Soul Society

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The walk between the soul society and the world of the living was strange. It was cold and eerie in there, but Ichigo held you hand along the way which made you happy and felt safe. At the end of the long walk a tall Japanese door appeared as the black butterfly entered through it. It was a blinding white light as you flinched, but soon got used to it as your eyes widen greatly.

It was like an ancient Japanese town but with walls and people dressed in black like yourself. An old man stood at the center of the walk way as people where knelled before him.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, thank you for taking over my post as head captain. I can finally rest and make teas I haven't done before." He laughed to himself after noticing you, "I take it this is the girlfriend I keep hearing about?"

"Yes it is sir."

Ichigo motioned towards you as you jumped at the sudden attention towards you. You bowed your head, "(y/n) (y/l) sir and it is nice to meet you."

"Hoo theirs no need for the ranks dear, I'm not head captain anymore."


Embarrassed you quickly when backing up and bumped into Ichigo a tiny bit as he smiled at your behavior. "It was nice seeing you one last time old man."

"I will be coming sometime around next month to see if you're fit for this job, you're not getting rid of me that easily."

"Yes sir."

"Without any further ado I must leave and enjoy retirement. Take care of the soul society for me."

"Will do sir."

The old head captain headed out of the door you came through as it closed behind him. You looked around the place more as you tighten your grip on Ichigo's hand more. What if these soul reapers would be mean to you? Or hated you? Maybe something even worse.

Ichigo gave you a gentle squeeze back, "(y/n) don't worry there's nothing to be worried about."

Ichigo could always read you like an open book which you sometimes love/hate about him, but this time it was good to know he knew you were feeling, "Okay I believe you."

"Ahh Ichigo! You've grown so much since the last time I've saw you."

A man with a flowery coat around his shoulders stood by the entrance Ichigo needed to go through, but Ichigo simply gave him a smile and nod. "Same too you, Shunsui. Are you sure you don't want the post as head captain?"

"I'm sure you'll make a wonderful captain. I like the squad I'm in and don't really think I'm cut out with all the problems and more formalities than I deal with." He finally noticed you as you were hiding behind Ichigo, "Who's this pretty young lady?"

"This is my girlfriend, (y/n) (y/l). She's shy right now but I know she'll open up more later on."

"That's a good thing because I want to talk and have a sake with this girl at some time."

Ichigo gave him his natural scowl. "She's too young to drink along with me."

"Hey once you become head captain time fly's by!"

"Whatever. Just tell me what I have to do now."

"You'll be doing the boring part of this head captain thing right now and setting yourself up before the meeting starts and saying you're the official head captain. I guess (y/n) can wonder around and explore more of the society."

Ichigo turned you around to face him as his face held a look of concern. "Will you be alright without me?"

"Of course I will! I'm not scared!" You puffed your out chest with pride.

Ichigo smiled and ruffled your hair. "Theirs's the (y/n) I know. I'll see you in an hour or two."

"Have fun! Make sure to get drunk as well!"

"Don't tell her that!" Ichigo scowled at Shunsui as he took him into the building.


(y/n) P.O.V

This place was so huge I was afraid I already lost my way back. There were soul reapers dressed up just like me and whispered among me as I passed by them. Maybe I was new here? Please let that be it... it's already hard enough without Ichigo right by my side right now...

"(Y/N)!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!"

I turned to see where the voice came from, and got hugged from behind with my head resting on something super soft, "R-Rangiku?"

"You remember me! I feel so special!" She hugged me tighter and tighter as I continued to lose oxygen.

"P-Please let go of me..."

She finally let go me as I got a lung full of oxygen. I turned around to find Rangiku's shining gray eyes from before. She hasn't changed a bit but was still beautiful as ever, along with her pink sash around her shoulders.

"How have Ichigo and you been? I'm glad you recovered from your injury! I was so worried about you! So was Momo. We might have only talked and seen each other once, but we still worry about are friend."

I gave Rangiku a thoughtful smile. "Thank you Rangiku. Say do you think you can take me on a tour around here?"

"Sure! Follow me! We'll go from thirteen to the last where Ichigo's in!"

"That reminds me which squad is Ichigo in?"

"You'll find out~"


Rangiku knocked on a door with upside down flower on the front. A gently and quite voice answered as Rangiku opened the door. Inside was a man with long white hair and strangely black eyebrows. At his side was Rukia.

"Hello Rangiku, oh who's this?"

"(y/n)!" Rukia came up and hugged me as I gave the hug back, "It's nice to see you again!"

"You too Rukia."

"Oh captain! This is (y/n) (y/l), this is Ichigo's girlfriend!" She turned me to face him as I gave him a wave.

"It is nice to meet you (y/n)! Would you like candy?"

"Sure why not." I gladly took candy from Ukitake who I soon learned the name from.

After a while we finally leave the office as I already start stuffing my face full of candy. The next office had a symbol as a fire shaped sign, but I knew it had to be a flower. "Whose office is this?"

"Someone who you never want to meet."


