New Friend?

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(y/n) P.O.V


I sighed at the amount of work that was on my desk. It's only been a week since I've started being Ichigo's lieutenant and so far I have had the most work out of any lieutenant. Ichigo comes in to help me with it's almost time to go, so I was glad I had his help.

In the corner of my eye I saw a patch of orange peeking into my office as I look up to Ichigo. "Hey Ichi."

Ichigo smiled and came in. "I just wanted to tell you I got my third seat today. He should be coming in from an hour tilt now."

"Really? What's a third seat?"

"Someone who is the third in command of the division and help out with paperwork or missions as best as they can."

"Oh sweet! They'll help me with all his shit load of paperwork!"

"That's why I got one. Look (y/n), I'm really sorry I can't help out with the paperwork much."

"its fine Ichi I know your busy. You got a more important job that me. I'm just glad you're doing so well right now!"

"It's amazing. I bet Uryu would be shocked."

I laughed as I could imagine it already. Uryu's glasses falling off and he be confused at how someone like Ichigo could run a society well. I stopped laughing and gazed off into the distances. "I wonder how their doing right now..."

"I forgot to tell you we can see then in a year's time."

"A year?!" I exclaimed, "That's way too long!"

"I know, but they just want me to see how well I can run the place before I can start going out of the society for now."

"I understand."

Ichigo gave me a reassuring smile and ruffled my hair. "I'm sorry." He looked up at the clock and sighed, "I should get going. I'll pick you up tonight."

He gave me a quick kiss and left with his captain's coat trailing along behind him. It was about ten minutes later Rangiku came in with a mischievous smirk on her beautiful face.

"Oh (y/n)-chan~ let's go out drinking!"

I sighed deeply. This was the twelfth time this whole week I've told her, I'm too young to drink. "Rangiku, do I need to stab inside your head to get the point too you?!"

"Nope! Just trying to get you out of this dusty office." She whipped the couch with her finger and dust was on it, I was surprised by that since it's only been a week since I've started.

"Rangiku... don't you have your own work to do?"

"It's already done!"


"Oh alright it's never done, but I'm use to captain always yelling at me about it! Anyways I just saw Ichigo come out of your office not too long ago, were you two doing something naughty~?"

I blushed madly at her comment and smacked her upside the head. "Good god woman! It's only been a week and you're already thinking that!"

She pouted while rubbing the bruise I gave her. "You never know. I know your birthday is going to be here in five months and that's when everything starts to change~"

"Huh?" My face when blank, "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on (y/n)! You're seventeen already and you don't know about this?!"

"Know about what?!"

"When a boy and a girl are along together and love each other very much-"

"Oh god Rangiku stop!" I covered her mouth while my cheeks were on fire, "We're not going to be doing that!"

She bite my hand as I yelped and let go. "You never know, (y/n). The people who you know well to your heart can change."

I stared at her. "How do you know this so well?"

"It's because..." Her face when blank for a second, looking as if she was lost in time, "Because... I just do."

Suddenly, all the bright and cheerfulness I always got from her disappeared. Her gray eyes stared off into the distances, as if she was remembering something terrible. My heart got stabbed a little as I relaxed my muscles and hugged her.

"I'm sorry Rangiku, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh, you didn't hurt me (y/n)-chan." I pulled back and saw her face was back to normal.

'Weird. Maybe she doesn't like talking about it.'

"Anyways, do you want to go drinking?"

"NO!" I smacked her upside the head again, "I'M NEVER GOING DRINKING WITH YOU!"

"O-okay! O-okay! I'm sorry!" She faked cried while laughing.


Rangiku surprisingly helped with my paperwork, (only ten papers worth), and laid down on the couch. She noticed a paper with a picture of a man on it I've never seen before. "Oh you're finally getting your third seat? He looks cute!"

"Huh? Theirs's a picture of him?"

"Of course theirs a picture of him, we need to see background info check anyways."

"Fair point. What's his name...?"

"Hmmm... it's... oh look at the time! Captain's going to be here any time now! Bye!" She quickly rushed out of the office as I shrugged it off.

'I wonder if we're going to get along. Maybe we won't... who know really.'

A knock came at my door as I jumped slightly at the sudden noise. I was so use to it being quiet I just thought the office was my own universe.

"Can I come in?"

"State your name and rank." I called out, trying not too shaken up.

"Akio, squad one's third seat."

'It's him!' "You may come in."

Time seemed to stand still once the tall figure came in. His hair was slicked back and was the darkest of midnight blue, but his eyes were pale sliver, and that's what made him stand out so far. He was muscular, but not as muscular as Ichigo was but the same height as him. He had a nice positioned face and along with a small cute little nose to outshine his lifted pink lips.

"Hello... Hello?!"

I snapped of my daze and looked him over to see he was right in front of me snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh sorry about that! I dozed off there."

"It's alright. I'm Akio Kita, nice to meet you."

I nodded my head and shook his hand, "I'm (y/n) (y/l), lieutenant of squad one."

His sliver eyes grew widen as he chuckled. "I've hear so much about you before I came into the society. I heard the head captain and you are dating?"


"That explains a lot, because when I met him he told me if I ever laid a finger on you I would die."

"Hahah... that sounds just like him." 'Damn it Ichigo can you not do this to me!'

"Its fine, I understand guys and protectiveness over are woman."

