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"Man, I can't believe we got more homework for this weekend. That old lady is trying to kill us..."

"Yeah..." You replied to Ichigo.

You guys were walking back to his house as school had just ended. Ichigo was talking and you tried to listen, but your mind snag you back to the memory of Zangetus.

His warning, his words, the monster inside Ichigo called a hollow... it ran chills down your spine thinking it.

"Oi! (y/n) are you listening?"

You shook your head as Ichigo finally snapped you out of your thoughts, "Y-yeah! I'm listening!"

Ichigo stared at you, not believe you, but decided to let it go, "Alright. What do you want to do today? We got the whole Friday to do something."

"Ummm..." You bit your lip, thinking of ideas. A light bulb popped above your head, "I got it! Let's take a picture together!"

"A picture...? Why?"

"So I can see a picture of us together smiling! And, so when you out on hollow duty I can look at the picture and think of you."

Ichigo chuckled and smiled as he quickly kissed you, "You're too good for me. Alright, let's go to the mall and get are picture taken."

"Yay!" You exclaim.

You linked hands with Ichigo as you ran with him to the mall. It was busy with people as finding the photo booth was hard to find. Eventually, you found one as you fished out money from your backpack.

"I can't wait to take it! You're going to smile for it!"

Ichigo playfully huffs as he puts on his regular face. A scowl, "What's wrong with this face?"

You giggle and poked his cheeks making his scowl into a smile, "It's missing my happy Ichigo, that's what's wrong."

You dragged Ichigo into the booth as you pulled back the curtains as you took pictures together. A lot were taken as the last one was special. Ichigo quickly grabbed onto your waist as he kissed you just right when the flash went off.

You pulled back and blushed as Ichigo smiled and poked your cheek, "I had to get the moment just right."

You rolled your eyes as you took the picture and when back to Ichigo's place. His family let you have dinner with them as you finished and when upstairs with Ichigo to his room.

You sat on his bed as Ichigo stared at the pictures of you both with a questioning brow.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

Ichigo gently set the pictures near a picture frame of his whole family (mother also) together.

"I was wondering. I haven't really met your parents yet. I was wondering if I could meet them."

"Ahh... umm..." You quickly turned away and stared out the window, "M-my parents..."

"We don't have too if you want, (y/n)! I was just asking-"

"My parents are dead, Ichigo. The family I live with are my adoptive parents."

Silence filled the air as Ichigo stared at your back. The air blew your (h/l) (h/c) behind you ear having the moonlight shine down on your face.

"Just like your mother, Ichigo; they were killed by hollows. I didn't know what had happened as my parents protected me from an invisible beast. I was 8 when they died... I love my adoptive parents. Really, I do. It's just... they AREN'T my parents... who wished I could grow up in front of their eyes... I understand the pain you have Ichigo... so much..."

A single tear ran down your cheeks as the images of your mother and father flashed through your mind. You gripped the sheets as you did your best not to cry.

Until, a pair of warm arm wrapped around your figure as Ichigo nuzzles his head into your neck.

"I'm sorry for asking you a question making you cry. It's okay to cry in front of me. Because I will always dry the tears afterwards. So please, for me, just cry for me..."

Ichigo words touched your soul as you sobbed into his chest as Ichigo held you close to him. After a while you fell asleep from crying as Ichigo snuggled with you in bed stroking your hair.

"I promise to make you happy. Forever, (y/n). I promise your past won't repeat mine. Never again."

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