He confesses

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Ichigo P.O.V

Hollow hunting was something I kind of didn't mind. It was a way to get my head cleared of things bothering me. As I flash-stepped from roof to roof the thought of (y/n) wouldn't get out of my mind...

In the short four months we've had together I've started to like her. There were at times I felt like I left her alone because of my duties as a soul reaper.

If only I could really tell her... then she wouldn't get so sad when I leave her. After the first day walking together we've become walking buddies' after school. My family doesn't need to know about her yet... they would start to wonder why I was hanging out with a girl...

A hollows roar snapped me out of my thoughts as I reach for Zangetus, feeling the wrappings around him fall away before I cut the hollow in half. It disappeared quietly before it could roar in pain.

"Ugh..." I mumbled, "These things have been coming more lately..."


"What the...?" I turned around towards the noise, no one was there. "I must be hearing things... late night jobs do that to you... I guess..."

Kon was at my window by the time I came back. He was in my body and opened the window for me. "Ichigo! How nice to see you!"

I stared at him, suspicious of his sudden nice nature. "What did you do?"

The soul pill popped out of my body. I grabbed the pill and stuffed it into the toy lion before entering into my body.

"Can you at least give me a warning before you do that?!"

"Why did you act so nice? What the hell do want?"

"Well..." Kon smiled and looked out the window as it was staring to rain outside, "I was thinking about hanging out with (y/n)."

An irk mark worked its way into my temple. "No way! You're a pervert trying to feel her chest!"

"Oh come on! Like you haven't tried!"

That's it. Kon was slammed into my wall, harder than I meant to kick him. The force shock my walls, having the voices of my family suddenly stop.

I groaned and flopped onto to my bed after turning off the lights. "Just shut up and let me sleep or I'll make you sleep in my desk."

Kon grumbled under his breath. I ignored it and closed my eyes... but the image of (y/n) would flash across my mind. She can't get out of my head... no matter what I do. It's like she's meant to stay in there... be a reminder of something... but what...?

(y/n) P.O.V

I wonder if Ichigo feels the same... ever since these four months my bond with him has grown a lot. For example, I wait for him by the front gate so we can walk home together... every day.

Sighing, I groaned and covered my face with my pillow. "Damn feelings... why can't you make this poor girl sleep?"

A sharp piercing of noise made me jump out of bed. The blankets were tangled around me, so badly I cursed out loud a bit too loudly. Luckily my parents were already at work.

To save time I put my hair into a messy bun for fun, but now I just looked like an idiot. Groaning seemed to by my most favorite things to do in the morning...

I grabbed some toast and ate it on the way to school. My attention rose when Ichigo just exit out of his house. Out of nowhere my body stops, only my mind was in reaction at that time.

When his rich, dark hazel eyes landed on my (e/c) eyes, a surge of butterflies left my stomach. The sun rays hit him just right, giving the side of his face a heavy glow.

He smiled when he saw me as I was at a loss for words. "Hey (y/n), Want to walk together?"

"U-ummm... sure!"

I walled on the left side, not really speaking as last night was... strange. I had the same dream or vision again. It couldn't have been Ichigo with that huge ass sword... it just couldn't...

"Something bothering you?" He asked making me jump.

"W-Well... I've just been having strange dreams lately... but it's just about some childish things."


"Like teddy bears and... rainbows?"

He snickered. "I didn't think girls dream stuff like that."

"Yeah well... they do."

It grew silent again as we were almost at the front gates. Just before we entered Ichigo grabbed me by the shoulder gently. Even thought if it was just a light touch it still send a shock current through me.

"Can you meet with me at the roof for lunch this time? I just want to talk about stuff."

"S-Sure. Meet here then go the roof?"

"If you want."

The bell rung as he nodded his head. "Let's get to class already."


All throughout the day I couldn't shake that dream off of my head. It was as if it had somehow carved itself into my brain forever. While the teacher talked I draw doddles of my mysterious hero.

The character held up a long, curved sword as tall as him. He had spiky orange hair and had a black kimono around him. Next to him was the white monster as he was cutting the snake like thing in half.

