First Mission

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The air smelled sick with the smell and feeling of hollows everywhere. Some were caged up due to their nature. Footsteps echoed into the room as it shadow casted itself into the room.

The hollows started trembling when he came into view. The figures cape dragging the backside on the ground as the figure came up to a cage.

Inside was its most precious hollow, a small hollow snake. The snake hissed at the nearby hollow as they backed up from it.

The figure smiled as it opened the cage and let the snake climb onto its hand and snaked its way up their neck, "I hope you don't hate me since I left you here."

The snake hissed quietly as it slithered around the figure, up and around their shoulders. The hollows backed up closer to the wall.

"I bet you're hungry. Go on, you can eat more than half of these weak hollows. Think of it as a gift."

The snake hissed in pleasure as it uncoiled from its owners arms and when to the screaming hollows. The snake grew bigger and bigger as the figures smile and laugh was all left in the room...


(y/n) P.O.V

'(y/n).... earth to (y/n)!'

My eyes blinked at the snapping fingers Rangiku was giving in front of me. How long was she there? She sighed and flicked my forehead. "You need to stop day dreaming all the time."

"S-Sorry. It's been a month since I've started here and all I've been doing is paperwork."

"Welcome to my world. Don't worry, sooner or later you'll get a mission!"

"Do you think I'm ready for a mission?"

"Of course! You're strong (y/n)! Even if you haven't gotten your banki yet you're still pretty powerful."

"I just wish I can get out there and swing at something! Anything! I will not do paperwork for the rest of my life!"

"That reminds me... how's Aiko?" Rangiku words occurred to me in my mind.

"He's not a bad guy. He gets the paperwork done on the time too. I think he's on lunch break."

"Hey why are you working on paperwork during lunch time?"

I shrugged, "I'm bored."

Rangiku gasped and gave me a fake cry. "You didn't even think of Momo or me?! How dare you?!"

I rolled my eyes while keeping my giggles down. "I think that's why. Why not, I'll join you two for lunch."

"YAY! Come on let's go!"

I yelped as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the lunch area. I looked around to see if Ichigo was anywhere in here. He hasn't been coming to lunch for a while and it's gotten me worried. Ichigo and I have lunch together outside while the other eat inside.

Momo waved us over as to my surprise, Aiko was next to her. "Over here!"

"Hey Aiko, what are you doing here?" I asked, hoping to get a decent answer from this weird guy.

"Well I was getting lonely while eating lunch alone since I'm new. Momo found me and I wanted to have lunch with you guys."

"Yay! A new member of our table." Rangiku clapped her hands together.

It may be great for her but I was nervous. Aiko and I didn't really talk much in the office. He was strangely quiet when we worked together. I didn't know if he was just shy... or he didn't like me... but he doesn't give me any dirty looks or be rude to me.

"Seriously? (Y/N)! SNAP OUT OF IT!"

A hand shook me out of my daze as it was Rangiku again. She sighed as she put my food down in front of me. "You really need to stop spacing out so much."

"Sorry, just have a lot on my mind."

"Well lunch is here so keep that on your mind."

"Yes, ma'am!" I said laughing before digging into my bento.

I started with the rice and while eating I started spacing out again. I wondered if Ichigo was alright. After that night we have been a little distant towards him. Maybe he's just busy and doesn't have time for me... but he promised he would... no! Snap out of it (y/n)! Ichigo is just busy! Nothing else!

Something cold snapped me out of my thoughts as Aiko accidentally knocked over his cup of tea.

"I am so sorry about that!"

"N-No! It's fine! At least its tea I like."

He gave me a goofy grin. "Here, why don't you come with me back to the office so I can get you a change of clothes?"

Something inside me screamed 'don't follow him'. But why? He looked so innocent and was just helping me out. I almost cry out in relief when Ichigo came in.

"Is lieutenant (y/n) here?" He called out in the demanding voice he's been working on.

"I'm here!"

I stood up as his eyes widen at the wet kimono I had on. When I came closer he dragged me outside, then taking off his captain coat and draped it around me. "Use this to keep you warm. Why are you wet?"

"Aiko accidentally knocked over his tea and it spilled over me. I'm fine! Anyways what did you want to talk about?"

"The old man came by today and checked up on me. He said I was doing fine, but need to better take care of the hollow problem outside the rukongai districts. He said I should send you out and see if you can handle a mission."

"R-Really? HELL YES! I can be away from paperwork today!"

Ichigo chuckled and ruffled my hair. "You really hate those things."

"Hell yeah I do! My eyes twitch whenever I get a huge ass stack of one! I'm free for today!"

"Just make sure you stay safe. I'll have my third seat with you on the mission."

"Okay! I can't wait to start!"

I go to turn around, but his strong arms grabbed me by the waist and pull him onto his strong chest. "I'm also sorry about that night. You're right, I am stressed and would love it if you helped me out."

"Anything for my captain~"

"Anything you say~?"

"Hmmm if he deserves it~"

"Can I get a kiss then?"

I nod and quickly kissed him, but that wasn't what he had in mind and grabbed my face gently in his hand and kissed me deeper. I moaned at the feeling of his kiss. I missed them so dearly that was I going crazy.

I pulled myself closer to him as he bit my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. Today I wanted to tease him so I denied him. He didn't like that and forced his tongue inside my mouth.

I tried fighting against it, but I lost and moaned out loud. I felt him smirk as he pinned me again the wall while I grabbed some of his hair and gripped it.

His hands traveled my body as I felt a spark go inside me, this was new to me and Ichigo has never done this before. His hands started untying the sash around my kimono until a cough stopped him.

