Hollow Hunting

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It was time for you and Akumu to take on your first hollow. Ichigo wasn't happy about it but you knew it was just his protective thing about him it would never let go of it. You sheathed out Akumu and twisted the blade in the open light in the window. Even though the blade was midnight dark it shined just perfectly, like darkness coming through the bowels of evil.

'Admiring me aren't we? I know, I'm pretty stunning of a blade~'

You jumped at the sudden voice of your zanpakuto, you were still getting use to this whole mind link thing. 'You are. I can't believe something like this was inside me.'

'Are you calling me a THING?'

'Ahh sorry about that! I can't believe I have something this powerful like her inside of me.'

'Much better~'

"Are you ready?" Ichigo said as he opened the door open for him to enter. You were sitting on his bed in his room as you both decided to meet and come back here once your duty was over.

"Yep! Let's go."

Ichigo nodded as he opened up his window and jumped out of it and landed on a nearby roof. You looked down and gulped, you didn't know how Ichigo's dad survived all those falls from his fail attacks. One step in front and you jumped. It felt like you were flying while standing at the same time.

Your flash-step was perfect as you landed near Ichigo. He smiled and ruffled your hair. "Nice job. You're getting the hang of this."

"Yes! I'll become a great death god in no time!"

Ichigo chuckled in amusement and flashed-stepped somewhere else. You smirked and flash-stepped near him and stopped at what you saw. A hollow. It has a disfigured face with four horns coming out from it's hollow skull. It's back was hunched up into an angled arched as it's hands and feet had razor sharp claws.

"This one seems pretty easy. Low spirit pressure just enough to make sure you won't get hurt. If anything goes wrong I'll be there in a flash." (Ha get it because of flash-step? No? I'll just go then...)

With excitement you didn't reply back to your boyfriend and drifted down where the hollow was. It's red eyes look deadly and hungry for souls. It was looking behind trees as you saw in the corner of your eye you saw a ghost boy hiding behind a tree, cowering in fear as the hollow was getting closer and closer to it's prey.

"Hey! Stupid hollow! Come and get me instead!"

The hollow stopped in it's tracks and turned it's head towards you. You suddenly stopped in your tracks as the look and feeling of it's dead eyes were so powerful it paralyzed you with fears. As if it were tired of waiting the hollow started charging at you, sending pin missiles in your direction.

Your legs suddenly started working again as you jumped out of the deadly pin missiles way and jumped up high, raising your sword high enough in the air as the sun glinted off it's sharp while you cut through the hollow.

The hollow cried out in pain and agony as it disappeared. You stopped looked for the hollow but it was gone. Why would it just disappear like that?

"(y/n) look out!" Ichigo voiced out from nowhere as you turned around and saw a hollow twice the size of the one you just killed.

It's hollow face was dragon like as from it's mouth dripped out acid on the grass, making them died increasingly by the second. Before you could react the hollow rose one of it's horns at you and when for your heart. Time seem too stopped as Ichigo came in front of you and block the attack with his sword.

Blood rushed to your face again as you panted for air once Ichigo killed the hollow who almost killed you. That was why too close... if Ichigo didn't come in time you would have been a hollow dinner. Ichigo strapped his sword to his back as he ran up to you and hugged you tightly too him.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine... just had a time stopping moment there..."

"That's good..." He said before stabbing your forehead with his index finger, "If you lose your focus again like that I'll hunt you down in the soul society for dying like that."

"Okay, okay! Stop that hurts!" You said with fake tears coming down your face.

Ichigo smiled slightly and kissed the area he hurt. "I'm sorry. Let's go to that spirit boy I saw earlier."

It took a while but you both found him as he was crying into his keens and shaking all over. Your heart panged in pain to see this poor soul like this, alone and afraid. You bet down on your knees and ruffled his hair.

"Hi there. Don't worry you're going to be fine."

"Were taking you to a place called the soul society. It's not a hell, it's more like a heaven in a way."

"*sniff* really?" The crying ghost boy rose his head from between his knees, "I'll see my mommy and daddy again?"

"Yep. Just stand up and hold still."

The boy did as what Ichigo said as he pressed the end of his holder onto the boys head. The boy started to glow white and a Japanese door opened up as the boy took the form of a black butterfly and entered into it before the door disappeared.

"Oh wow... I hope to do that someday."

"Maybe you'll will. Come on it's getting late."


Ichigo opened up his window as you jumped in and entered into your body again. The feeling of your soul and body joining together felt weird. It was like a thread going through you and weaving your soul back into your body in one piece.

Ichigo entered into his as he sighed and curled up onto his bed. You smiled and nuzzled your way through into his arms and kiss his nose. "I guess you're tired?"

"Yeah... the guys today made me more tired than before."

"Maybe my kisses will help!"

You pressed your lips onto Ichigo's, melting them into perfectly in size, shape, and form. Ichigo hummed and pulled you closer to him, tilting his head just right to get the prefect angle. You moan slightly and massage his shoulders while becoming more dominate in your kissing. Ichigo was tired alright because the shoulder massage was making him sleepy as his kissing was becoming sloppy.

You smiled and kiss his forehead falling asleep in his arms, perfectly safe and loved.

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