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Ichigo was about to close his locker door when he spotted some tickets and picked them up. It was the carnival tickets he was going to buy tomorrow at the fair.

'Dear Ichigo' He read the note, 'I know the Manger well over there and managed to get tickets! I had some extra and knew you were planning on taking (y/n) to the carnival so here's my side of your treat. Good luck! ~Orihime'

He smiled down at the note and stuffed it into his pocket along with the two other tickets. "I should thank her for this."

"Hey Ichigo." You walked up to him, "Do you have soccer practice today?"

"No why?"

"Because I thought you and I could walk together. I live nearby you."

"You do?"

"Yeah just over the next block."

"Huh. I didn't realize that. Well come then."

You smile and pick up your bag and start walking with him. It was quite for a while since it's been only a week you've two only talk. His invites to walks were what really brightened your day since you didn't know the town so much a lot.

"So," Ichigo suddenly broke the silence, "How are you liking the town?"

"Ahh... Ummm... Well, people here aren't that bad here so far. The food here is really good I have to say that. Other than that... I really don't know..."

"Well the carnival is going to still be here this weekend, and like I promised on Monday I would take you." He flashes the tickets right in front of your face.

The light caught them just perfect as the mixed colors added the affect to them. You smiled and grabbed them. "Wow! I didn't know you could buy tickets early!"

"I didn't pay for them. Orihime knows the Manger over their pretty well and got us some tickets."

You laughed and stuffed the ticket into your bag. "She's so nice."

The walk was quick and short as Ichigo was at the front gate of his house. "Do you want me to walk you all the way over their?" He asked.

"Nah I got it. See ya later Kurosaki!"

You started walking down the sidewalk as Ichigo watched your shadow. It was strangely lose and wiggled a lot for a shadow. He shook off the thought and entered inside. "I'm home."


An irk mark appeared on his forehead as at just at the right moment rose up his foot and slammed his father in the face with his foot. "COME ON! CAN'T I ENTER THIS DAMN HOUSE WITHOUT TRYING TO GET PUNCHED OR KICKED!?"

"Aww it just makes you stronger!" His father said rubbing his injured nose, "But quit whining about it or I just have to make it double a week I attack you!"

The door opened behind them as the girl entered. Yuzu bright aura came in first as her eyes shined at seeing her big brother home.

"Welcome home big brother!"

Karin came in next with her no so happy but not so down aura. She passed by the group and went for the t.v. "Would you two stop acting like children for once?"

"But you just don't understand my dear daughter!" Isshin shouted from the top of his lungs and cried to the poster of his dear dead wife, " Why are they so mean to me?!"

Ichigo sighed as he zoned out his father's crying. "I'm going to be in my room doing homework."

He opened the door to his room as on the ground he saw a small stuffed lion crossing its chubby arms. "Who was that girl earlier?! Why do you bring hot girls over but never share them?!"

An irk mark came onto his forehead as he growled and kicked Kon into the wall. "Shut the hell up already."

Kon saw two Ichigo's, but pointed at the left one. "Fine! I'll just go find a girl when I'm in your body!"

"Good luck with that."


Even though yesterday was Friday and he had all day Saturday to get ready... be didn't felt like he was ready. He dressed up light for the occasion with a light black jacket along with a white shirt that had stripes going down vertical. He also wore gray pants to not to seem too flashy for the carnival.

"Ooo! I bet that girl is going to love you in that!"

His heart did a strange flutter inside, but he ignored it and stuffed his money in his pocket. "Just stay quiet like a stuff animal."

"Hmp! Fine! All I do is give him a complaint and he gets all moody!"

Ichigo ignore him as he headed out and down towards your house. It was a medium sized house as it looked like only one person was at home because of the single light upstairs.

Ichigo rang the doorbell as the light flickered off, leaving the whole house in darkness. He waited a good time until you came out of the house panting.

"Sorry! I'm supposed to turn off all the light if I leave the house!"

"That's alright. Are you ready?"

He flashed the tickets in front of you as you smiled at them. "Hell yeah I am!"

Ichigo chuckled a bit as you both walked down to the carnival. Since this was its last week here not many people were their making it easier to get it. Ichigo handed the tickets as you both entered into the place.

Your eyes widen at the colorful light and rides everywhere. While walking around you stumbled into a toss the ring game. A large oversized panda was the prize if you got all the rings.

Ichigo saw where you were looking and started paying. "I'll play."

"Wait! You can't possible get all of those rings!"

"Just watch me."

He flicked his wrist in a perfect motion as he got the first bottle. You watched in amazement at how he was getting all of these bottle rings of just a flick of a wrist. The last one was really far away, but that didn't stop him as he threw the ring, spinning upwards, and landing onto the bottle.

