Reunited With Old Friends

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It got to me yesterday about the idea. I gave my three friends a promise we would visit them after a year of being in the soul society. I missed Orihime's bright smiles... Uryu's glass when they flash in the sun light... and Chad... too who I missed taking out my punches on him.

Was this the feeling of homesickness? If it was... it sucked. If felt like half of your soul was with you, but the other part was over the other side of the world.

Rangiku came in the same time when I drank my tea. She must have sensed something was wrong because she eyes narrowed at me. "What's the matter?"

I bit my lip. "Will you promise to not make fun of me if I told...?"

"I promise."

A huge sigh came over me. "Well... I think I might be homesick."

Her face softened a bit. "Oh... what are you homesick of?"

"My old friends from high school... it's almost been a year, I've haven't hung out with them and I'm just tired from all the paperwork and need a break too."

"Can't you just talk to Ichigo about getting breaks?'

"Yeah, but I can't take too many break so people will start calling it unfair that I get so many days off."

"True, I would be jealous if you just got a whole week off."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever. Anyways can you help me with this last piece of paperwork?"

Rangiku pouted pressed her finger onto my forehead. "You're acting just like my captain when it comes to paperwork..."

I blinked, "What do you mean?"

"When I leave you get angry and call my name, then rant on and on about how I shouldn't leave you when you're in the middle work. I'm starting to think my captain's work habit has affected you."

A pause came over me. "Rangiku... that's the most stupid thing I've ever heard..."

"But it's true!"

"No... It's not."

"Fine then I'll just leave."

"NO! You stay here and finish your work!"

"HA! See?! I told you, you act just like him when it comes to paperwork!"

"I-" For just a moment I didn't know what to say. Rangiku was right, I was just acting like Toshrio. That send an unpleasant shiver down my spine. Acting like Toshiro would be... horrible? Not really horrible but I would be grumpy all the time. I sighed and hung my head. "You're right..."

She smiled and clapped her hands together. "Glad you finally agree."

Her bright and smiling face was starting to annoy me. "Yeah, yeah. Just help me out here. I really want to meet the others again but I want Ichigo to come with. Got any ideas on how that can work?"

"Hmmm..." She pressed her lips into a firm grip, "No... Sorry I only work my way out of work, not for this kind of thing."

"Ugh!" Stress was getting to me and I could feel it. I couldn't be cooped up inside this office for another day! Why? Because the missing seat of Aiko was haunting me every day, I couldn't stand it! I know he told me not to worry about him.... but how can you not worry about someone who is spending their afterlife in hell?

Rangiku could sense my distress and patted my back. "Hey it's alright..." Her eyes suddenly brighten up, "We could-"

"I am not going out drinking!"

Her smile dropped into a frown, "You're no fun. I'm just going to leave."

She flash-stepped out of the room before I could yelled at her to stay. The silence was getting to me. Every time I even took a glance at that damn chair... I could see the guilt inside stabbing at me that I killed my uncle... but... I missed him so much...


After around lunch time I knocked on Ichigo's door. "Can I come in?"


When I entered in his desk was filled with paperwork everywhere, even some on the floor. The spikes of his hair were split into ends and bags were under his eyes. Ever since the outbreak of hollow back when we killed Aiko it increased slowly over time, but now they were coming all over the place.

I pulled up a chair and leaned against him. "Hey... are you doing okay?"

Ichigo sighed and pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "Yes... just really tired..."

"Hey ummm... I was thinking... since tomorrow is Friday... can we just... visit our old friends?"

His face seemed to brighten up for a second, until a thought came into his head and killed the idea. "We can't yet, remember? It hasn't been a year yet for us to come into the world of the living."

"Yes I know, but I just miss them so badly! Plus we need some clothes from the human world too. I miss the hoodie I left back at my old house..."

"(y/n)," Ichigo began, turning to face his body to me. "I miss them too, I really do. But work is something we can't miss out on. Leaving here will both get us into trouble, but I'll get into more trouble because I'm not allowed out of the place."

"That seems really unfair..."

"All the captain's and soul reapers are under this policy too. If you leave the soul society without permission then you will be punished dearly for the actions, head captain or not. I believe these are squad zero's rules."

I sighed in true deep sadness... this place was like a prison... but a prison that only made me somewhat happy. "Then what....? The wedding is in two months and I really want them to come."

"I think I can help you guys with that."

We both looked at the door at the same time as Shunsui was there. He was lean against the door frame with the same smile he always had on him. "It'll take some time to do today but I think I can pull it off."

"Shunsui... you would do this for us?" Ichigo replied, loss of words.

"Of course. Ichigo you've saved the soul society so many times I think this is my fair treat for you. I'll need some help, but I think Ukitake can help me with that."

"You're the best!" I yelled and hugged him.

He barely staggered backwards from the force of my leap, but he still chuckled and hugged me back. "You're welcome (y/n). I'm just glad to be able to help you too. After all, you did help save the soul society too. I don't know if you learned this, but if the power is trained real well, the royal power of the hollows can defeat a head captain."

A bit of shock took over me. "Really? I didn't feel that strong when I got the powers back."

"That's why I said if you learn to control the powers. We didn't have to worry about it anymore since your family suddenly disappeared, but we didn't distress about it too much since your grandfather was a peaceful man."

"Man... I just wished I could have met him."

"From what I heard he and your father were almost the same alike. Now, I'll leave so I can get the plan ready. I'll inform you on what I have planned before we try it."

Ichigo nodded towards him. "We understand. Thank you, Shunsui."