Aiko was there, his face red like a tomato. "I-I got you a change of clothes."

I pulled back away from Ichigo, blushing madly while trying to fix my wet kimono. "T-thank you! That was nice of you! C-can you wait inside please?"

"Sure!" He looked so ready to bolt out of there, and his speed didn't lie about his face.

Ichigo laughed quietly while biting my ear. "Sorry about that. I had to remind you your mind, only."

I huffed and fixed his hair. "I already know that, baka. But you're my idiot, idiot strawberry."

"I'm not an idiot! But, you should start heading out now."



The outer districts were small and crowed. Aiko was staying a good few feet away from me for which I was glad.

The scent of hollows were close as I started to get a headache from the smell of blood we were trailing.

'Ugh, you're so weak without me.'

The small voice inside my head made me smile as I always loved Akumu's company. "Sorry I just don't like the smell of blood."

'Oh, I know. I laugh every time when a new month shows up and you start crying'

"S-Shut up!"

"Who are you talking too?" Aiko called after me while we were flash-stepping in the air.

"No one!" 'God... that was close.'

'I would have laughed if he called you weirdo afterwards.'

'Akumu, please be quiet before I come inside and start smacking you.'

'Alright, alright. Geez, take a joke once in a while before your boyfriend starts going towards your panties.'


She laughed and cut the connection off. I sighed and rubbed my head to at least help with the smell of blood.

A loud cry could be heard not too far from where we were. Aiko and I hid behind a rock before a hollow saw us.

I saw Aiko take out his sword and whisper a command, too quietly for me to hear. His sword glowed a faint green as the blade was deadly sharp on one end. "This is my blade."

"It looks cool!" I did the same and took out my sword.

Aiko nodded in approval. "Nice sword."

"Thanks, now let's get slashing."

Aiko and I separated on either end as I slashed at the hollow destroying the houses where people lived in, happy and carefree before the attack. A huge hoard of them were in the corner as some kid was in its grasps. I guess he didn't leave when his village got attack and stayed.

He struggled against the hollows grip on him. He cried out in pain when the hollow started crushing him with his hands. I growled and let out a wave of darkness out and crashed it onto the hoard of hollows.

The boy screamed as he fell, but I caught him in time before he could be enveloped into my attack. He was shaking when he I put him down, almost looking like he could throw up. He looked to be around 13 or 14. He had black hair and a tiny crocked nose with ruby eyes to set his appearance off. He was really skinny, like you could see his rib cage through his ripped kimono.

His ruby eyes were teary as he stared up at me. "T-Thank you miss..."

"No a problem, but tell me why you were still here in this village."

"W-Well it was yesterday my village got attacked. My mother said to hide in the cellar and don't come out until she said too. I was worried and went outside... only too find... everyone dead..."

I felt pity for the kid, already still young and has already seen bad things in his life. I hugged him close to me as I let him cry his heart out. I could hear Aiko taking out the hollows for me in the distance which I was grateful for.

Once he stopped crying I brushed away his tears and bent down to his level. "Hey if you come back with me we can give you a place to live. I know a person who can bend the rules."

"R-Really?" He hiccupped, "You would do that for me?"

"I can't let a poor kid out in the areas be alone, that wouldn't be right."

"T-Thank you so much! My name is, Hitomu."

"What a nice name. Hop on my back, I'll takes us to Aiko."


He hopped on my back and he was light as air, which was a good and bad thing at the same time. I flash-stepped over to Aiko just as he finished slashing down a hollow. "Aiko!" I called out to him, "Can you watch over Hitomu? I'll finish the last hollow around the area."


I smiled and set Hitomu down and ran over to the group of hollows. It was dark in the area, but luckily Akumu help lighten up the place with a purple glow to the blade. I finished the area and was about to put away my zanpukto, until I heard a faint hissing noise.

It was coming from the opening in the rock walls as I stepped closer to it, blade up and ready. I couldn't blink at the time I when to dodge the attack as I cut the snake hollow in half. I felt a quick burn in my neck but dismissed it as I watched the hollow snake disappear.

I came back to Hitomu and Aiko as we when back...


"(y/n)! You're back!"

Ichigo hugged me tightly and kissed me quickly. I giggled and kissed him quickly back. "How was the mission?" He asked.

"It when great! I met a survivor there. Come on out, Mitomu."

Mitoum came out of the shadows as he stood shaking at Ichigo, probably because of his scary face he was giving him, which was his normal face. "H-Hello."

"I'm the head captain, Ichigo Kurosaki. I'll have you live with Ukitake for now before I know what do you with you."

"Y-You mean.... t-thank you, sir!" Hitmou bowed to us as I smiled.

"Maybe the first thing Ukitake can do with you is give you a bath."

He gave me a toothy grin and laughed. "I guess so!"

Ichigo lead Hitmou to Ukitake's office as Ukitake was happy to help him.

Ichigo and I held hands together as we when home. I got done from the bath as my neck was starting to hurt again. Ichigo noticed when I came into the bed room. "What's wrong?"

"My neck hurts..."

"Let me see it."

I snuggled up against him and pulled my hair away from him to see. I shivered at his touched as his finger graze over my skin.

"Nothing seems wrong. But it's missing something."

I yelped when he kissed the area around my neck. The pain seem to go away as he after he pulled away and laughed. "You should get some sleep. Night."

"Nighty, night."

Ichigo blew out the candle and when fast asleep on the pillow than I thought he would. I smiled at how cute me looked and passed out with my head on his strong arm.

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