"Are you dating someone?"

"No, no! Well not right now but I did date for a while before we broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine... you sure do like to say sorry a lot."

"It's just a habit from growing up to your parents expectations."

His laugh melted off me like a river of water, it was as if I had heard him laugh before. That wasn't possible, was it? "I get what you mean. Sometimes I just hated my parents for doing that to me."

"I'm an only child so it was a lot of pressure."

"That sucks. I have three sisters and one brother, I'm the oldest so now they have to go through what I had too."

I giggled before sipping some of my tea. "That must have been horrible for them."

"It is." He stated it as if it was a fact.

Something about this guy was telling me I could trust him in my mind, but my heart was telling me to stay away from him, like as if he was the danger of me. But just seemed like a normally nice guy, I didn't see anything bad about him.

"So tell me about yourself."

"Well I like long walks on the beach- Nah I'm just kidding. I grew up in the outer sections of the rukongai districts and decided I wanted to become a soul reaper, so I came here for a job."

"I bet your sisters and brothers miss you already."

"Nah I bet they just love me gone. Anyways do you want to take a walk around with me?"

I was about to say yes, but Ichigo's words echoed in my mind to stay away from no one I knew around here. That would seem bad if I said that towards his face. I have only meet him for one day and was about to say yes to a walk with him, maybe not the best idea.

A short gasps of panting came into the room as Rangiku came in. Something flashed inside Akio's eyes that I barely registered in time, anger?

"(y/n) help me- Oh is this him?"

Rangiku's eyes brightened up greatly as she extended her hand for him. "I'm Rangiku Matsumoto, lieutenant of squad 10."

"Akio Kita, third seat."

"Oh I know! Already everyone know about it!"

His face flashed a look of shock. "How do they know about me?"

"It's was in the daily news bulletin!" She showed him the paper as his sliver eyes gave it a hard look over, but Rangiku didn't seemed to notice it but me. "You're famous already!"

"Interesting. Hope I can meet more new people around here."

"Well you have (y/n) and me so far! Just wait until you meet Renji and my captain! They need more boys in the men's soul reaper association!"

"I'll look into it. What do I have to do as a third seat?"

"Do whatever the captains or lieutenant tells you to do, but mostly paperwork."

His left eye twitched slightly. "Fun, I look forward to doing any of it."

"Really?" Rangiku's gray eyes held the same mischievous evil in them, "Does that mean you'll do my paperwork."


"I'll take you out drinking once in a while."

"Hmmm... deal."

"YAY! See (y/n)? Akio gets me!"

I rolled my eyes at her and continued doing my paperwork. "Whatever."

"Anyways I was just coming in to meet you, (y/n)." He shook my hand, but I could have sworn he tightened his grip on my hand too much, "It will be a pleasure working with you."

I shivered inside as I nodded as he left and gave the office a cold feeling. What the hell had I gotten myself into to? What was with this guy? Something about him didn't seem right... not at all... The way his sliver eyes looked at Rangiku with hate in them. Rangiku was too busy being bubbly and happy as ever to notice it.


It was around seven o'clock by the time I got paperwork done. I rested my eyes and waited for Ichigo to come, but passed out from waiting too long...

'Wake up... (y/n) wake up...'

The voice called out towards me and I knew it was Ichigo, only I was too deep of a sleep to open my eyes. I heard him chuckle and pick me up as I hummed inside and enjoyed the feeling of being protected in his arms. It was a long while until we got to are house as he opened the door.

I opened my eyes and blinked them awake when Ichigo smiled down at me. "I was going to wake you up when I got dinner ready."

"*yawn* its fine..."

"Why don't you take a bath while I make dinner."

"Hmmm... okay..."


The water was just perfect as I sank into it with the bubbled swimming around me. In are two days of being here Ichigo hired carpenters and furniture people to give the house some light in it since he didn't have much days off to do it. They did say they were fast, I just didn't think that fast.

The bath was made of wood and had an open window to so you could see the garden. I played with the bubbled a bit before washing my body and hair a bit. I just loved this bath and so did Ichigo when he first came out with a happy face.

I finished my bath and came out in a simple pain white kimono as I sat at the table with a very comfy cushion. Ichigo smiled at me as he set up the table and sat right next to me. I slurped up and noodles and hummed.

"I didn't know you could cook this well."

"Well after the cake thing I wanted to start cooking so I had Yuzu taught me the best she could."

"Man... when that girl grows up she'll be the best chief ever."

"I know, that's why holidays at my place with food are the best."

I giggled and continued to finish my food before Ichigo took me to bed.

I snuggled up to him and kissed him quickly. "Nighty night Ichi."

He kissed by forehead as I could see the tiny stress marks around his eyes. It's only been a week and it's already affecting him, "Before you go to sleep tell me about the third seat."

His question caught me off guard, I wasn't ready to tell him about his behavior. "Well... he's a nice guy! A good person to do paperwork with."

"That's good. Less stress for you means I'm happy."

My smile faltered a bit. "But Ichi... don't you care about yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"You already have stress marks, it's making me worried."

"It's nothing to worry about. Goodnight."

He kissed me quickly, but it was rough and not filled with love. He blew out the candle as I sighed inside my head and when to sleep.

Here is the inside of what house is to look like.



Dining Room

Living Room




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