Suddenly the bell rung all around as everyone got up. I reached down into my backpack to grab my lunch, but froze when I felt it was empty.

"Oh no... Damn it..."

"What's the problem?" Ichigo asked carrying his lunch bag in his hand.

A huge sigh came out from my throat. "I forgot my lunch... I'm an idiot."

"If you want I can share. My sister gives me too much rice anyways."

My eyes widened in surprised as he rummage through his sack and held out a container of rice. Tears began to swim around my eyes as I blinked them away and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Ichigo!"

"N-No problem..."

A loud snicker was heard as I looked up to see some students smiling and giggle. Slowly my cheeks lit up but I didn't care anymore of what they thought. We went up onto the roof as I waited for everyone else. No one was coming and it was worrying me a bit.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Orihime had to go to work early today, Rukia just left for something not that long ago, Uryu is in his club, and Chad is somewhere."

"Oh, well I guess it's just us."

He gave me a sideways glance. "You don't have to spend time with me."

"N-No I do! I'll even share the rice you gave me!"

He scoffed and sat down at his usual spot. "You're weird. I can't even tell if you enjoy hanging out with me or not."

"What do you mean?"

"Then next minute you act like being alone with me was a bad thing, then the next minute sitting next to me is the best thing in the world."

I laughed and rub the back of my head. Expressing my emotions was never easy for me as often at time my emotions would go off at random.

"W-Well you see I just get nervous at times and... just don't know what to say."

"Really?" He asked, a tone of curiosity in his voice. "Then you enjoy hanging out with me?"

I gave him my best and biggest smile. "Of course! You're always so nice to me and walk me home after school almost every day. You even gave me your rice too! So I think you're a pretty nice guy to hang out with!"

A long pause came over him. That got me worried a tiny bit. Did I say something wrong? I didn't catch it, but I saw his honey, golden eyes flash for a split second.

"If you can meet me after school for a walk. I was going to go to soccer practice, but I'm going to ask the day off."

"O-oh... are you sure that's okay?"

He nodded and started eating his sandwich from his lunch bag. "Of course. Just meet me at the front gate like always."

Something inside me lit up for a second. I was eating the rice when it happened, it didn't seem like a bad feeling but one I couldn't quiet place...


School felt like it would never quiet end. I got dresses after P.E. was done and headed up to the front gate. Ichigo was looking up at the sky, his face was slightly dazed.

"Hope I'm not interrupting him..." I mumbled while walking up.

"You didn't." He suddenly said as it made me jump. When his brown eyes landed on me my legs felt like jelly. "Come on. I want to ask you something."

"W-what is it?"

"I'll tell you once we're at my house."


The walk was silence until Ichigo suddenly tensed up. I didn't mean to look at his chest but when I did I saw how rip this guy was. He wasn't even an adult yet and someone like him is already hot and buff?!

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"... Let's just keep waking." He paused between his sentences as he suddenly grabbed my arm. An electric shock went through me as I gasped slight. What the hell was that?

He finally let go of my arm when we stopped at his house. The feeling of his hand was already missed as he sighed and looked around, cautiously looking for something.

"Sorry about that. I thought some... thugs were around."

"That's alright. What were you going to ask me?"

At that he snapped out of his daze. "Oh right." Ichigo coughed and straight his posture, "Can you meet me at the river night? It's something important I want to ask you."

"A-Alright. What time do you want to meet up?"

"Can it be eight? I would have it nine, but my dad has some strict curfew laws."

I giggle as I heard stories about his family from Orihime. From what I heard they were a wonderful, but crazy family.

"Sure. Meet you there tonight."

Ichigo nodded and opened up the front gate to enter inside his house. My heart pounded inside from all the ideas from what he could want from me...

Ichigo's P.O.V

Was I nervous? Yes. Was I about to make a fool out of myself? Maybe yes to that if I messed everything up. Just maybe... (y/n) will accept my feelings...

I sighed and shook my head from the thought. "Why would (y/n) even love me... I'm not the most lovable person out there..."

"Well to me you are, but to (y/n) you're like a ray of light in her life!"

