Ichigo's Birthday

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Ichigo's and I's birthday are right next to each other. But happy birthday too him ^-^

It was time. You opened up the door to your loving boyfriend's room to find him asleep still, drool coming out of his mouth and blankets throw everywhere. You smiled at the cuteness of him sleeping as when he was asleep with you in his arms he would cuddle you close to his chest.

You took a step back and took off, you jumped and landed right on him, making his jump awake and you slammed your lips onto his lips. Ichigo relaxed soon after he noticed it was you who he was kissing and kissed back.

You pulled back and kiss both his cheeks with shining (e/c) eyes. "Happy birthday Ichigo!"

Ichigo blinked his eyes awake as he finally came into focus. "It's my birthday today?"

You groaned at his forgetfulness of only this day, which was his birthday. "Really Ichigo, you forgot your birthday?"

Ichigo gently pushed you off him as he got up and stretched. "I've been busy hollow hunting... I don't have my birthday really on my mind."

"But you turned 18! You're an adult now!"

"I know... and now I'm out of school the soul society gonna expect me to hunt more hollows now that in two months' time we're going to be graduating."

"Yeah... I'm still 17 at the most... it's not going to be a while until I turn 18! But I think it's around before the school ends I think."

Ichigo smiles and ruffles your hair, making it stand up a bit. "You'll be the same age like me. You old person."

You giggled and flicked his forehead playfully. "If you call me that one more time I won't give you your present mister."

"Okay." Ichigo replied normally as he when downstairs, but deep inside you knew he wanted it.

"SURPRISE!!!" Both his sister and dad yelled at him when he came downstairs, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ICHIGO!!!"

Ichigo blinked at the people in front of them before his face broke out into a smile. "Thanks guys."

"My boy all grown up now! Masaki the day as finally come!" Isshin ran over to the wall with Ichigo's mother as a picture and cried over it.

Karin rolled her eyes as Yuzu just giggled. "Dad quit crying over that poster already! It's old enough as you are!"

"M-Masaki!!! The day as come! Both are children hate me!!!"

An irk mark appeared on Karin's head as she kicked in away from the poster. "I said cut it out already!

"Oh Ichigo I have the cake set up to eat!" Yuzu said as she when over to the kitchen.

You watched Ichigo's family with amused eyes. "Your family sure does love you."

"They love me a bit too much..." Ichigo mumbled to himself while taking a seat at the table.

The doorbell rang as you answer it too Rukia, Renji, Orihime, and Uryu. "Hey guys!"

"Hi (y/n), where's Ichigo at? We got his presents for him" Rukia said as they all came in.

Ichigo looked up as his eyes widen at his friends. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Really Ichigo, it's your birthday. We were going to come over no matter what you told us, and we didn't forget your birthday."

"But he did." You said and giggled.

Uryu looked as if he expected it as the rest of the group laughed, making Ichigo blush. "S-Shut up it isn't funny!"

"It's okay Ichigo, you don't have to be embarrassed." Orihime said as she put her present down on the table along with the rest of the group.

"Yeah Ichigo it isn't like everyone forgets their birthday!"

"You want to say that again pineapple?"

"Cake is ready!" Yuzu called out and lit up the candles.

Everyone gathered around Ichigo as you sat on his lap. Ichigo pulled you closer by the waist as he got his strawberry cake with white chocolate filling. Everyone around him started singing happy birthday as a smile was on Ichigo's face by the time he blew out the candles.

Present came by as Rukia got him a Chappy with orange hair on it, Renji with a mini toy snake to play with, Uryu a new pair of clothing (the inside of it with the quincy cross), and Orihime a stack of cupcakes; which were good enough to eat.

After a while everyone left saying their goodbyes as Ichigo hugged you from behind and kissed the top of your head. "I haven't gotten my present from you yet."

You giggled and took his hand and led him up into his bedroom. You opened the closet and pulled out a wrapped gift.

Ichigo rose an eyebrow as you handed him his gift. "How long was that in their?"

"Two weeks. I knew you didn't look in there so I hid it in their in case." You said while sitting down next to him.

"You know me so well." Ichigo said with an amused smiled as he opened up his gift.

It was a locket in the shape of a strawberry. He opened it up too see a picture of both Ichigo and you smiling, he remembered it was the first picture you ever took together as a couple.

"I hope you like it. I saw the strawberry and though of you."

"I love it. I'm never taking it off too." He said and put it around his neck. It glinted faintly in the moonlight as you smiled at it.

"I'm glad you liked it. I thought you would be mad at me since it was a strawberry."

"I could never be mad at you." Ichigo said as he lifted you into his arms, "Thank you (y/n) for the gift, but the real gift to me is you being my girlfriend."

You smiled and bopped your nose with his. "The same goes for me Ichigo. Only with you being a strawberry boyfriend."

Ichigo chuckled as he pulled you closer. "I love you (y/n)."

He locked his fingers in yours as he kissed you gently. You hummed and kissed him back, giving your answer back while wrapping your legs around his waist. In all the years Ichigo with all his birthdays... this one was his favorite.

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