I began to turn into an office door with a symbol of a diamond with seven stars until Rangkiu grabbed my elbow and pulled me away.

"Don't go in there, if we tell him your Ichigo's girlfriend he'll challenge you into a fight."

"Is he that strong?"

"He always makes Ichigo run away from him when he wants a challenge from him."

I shiver and nod my head. "I'll agree with you on this."

After turning around a squad with a lily shaped flower patterned on it I began to question if I should never go there since Rangiku quickly avoided it and led me to the ninth squad. I opened the door myself and found a laid back in his chair and had his feet on the desk.

"Captain Muguruma, this is Ichigo's girlfriend (y/n) (y/l)."

"So you're the famous (y/n) I keep hearing around this place."

"Huh? People are talking about me?"

"Ever since the hollow injury and him becoming head captain is the only news I've heard around this damn place."

"Oh... well don't worry I bet people will soon forget about it soon!"

"They better... or I'll have to beat someone up to get rid of the news."

Rangiku then led me to the eight division were I already felt it had a laid back atmosphere around it. Inside a woman was stacking paperwork. She was really pretty with her serious look, even along with glasses she was pretty.

She pushed her glasses up with her fingers and looked straight at me. "Who is this person Rangiku?"

"This is Ichigo's girlfriend, (y/n) (y/l), and I'm showing her around the place."

"Theirs's nothing to look for in this office and I am busy so please leave."

Rangiku pouted as she pushed me out. "Learn to lighten up sometime Nanao..."

"Rangiku she's busy so I understand." I told her as I ate the last piece of candy from my bag.

"I know... but I'm still trying to get her to learn the meaning of fun..."

I go to open up the next door to find a huge dog like thing. My eyes widen as I bolt for it before the thing could even speak. Rangiku found me a little bit afterwards and explained to me why he was like that. I go back and apologize as quickly as I could before I could embarrassed myself further. I dragged Rangiku with me as we go to the next division.

I found red hair when I first came in as I smiled and saw it was Renji. "Hey Renji!"

"(y/n)! It's nice to finally see you again!" He ruffled my hair as I laughed.

"Hey stop it!"

"Okay I'll stop. I just wanted to tell you Rukia and I are officially dating now."

My eyes widen in surprise as I look at Rangiku as she nods her head with a smile. "Its official?!"

"Yeah it is. I'm surprised Rukia didn't tell you herself when you were in there. She must have forgot to tell you."

"Don't forget Renji, if you do anything stupid I'll end your life were it stands." I hear a cold voice to finally find a man with black hair doing paperwork on the desk.

Renji quickly nodded his head. "I know captain. By the way this is Ichigo's girlfriend, (y/n) (y/l)."

His cold eyes landed on my eyes as a shiver ram down my spine. This guy seemed cold and distant on many levels and I didn't like it. "So this is her? I'm guessing she doesn't use honorific just like Kuroskai?"

"Ummmmm yes I do..."

"That's a surprise. A peasant is dating someone who is nice and uses titles."

"Captain he's going to be head captain soon, so you can't really call him present."

"Be quite Abarai."

"Yes sir."

The next division was the fifth division. Once I saw short black hair I immediately ran up and hugged it close to me. They squeaked at the sudden hug from me before giggling in happiness and hugging me back. "(y/n) it's you! Haven't seen you in forever!"

"It's great to see you too Momo!"

"I take it you're the kid's girlfriend?" A man said as he was laid back in his desk chair and looked at me with a bored look, "Hard to believe someone as stubborn as him is dating someone as pretty as you."

"Truth to be told sir I'm more stubborn than him."

A smile began to spread across his face, he pulled off the look just perfectly. "That's something new. Just call me Shinji."

"Alright I will!" I bowed and quickly hugged Momo again before leaving and going into fourth division.

The air around the place had a nice smell and a sense of safety. This place was somewhere I could go to if wanted a rest. A woman with long braid black hair came up to me with a smile I felt more at ease with.

"Hello how may I help you?"

"Captain Unohana this is Ichigo's girlfriend, (y/n) (y/l)" Rangiku said as she played with my hair a bit.

"Oh my you're more prettier than they say from rumors." She said with a light smile.

I blushed and quickly tried to wave it off. "T-Thank you ma'am."

"Well I must get back to work. It was nice meeting you (y/n)."

I returned the gesture with a bow and walked along with Rangiku to the other divisions.

After that long walk Rangkiu had me see the other divisions as some were nice others were just mean or didn't really like talking. I started getting more stares now when the captains meeting was coming in ten minutes.

"Get use to the stares hon you're going to get them a lot. Now that Ichigo is head captain and you're dating him every girl is going to be jealous of you."

"H-Huh?! I don't want that!"

"Teehee I guess that's just me. Don't worry you have Momo and I to keep you company. Just tell us if anyone is bothering you and we'll put them in their place."

I smiled and gave Rangiku a nod. "Thanks Rangiku. It was nice of you to show me around the place."

"Anything for a friend."