Shunsui bowed his straw hat and exited out of the room. I was so excited that I helped Ichigo blast through the paperwork that day. But in the end I passed out and Ichigo carried me home, planning on telling me the plan in the morning.


It was an interesting plan to come up with, but Shunsui was going to work on Ichigo's paperwork in his office while Ukitake work on Shunsui's, and Rukia worked on her captain's paperwork. How people wouldn't notice we were gone was going to be weird, but I went with it because I really did need to see my friends. Plus if Ichigo didn't work on his paperwork people would have started to notice something was going on.

Ichigo took my hand and led us quietly through the portal. It was around noon by the time we entered out of the portal, letting the afternoon sun basks us in its light. It was a nice change to not feel spiritual pressures all the time now and just relax back in the world I grew up in.

We knocked on Orhimie's door, hoping she was home. There were footsteps behind the door as it opened up to the round faced girl I grew to love. When she saw us her face grew into a wide grin, then she hugged me with her huge boobs crushing me.

"(y/n)! Ichigo! I've missed you both so much!"

I chuckled and ruffled her hair, trying to take huge breaths of air to say awake. "It's nice to see you to, Orihime!"

Ichigo smiled at his childhood friend and ruffled her orange hair. "Hey Orihime."

She let go of me and hugged him next. "Kurosaki-kun! You've better be treating my best friend right!"

I shook my head playfully at her. "Orihime if he wasn't treating me good we all know his ass would have been beaten so many times."

Orihime giggled and let go of him. "That's true."

"Wait! You believe that?!" The look on his face was priceless... I still wished I brought a camera with me!

"Is that Kurosaki's voices? (y/l) too?" Uryu suddenly came out from the door way. He was dressed up a gray sweater, fancier than Orihime's dirty old apron. She must have been cooking something... now that made me nervous.

"Uryu? What are you doing here?" Ichigo asked.

At the same time Uryu and Orihime shared looks, ones that were with a small smile. "Well ever since the month after graduation I was hanging out with Orihime for a long time and well... it suddenly became something of a relationship."

"So wait? You two are dating?!"

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed from happiness and hugged Orihime tightly too me. "You're finally dating someone!"

Ichigo just stood there, shocked to think these two would ever hook up together. Uryu coughed and glared at him. "Close your mouth. It's rude to have your mouth hanging open."

He snapped it shut and suddenly grabbed his shoulder. "How can you stand her cooking?!"

Orhimie pouted and poked at his forehead. "My cooking isn't that bad! Right (y/n)?"

"Ummm..." This was a hard one. Either lose a friendship, or defend Ichigo.... maybe he'll get over it. "Sure! You're cooking is the best in the world Orihime!"

"What?!" Ichigo suddenly outburst. "You can't be serious!"

A giggle came from her lips, making a smile appear on Uryu's face. "Glad to know I have two people on my side!"

After Ichigo calmed down we came inside. When I came into the kitchen the food really did smell good, maybe Uryu was helping her with the cooking. He did seem like that type of guy. Looking around I finally noticed someone was missing. "Where's Chad?"

"Oh, we had to work. But he did start taking up boxing."

"Really?" Ichigo said, fixing his shirt. "I didn't think the big guy would take up someone like that. He doesn't like fighting much."

"It surprised us both." Uryu spoke up, "but he had his mind set on it so we didn't stop him."

"Speaking of mind set.... there's something we need to tell you both." I grabbed Ichigo's hand, knowing he was going to help me not pass out from nervousness. "W-We're getting married. Ichigo proposed to me three months ago."

Never in a second did I think would one person would be just standing there cooking dinner, and at the next second hugging me with her huge boobs crushing me more than before. It was like an endless cycle of Rangiku's boobs!

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you both!" Orihime yelled and hugged me tighter.

Uryu simply gave Ichigo a smile, nodding his head. "Congrats. It was only a matter of time before you would finally marry her."

"Yeah... we would like it if you could come to the wedding. It's going to be in the soul society on hill where I proposed. We would be grateful if you could tell Chad about it too."

"Of course we will. I'm sure we will just be excited about it as us."

Orihime finally let go of me from her huge boob hug. "Let's eat dinner while I cook us up a special dessert!"


Surprisingly for Orihime's cooking it wasn't bad with the help of Uryu's cooking skills as well. I was glad the two started dating, I'm just glad they're both happily in love with each other. Ichigo took me to the spot where we had are first date at.

The hill didn't change much from all the months we've been gone. That was a relief because I didn't want something so precious to me to be just thrown away. His finger were hooked into mine when he had me sit down on his lap, the wind brushing his orange hair across his face.

"Did you enjoy today?"

"Yes! I'm glad Orihime is so happy with Uryu! They both deserve it after what they've been through. I believe everyone should be happy, no matter their past or who and what they are, anyone and anything can be happy for the sake of what they are."

His lips brushed across mine, giving me a light kiss. "I've always loved that about you. It's just one of the more reasons I love you."

"Do you have a list?"

"Of course I do. Telling all the things off of it would take forever."

That made me laughed as I quickly kissed him. "Geez, you sure can be romantic and cheesy at time."

"It's just who I am~"

"And I love your for that strawberry~"

His eyes honey brown eyes shined, glinting brightly in the moonlight. "I love you, my princess."

When his lips finally locked onto mine I let them stay there, giving his love to me in a silent but pleasant way. After all this time I couldn't believe this guy was my soul mate... to a person like me who destiny was for evil, but it changed because of him.

I gave into him and let his tongue roam all over my mouth, moaning at the feeling as his hands snaked their way around my waist. Everything he did too me I enjoyed so much, just from that I knew this soul reaper was my soul mate, because he was my only strawberry... my death strawberry.

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