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"What's this?" You said with curiosity as Ichigo handed you a letter.

"I don't know. Rukia gave it to me and told me too give it to you."

You gulped. Thinking it was something horrible from Rukia. The last time you talked was an icy last moment together.

"O-oh! From my favorite person!"

You slowly opened the letter, you face away from it as you opened it... without an explosion or anything happening.

You blinked and turned back to look and see it was an invitation to a sleepover at Orihime's place.

"It's a sleepover at Orihime's place. Someone name Rangiku is hosting the party."

"Rangiku huh? She a weird one."

You shrugged and looked over the letter again and smirked. "There's also a sleepover for you boys too."

"What?!" Ichigo yelled, "No way in hell am I going to it!"

You pouted as you looked up at your handsome boyfriend, "Why not? I think it would be a great way to talk with someone else besides me."

Ichigo blushed and mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"I said... I love your company the best more than anyone else..."

You smiled and hugged Ichigo. "Awww! How sweet! I love you too Ichi~"

Ichigo smiled as he kissed the top of your head. "Love you too, (y/n)."

You hummed and twist a piece of his spiky orange hair in your fingers. "But you're still going to that sleepover."

Ichigo groaned as he rest his head on your shoulder. "Fine... I'll go to the stupid damn sleepover..."

You giggled and petted your 'sad' boyfriend before getting ready for the sleepover for tonight...

You kissed Ichigo a quick goodbye before heading over to Orihime's place. You knocked on the door as a familiar busy, orange haired, kind girl opened the door with shining gray eyes.

"(y/n)! Your here! That's wonderful! Another girl to the party!"

You giggle and hugged Orihime. "It's nice to see you to Orihime."

Orihime smiled as she pulled back. "Come inside! I want you to meet everyone else!"

Orihime gently lead you inside as Rukia and two other girls where in the middle of the room talking and eating with one another.

"Guys! This is (y/n)! Ichigo's girlfriend!"

The three girls stopped talking as they faced you. Rukia gave you a sight nod as you returned it back.

"This is Momo!" Orihime pointed to a small chested girl right by Rukia as she has her hair up into a small bun. Momo had a warm feeling around her as her face seemed to make your day brighter.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you."

You waved over at her. "Ditto to you, Momo."

Orihime smiled as she nudged your attention back. "And over here we have-"

"It's so nice to finally meet you!"

Orihime was cut off as well as your scream as your face was being pressed to this women's large blossom.

"I'm Rangiku! Orihime and Rukia has told me so much about you! I can't believe you won that scowl full Ichigo's heart!"

She finally let go as you breathed in a pocket of air. You coughed as you took in her looks. The women was nicely curved in her night kimono as her long blond hair trailed down her sides nicely, giving her face a nice open beauty with her large gray eyes.

"N-nice to meet you too, Rangiku..."

Rangiku smiled as she gently pinched your cheeks. "You look so cute~ Maybe even cuter than my captain!"

She let go of your cheeks as you rubbed your red sore cheeks. "Thanks...? Anyways, what else are we going to do?"

Orihime smiled as she gently took your arm and have you sit on a soft pillow. "We're gonna play games, talk and eat, and last but not least talk about the boys!"

You smiled as you nodded your head, "I love the sound of that."

'Maybe this sleepover wasn't bad after all...'

After a while, you all played fun games and ate away almost all of Orihime's food (almost) as you were getting full and tired.

Rangiku jumped up from her seat as she point down to you. "For talking about boys as the last of this sleepover, I declare (y/n) go first and talk about Ichigo!"

Your face burst into a red hot mess as you neck started to get red too. "W-what?! Why?!"

"Because I want to know what kind of man Ichigo is! If he breaks your heart I'll make sure to get him a good beating!"

"Yes! I would love to hear what you have to say about Ichigo too!" Momo said with shining eyes.

You sweat dropped as and rubbed the back of your head. "Okay..."

You shook your head and took a nice deep breath as you let the good memories of Ichigo flow.

"Ichigo is a good person who protects anyone he see with a well enough heart. He's sweet, handsome, romantic, and charming as he cares for me and everyone else he loves around him. He showers me in kisses every day, before and after school. I am blessed Ichigo came into my life. If he didn't, then I wouldn't be the same happy person I am now."

Orihime, Momo, and Rangiku both 'aww' over the moment as Rukia just stared at you with surprised eyes. You wondered what that women ever thought about you.

"That was so cute and sweet!" Orihime said as her cheek were a cute tint of pink.

"And don't forget romantic!" Rangiku added in happily.

"I'm jealous! I wish I had a man like that too!" Momo said while giggling.

"I'm glad Ichigo found a nice girl who can share his days happy with. I'm happy for both Ichigo and you, (y/n)."

Your eyes widen as it was Rukia who said the whole thing to you. She gave you an honest open face as it glowed with a happiness for you.

You smiled and took in that glow of warmth, "Thank you, Rukia."

Rukia nodded as you all chatted together until it came to an end...

"How was the sleepover with the boys?" You asked Ichigo as he came in with a heavy cloud over his head.

"Horrible. Renji wouldn't shut up all night, Toshrio was complaining about him to be quiet, Chad just sat their staying quiet, and Urahara kept trying to sell us things since we were sleeping in his shop."

You walked up to the tired red head and hugged him. "I'm sorry. You want me to get you something to eat?"

"That would be nice..."

You giggled and patted his head as you grabbed a carton of Strawberries and fed them to your tired, but loving boyfriend who happily ate them.

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