"MASTSUMOTO!" A young voice yelled out as Rangiku stiffened.

"Oh no... Hide me!"

She pulled me in front of her as a short white haired boy with a green scarf around his neck came up to me with an irk mark on his forehead. "Rangiku I can see you! Get away from her! You have a lot of explain to do to me for why you weren't in the office doing paperwork!"

"But captain I was showing Ichigo's girlfriend around the place! I couldn't leave a friend behind and wonder around alone!"

This cool green eyes searched me up and down, he softened his eyes as he looked better without them squinted. "So your (y/n). Rangiku has told me a lot about you. I will let this go just for now." His irk mark came back as he pointed a finger at Rangiku, "Next time something like this ever happens again it's twice the paperwork for you!"

"Yes sir!"

A bell rung in the distance as I guess that was the signal for the captain's meeting to start. I came in first to find the love of my life who I missed greatly in the back of the room. A smile came on his face as I ran up and hugged him.

He was dressed differently with a white coat just like the other captain's I've seen them on. "I missed you."

"It's only been an hour and you missed me already?" I said with a sight tease in my voice.

"It was boring without you. With you around you could have made something fun out of it. Anyways did you do fine without me when looking around the soul society?"

"Kinda. I had Rangiku to show me around the place. It's so big with some nice people in here."

"Just make sure to stay around people you know for this year, I don't want anything happening to too."

"Yes head captain." I giggled and quickly kissed him.

Ichigo smiled and ruffled my hair. "I'm going to have to get use to that now."

"Okay you love bird's time to break it up." Shunsui said as he got to his post in the room.

I nodded and stood behind Ichigo as the other captain's filed in. Some of the ones I didn't meet before kinda scared me at how they looked and carried themselves.

Ichigo cleared his throat once everyone stood their spots. He rose his chin up and set a serious and demanding face. "I, Ichigo Kurosaki, will be your new head captain starting today. All of you will obey my orders and attend to every captain meeting I order. Under all the captains of the 13 Gotei have voted me to become head captain of you all. From this day forth I will take the responsibility for the soul society and the souls living in it."

All the captain's bowed their heads and rose them up again after Ichigo signaled them.

"I also have other news. I appoint, (y/n) (y/l), as my lieutenant of the first division. Does anyone disagree?"

No one spoke up, but they had their eyes on me. I was questioning in my head what the heck kind of lieutenant I would be. Ichigo never discussed this with me and I was freaking out on the inside.

"Then you are all dismissed."

All the captain's left without a word and closed the door behind them. Ichigo let out a long sigh afterwards as his muscles relaxed greatly. "That was nerve racking."

"Huh? But you were great up their! Also, what's with this lieutenant stuff?!"

Ichigo grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him as we started walking outside. "I thought about ways of being close to each other while I was head captain. If you became my lieutenant you would be close to me and it wouldn't be a problem."

"Oh... well your forgiven. Your surprises are a mystery to me."

Ichigo smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I have another surprise for you too. It's going to be better than the last."


My eyes dropped at the house we arrived at. I quickly opened the screen door in find myself in a huge ass living room with a suit cases and everything we took with us from the human world. Ichigo lit up a candle and place it on the table. "This is our house were living in."

"Huh?! We?!"

"Don't you remember you said you didn't mind living with me once we graduated?"

"Oh... right... sorry I just forgot after with everything today!" I rubbed the back of my head and laughed to lighten up the room.

Ichigo didn't mind my forgetfulness and kissed my cheek. "It's fine. I understand meeting new people can be challenging. I'll show you around the place. This was the old man's house when he was still head captain. He sure doesn't say it but shows he appreciates everything I did for him."

"Just show me around already!" I tug at his coat as he laughed as I pulled him along.

The house had its own private garden with a koi pond which I will play with one day. Everything else in the house was just fine and I knew we would have to put furniture in are self but that was okay. The last place left was the master bedroom as I sighed and flopped on down on the bed.

It wasn't those flat Japanese bed I always hate, it was more like Ichigo's bed but ten times better. Ichigo joined in with me and cuddled me close to him. "I had them put in a bed I liked and not those Japanese beds. It wouldn't be the same if I didn't have something I slept on back at home."

"I feel ya. With Momo and Rangiku at my side I know I won't feel alone..."

I hear Ichigo yawn as he played with my hair. "I have Renji but he will just annoy me more just anything."

I giggled before I gave a yawn back. "That's true. Did you know Renji and Rukia are dating?"

"They are? Good to know they finally got to together. Renji has had feelings for her for a while and it's good to know he's got his woman."

"Just like me?"

"Just like you. Night (y/n)."

I felt him snake his arm around my waist and pulled are body close as he kissed me. I soon melt into his kiss as I took off his captain's coat for him as he massage by sides gently. The wind from the open door made me shiver as Ichigo felt it and pulled a blanket over me without breaking the kiss. We were tangled in blankets by the time Ichigo passed out from kissing as I soon fell asleep in his arms.

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