The worker had his jaw opened, muttering words even you couldn't hear. Ichigo smirked and pointed up at the panda. "I'll take the large panda please.

With his jaw still opened the worker nodded and gave Ichigo the huge panda. It was almost his size but you grabbed it from him and hugged it. "It's so fluffy!"

Ichigo chuckled. "I guess it's my turn too pick. Why don't we try out the roller coaster they have?"

He pointed up towards the huge ride as it was big enough to have a point where the coaster touched the end and made it go backwards. Fear rose inside you, but you couldn't let it show through. "Sure! It seems fun!"

"Alright!" Ichigo said while walking towards it.

The line was very short since it was almost about to close, but you luckily got on as the last person for the ride. Ichigo helped buckled you up as you blushed secretly. "Thanks."

"No problem." He finish buckling himself up and sat back to let the ride start.

This was like a death calling for you since you two were in the front. When the ride started you gave out a panicked quick scream. When the ride came up to the top your eyes widen at the drop. It seemed tiny from far away...

"Let's do this!" Ichigo raised up his hands as to blend in you did the same.

The coaster finally rolled forward and shot you two down fast. The cutting of wind and screaming was all you heard as you were along with the people who were screaming as well. Not only was the ride twisty and curvy, but every so often you would lean into Ichigo as he would help you by holding you.

It did help, but not your blushing face as you could feel he was rip under his shirt. 'How much does this guy work out?!'

Just then an image flashes across your mind. It was the blurry white monster from two years ago. You remember the horror of being trapped and left to die. It was like a game to the monster while you begged for your life while in its claws.

When the monster open up its huge mouth a flash of silver entered into your vision as the monster cried out and dropped you. Someone grabbed you in time, but you remember passing out and waking up to being soar all over.

That was a miracle... a miracle you could never really remember. It was like a spider web caught into it and no matter what you did, you could never really reach it. When the ride bumped the end it snapped your attention back just before the ride started going backwards.

"AHHH!" You screamed and held onto Ichigo.

Ichigo only screamed with happiness, it was like as if flying backwards as the most wonderful thing to him. He wasn't even phased by this at all, it was like as if he was use to stuff like this, high speed things.

When the ride ended your body shook with fear, but you could hide it when Ichigo helped you out. "How did you like the ride?"

"I-It was.... fun!"

"Cool. Glad you liked it." He gave you back your giant panda and you buried your face into it.

The dizziness pasted as you looked up too see a fairs wheel. Maybe fresh air was good for you. "Can we do the fair wheel?"

"Sure." He looked you up and down. "Need some help? You look shaken up."

"I-I'm fine!"

Ichigo simple didn't say anything and took you over to the fair wheel. You again were their just before it was ready to close up and climbed up into the seat. It was just a one person seat as Ichigo sat on the right while you sat on the left.

The ride began as your eyes widen with joy at seeing the wonderful lights below. The town even looked beautiful along with the carnival, making this moment all the better. Suddenly, the ride stopped as you yelped and leaned into his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked?

"Y-Yeahhh.... oh boy." Looking down was your mistake as the ground didn't look friendly. Fear stuck into your heart as you grabbed onto Ichigo. "Wow... were really up top..."

He wrapped an arm around you. "You don't like heights?"

"No! I hate them! I thought this time I wouldn't look down! Stupid me!"

"Hey just calm down. Look out into the sky."

Just when he said that the carnival had its last display of the firework show, lighting up the night sky with colors. Your eyes widen at the array of colors everywhere. Ichigo sighed in relief, happy he was able to calm you down.

When he looked down at you sometimes his heart would skip a beat. He didn't know why but it would always happen... meaning something he didn't know. The ride started back up just a moment later the show ended.

You yawned suddenly, and blush afterwards. "Sorry I didn't mean to yawn in your face."

"It's not a problem. Do you want me to take you home?"

"Yes please."


This time Ichigo took a bus with you for the ride since you were getting tired walking. He helped you onto the front steps and gave you a smile, one you couldn't see in the dark. "I hope you enjoyed the carnival. I'm still sorry about the soccer ball."

"I-It's fine..." You sleepily opened up your front door. "And I enjoyed my time. I should be the one thank you."

"Well your welcome. I'm got to get home now, see ya at school."

He was almost to the sidewalk when all of a sudden arms were wrapped around his waist, hugging him. He turned his head back slightly to see you it was you. "Thank you Ichigo for the wonderful night. I enjoyed it dearly. Good night."

You ran back inside your house before he could say anything back. At that silent moment there was an invisible bond forming between you two...

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