigo's hand twitch as he lead me into the crowd. "Why don't we dance? I've never seen you dance before."

Fear rose up into my lungs. I sucked at dancing. "N-No thanks! You don't want to see it!"

"Oh come on! Just try it!"

He let go of my hand and started shaking his hips in a funky way. It was kinda weird but I followed his way and started shaking my hips back. He then rose his hands up into the air and started moving them around like a monster. It made me giggle as I twist and turned my body before dipping low to the ground.

Everyone eyes were on me as I back-flip and landed just perfectly, not caring about what I was wearing. Ichigo smirked and took up the challenge. He rose his hands like he was holding his zanpakuto, dipped forwards, twist around a couple of times, and finished it off by jumping up really high then landing it perfectly onto the dance floor.

Everyone cheered for him as I just shook my head. "You beat me. I can't do anything like that."

Ichigo's laugh made butterflies rise inside my stomach, giving off a joyful feeling. "Let's get some fresh air."

He grabbed my arm like a married couple and led us outside. Cold air blasted into our faces but I enjoyed it since outside was better than drunk people. Rangiku's garden wasn't really bad as she had flowers of daises everywhere.

"She must love daises a lot."

"Yeah... hey look, there's a shade over there."

Ichigo lead me over to where the moon barley shined through the trees leaves and cashed spooky images. Rangiku must have decided not to decorate around here, but I could see why because of the small fountain she had.

"It's beautiful over here..."

"But not as beautiful as you~"

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy line. "Wow. Nice pick up line Mr. Frankenstein."

He blushed and bowed slightly. "Anything for the princess."

'Princess.' The thought of me being a princess was still hard to imagine. The powers of hollows at my command was scary, but also a wonder too. What would have happened if my parents never died... would I still have met Ichigo? Even if destiny made it this way, I'm glad Ichigo came into my life.

A rough hand grabbed my hand as it snapped me out of my thought. Ichigo wrapped an arm around my waist and stared into my eyes as we danced. The moment was perfect as everything was quiet, we were in our own little worlds, and it was just the two of us alone.

The breeze picked up slightly as I shivered. "We should go trick or treating later."

He chuckled and twirled me around. "That isn't a bad idea. Maybe we can get some candy on the way home."

"That would be great! Also, I'm enjoying my Halloween."

"Only because I gave you the day off?"

I rolled my eyes at him and quickly kissed him. "Maybe, but also because I got to spend it with you. Are times together is only on the weekends and I'm glad I got an extra day too you."

"Just think," He dipped me down as the moon just him just right, making his face darken all around. "Three more months until we're married and have are honeymoon were we are just alone together."

"That reminds me, where are we going for are honeymoon?"

A smirk made its way onto his face just when he lifted me up slightly in the air. "A secret."

I pouted at him. "You know I hate that."

"Yes I know but it's a way to get your nosy nose out of things."


He gently set me down and ended the dance with a dip. Everything was just calm between us, nothing could break the moment with us staring into each other's eyes. Well, that's what I thought until Ichigo sneezed and lose his footing, making him fall onto me as my body was getting crushed.

I laughed my butt off as Ichigo blushed madly. "It's not funny!"

"Y-Yes it is! I-I can't believe you f-fell from your own sneeze!"

He grumbled while getting up and helped me up. "Just be quiet. Let's go home already."

"Already?! Why?!"

"Because some house might still be handing out candy."

"OOO! Let's go!"

I grabbed onto Ichigo hand and dashed out of Rangiku's house. Ichigo laughed along the way as he grabbed us some buckets along the way. Was I nervous about the wedding? Yes, but I know who I'm marrying and vow to love Ichigo with all my heart.

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