Kon spoke suddenly out of nowhere. I swear... one of these days I need to stick his mouth shut.

"Be quiet, Kon."

"No you be quiet!"

Hopped onto my shoulder as I took off my gray school jacket. "Just listen to me! From what I've seen from the window every day (y/n) enjoys your company! But you, mister king of grump pants, find a way to get out of the picture because you're burring your feelings for her deeper and deeper!"

I blinked at the stuffed animal. "How do you know so much from just staring...?"

"Because you mumbled her name in your sleep."

A blush found my cheeks and lit them on fire. I cursed out Kon and kicked him at my window, having him slam extra hard into it. "You damn stuffed animal! You better not say anything about it! In fact, say anything tonight and you're going into the trash bin."

Kon cried out and covered his mouth with his stuffed hands, nodding his head in understanding. Looking out the window I knew it was only 3 o'clock. This is going to be a long five hours to wait...


I didn't want to look to serious as I dressed up in a plain black T-shirt and still in my gray school pants. My hair was a mess, like always, so it should have been much of a problem.

My heart was beating really fast. I'm going to ask someone to become my girlfriend, my very first girlfriend too. Hopefully I found the right girl on my first try.

I sneaked out of the house before my dad could notice I was gone and started towards the river. During the time of night the river was just beautiful when the city lights gleamed on its watery, smoothed surface.

When it seemed good enough I stopped at the middle of the dirt road and waited. What if (y/n) wouldn't even come for me...? Maybe she got lost on the way and would just go back... what if-


The sound of her voice made me jump as she was walking down the dirt road. Looks like I was lucky this time since she wasn't wearing anything fancy either.

The lights from the city made her face cat a shadowy glow. "What did you call me down here for?"

"O-Oh right..." She was so beautiful and just... everything about her just made the world right around us. "I was wondering... what do you think about me?"

"About you? Well... I think your nice and a really great guy." She giggled suddenly. That was the first time I've heard her giggle in the four months she's been here and it made my nervousness go away. "Why? Did you think I hate you?"

"No... Not at all. I was just wondering unmm..." I looked down at my feet, how did other people do this?! Shaking my head I took a deep breath and let it all out. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

A long minute of silence passed over us as it dreadfully felt like a million years. She rose her head, the moons light catching her face just right, and the smile of her face making her angelic. "Why not. I guess it won't hurt to date."

A breath released from my lungs, one I didn't know I was holding in. "Thank you. I really like you and I've never had a girlfriend before... so this is all new to me."

"Don't worry I've never had a boyfriend either so this can both be a new experience for us both."

The feeling of a smile coming onto my face was the nicest feeling in the world. "Nice. I know this is sudden, but would you like to meet my family?"

"U-Ummm... sure I guess."

I hugged her, my arms wrapping around her waist just perfectly. "You don't have to tonight if you feel uncomfortable."

She shook her head and set the determination in her eyes. "No! I can meet them and get it over with. Besides, their kind of my neighbors too."

I nodded and walked are way to my house. I was nervous to what my family would think to think. I've never mention (y/n) before and now she was my girlfriend.

When I opened the front door I was greeted with a kick, but dodged it in time. "I'm getting real sick and tired of you doing that old man!"

"It's called working on your reflexes!" My dad noticed (y/n) next, "Hmm? Who are you?"

A tint of pink rose came over her cheeks as she bowed. "I'm Ichigo's girlfriend, (y/n)."

My whole family stood still complete silence, staring at me and then back at (y/n). Yuzu was the first to break the silence with her amazing attitude. "So you're the girl I see big brother with on his walks! Now that I see you up close you're really cute!"

(y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. "Aww why thank you."

Karin smiled quickly before returning to her game. "As long as Ichigo treats her right and she treats him right I'm fine with her."

"Yeah!" Dad suddenly spoke up, "You better treat this young lady with respect or you'll get twice the punches and kicks in the morning and afternoon!"

As usual I started bickering with my dad. Out of the corner of my eye was when I started to love this girl already. (y/n) simply stared at my family, having a light smile and a happy giggle coming from her mouth.

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