Spirits Calling

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It was stronger than it was before. Seeing spirits around you were clearer than ever. They were bury figures, not much to see from, but after the accident they were clear as day. This must be how Ichigo sees spirits all day long, in his body or out of it. This was scaring you a tiny bit, why you may ask? Because if you could see spirits more clearly it meant hollows would go after you more.

"I-Ichigo... can I come sleep over at your place...?" You said as school had just ended.

"Of course you can (y/n). You wanna come over now?"


Ichigo smiled and ruffled your hair as he grabbed your hand and twined it in his before going back to his place. He opened the door for you once he opened it as Karrin and Yuzu smiled at you both.

"Welcome home Ichigo! Is (y/n) going to be staying the night with us?"

"Yep. What's for dinner tonight Yuzu?"

"Steamed rice balls! Just for (y/n) since she's staying over for tonight!"

"Ahh thank you." You blushed with a shyness as Ichigo smiled as he saw from the corner of his eye.


Someone yelled, but you didn't see who as Ichigo covered his body with yours as you felt the impact of him stopping something.

"Ugh.... Nice stopping there son!"

Ichigo scowled and kicked the figure back as it was Isshin. "You dumb ass! (y/n) was right here next to me! If I didn't cover her in time it would have been your fault!"

"No it wouldn't! It would have been yours for not protecting your love at the last minute like a man should!"

"JUST GO AWAY ALREADY OLD MAN!" Ichigo shouted as he clashed forehead with his and his father.

You sweat dropped at the sight as Karrin chewed her piece of gum, like as if this was normal too her.

"I can't believe these two idiots still go at each other."

"You mean they do this all the time?"

"Sometimes, but not all the time. It get pretty annoying if you ask me."

Ichigo send a blow into his father's stomach making him fly into the wall with a poster of a women on there. She was quiet beautiful with light brownish hair and pretty brown eyes that popped out the most out of her. She almost looked like Ichigo herself while at it. Isshin cried out and hugged the poster close to him as best as he could. (It looked weird because it was tapped to the wall.)

"Massaki are son is so mean to me!!! Are little girls are angels, but he's so mean to me!!!"

"Oh grown up." Karrin said as she turned away and turned on the t.v.

"I'm sick and tired of you always doing that old man!"

"Hey no fighting while I'm making dinner!" Yuzu said while getting the food for the steamed rice balls.

"Fine! I'm going up to my room!" Ichigo grabbed your wrist hard but gently at the same time as he you led to his room and slammed the door shut.

"A-Are you okay...?"

Ichigo sighed as he closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. "I will be now that I'm away from my family."

You giggled and sat down on the bed, then stopped once you remembered what your here for. "Ichigo... I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" He said as he sat down right beside you.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, hoping for the best of what you were about to say. "I've been seeing ghost more clearly than before. It's scaring me and Rukia told me once if you can see spirits as clearly as a soul reaper then it means they have high spirit pressure. If that's the case with me then I'm afraid hollows will come after me..."

A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist as they pulled you close to their warm body. "Don't be scared, I'll always be there to protect you."

"That's just it... I want to become a soul reaper Ichigo. If you're not there and a hollow is after me I want to protect myself and help other spirits around me too. I want to be useful for once in my life!"

His chest tensed up tightly with each word you threw at him. Worry was filling up your thoughts as you had a feeling he wasn't going to accept this. A sigh came through the silence as he looked you eye to eye.

"If that's your choice then fine. I understand what you want completely. I just didn't think it would come by so fast... I'll train you myself."

Joy filled your whole being as you cried out and hugged Ichigo tightly to yourself. "Thank you, thank you! I love you so much Ichigo!"

He did the same thing, only putting more love into his hug. "I love you too."

"DINNERS READY!" Yuzu called from downstairs.

You smiled and jumped off Ichigo as you raced downstairs to the rice balls. Ichigo smiled and started to walk to the kitchen to as he thought one thing in his head.

'Zangetus, please protect (y/n) if she is ever put into danger or when I can't protect her.'

'As you wish, Ichigo.'

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