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Ichigo didn't want to do it, but it was your choice and he did want you to be safe from hollows, so this was a way to protect yourself. He had finished his hollow hunting duties as he came back home to you on his bed reading a book.

"Are you ready?" You said as you put the book down.

Ichigo sighed as he pushed the window open more and entered in. "Yes, but please promise me when we train you won't get yourself hurt during the battle or do anything stupid."

You rolled your eyes at him while kissing him quickly. "I get it already, let's just go already."

Ichigo nodded as he had you hang onto him as he flashed stepped to the shop. You closed your eyes as flash-stepping places made you dizzy with all the buildings flashing by the nakedness of your eye so quickly. The rushing of air stopped as Ichigo landed by a tiny shop.

Urahara came out fanning himself as usual with a smile on his face. "Oh good you showed up. I needed something to do this evening."

"Just get us inside already so we can start the training."

"Alright, alright but you better be nice to me Kurosaki."

"I'll never happen..." You heard Ichigo mumbled under his breath as he set you down gently.

"Ichigo it will be alright. You got your soul reaper powers back from him right when you when to rescue Rukia, right?"

"Yes but he wants you to train by him, but I won't let him do that. So he'll just watch over encase anything happens during are training."

"Okay!" You replied a bit too happy for Ichigo's liking as you entered into the shop with a happy aura.

Ichigo reached inside himself and saw Zangetsu standing in front of him. "Please have my power in half for the training Zangetsu. I don't want my powers to hurt her... just like my hollow powers..."

"As you wish, Ichigo. But you haven't felt the power I've felt in (y/n), she'll be just fine but I'll still cut your powers in half for this battle."

"Wait... Zangetus what do you mean?" Ichigo reached out to him, but the world around him darkened as he snapped back into the real world. He looked around for a clock inside the shop and found he was only in his world for thirty minutes. It was strange that you could be inside your world and be in there for a short period of time when hours could have gone by.

"Ichigo!" You called out from on top of the wooden floor door that led to the underground training room, "Let's get started already!"

"I'm coming." He said as he looked you over at your new outfit for the fighting.

You were dressed into a white T-shirt and shorts that stopped at knee length. Your (h/l) (h/c) was pulled back as your (e/c) shined brightly with excitement. Ichigo smiled at how cute you looked as he when down into the training grounds with you.

You gasped at how big it was, rocks and bare ground that seemed to stretch out far than how big the shop was. Urahara stopped fanning himself once you both when up too him.

"Ready to start your first day of training?"

"Yep! What do I have to do?"

"Stand there and look pretty."

"Wait wha-" You were cut off as Urahara rose his cane quicker than the blink of an eye and pressed in into your forehead. You felt your soul being tore out of your body as you saw it fell to the ground, but Ichigo caught your body and set it aside by a rock. The feeling of air didn't come as you started to panic

"I-I can't breathe!" You wheezed hard while the chain attached to your chest raddled a bit.

"Of course you won't be able to breath. It's because you just came out of your body and into spirit form. You're not dead so your body can't balance between living and dead just yet."

"I-I can't train like this..."

"Of course you can! Ichigo did the same thing as you're doing now!" He said as a dagger came out of his cane as he broke the chain, your eyes widening as mouths came out from the chain and started eating it. You meant to scream in fear, but only a gasp came out. "I broke the Chain of Fate between your soul and body, meaning when those thing finish eating the chain you die!"

"H-How is this going to change anything?!"

"It will." He said as he snapped his fingers as a huge hole came out under you. You gasped out a short scream as you fell down into it and groaned in pain once you landed on your now and possibly broken butt.

"Urahara what are you doing?" Ichigo yelled at him with anger in his eyes.

"Ichigo you know just as well as me she maybe has hollow powers inside her."

Ichigo tensed up and froze, his mouth close in a tight grip as fear rose inside you, making the chain disappear faster.

"I-I have a hollow inside me?!"

"I believe so. It's the only way you could have token Ichigo's spirit energy and create it into you own. Your hollow saved you and it's just hiding itself from you, sleeping until the time was right to take over your body."

"T-This can't be happening..." The mask of Ichigo flashed into your mind, the fear and looked of the mask and Ichigo behind it scared you enough. "I-I can't have this inside me..."

"(y/n) stop thinking so much! Your chain is almost gone!" Ichigo yelled with fear as he gripped the edge of hole.

You couldn't hear anything after that as the Chain of Fate had already finished. Darkness took over your vision as the feeling of falling took over. The splash of something wet could be heard as you landed in a place where it was all dark, no light or anything inside.

"You've finally come into your inner world now." A female voice said in a sing song voice.

You jumped at the sound as you looked around but only saw darkness and heard the splashing of whatever you were in.

"Who are you?!"

A giggle echoed out, almost in a childish way. "Silly, I'm everywhere! You suck at being a soul reaper if you don't know what your own zanpakuto looks like!"

"Then show me what you look like!"

"I can't, I'm the darkness you keep walking, seeing, and fear. If you can think of a body for me I will merge into it and the true view of your inner world will come through."

It seemed a bit far-fetched of a way to say to someone, but you started thinking of a body anyways. Total darkness... was this your power? It did explain why darkness or shadows never seemed to hurt you. As a child you never had a fear of the dark like other kids did. Not only that, but would talk to shadows of other people. This was the beginning of people calling you crazy. It wasn't because you needed to talk to shadows, but they reached out towards you, telling you the dark secrets or sins they have done in their life time.

"What is your name?"

"Akumu no mugen no yami, Endless Darkness of Nightmares is what I'm called, your zanpakuto."

"Alright... I got the image just for you..."

The image shifted inside your mind as it took form. A tall women with black midnight hair and stopped at her waist, dark blood red eyes that could shine out from the darkest of all things, a black and strapless kimono and also opened up for her right leg. Some of her midnight hair sat on top of her head with a glittering black tiny tiara with a red jewel in the center. A purple strap to hold her kimono in place was the last thing as she came perfectly into view.

The darkness around your feet wavered and was being molded into one being. Akumu opened her blood red eyes and looked over her body, a smile breaking out into her beautiful face. "I like this body you made." Her voice had change into a deep one, a perfect tone of voice to seduce men so easily.

"I'm glad you like it..." You said as your whole world came into view.

It was a water filled world as a throne was in the middle of the chamber. Akumu took your hand and led you to the throne and had you sat down on it, tracing the dark swirling patterns on the throne.

"(y/n) there is something you need to know about yourself... the reason there is a throne inside this world is because... well... you're a princess."

Shock ran through you as you were about to tell her that was wrong, but something deep downside told you maybe it wasn't a lie. The view and setting of the camber felt at home with you, as if you were meant to grow up in a place like this.

"Yes you are. Your parent died before you could train your hollow powers."

You jumped off the dark throne a bit from shock as you looked at her sharp features of her face, outline the pointy nose she had. "You can read my mind."

"Of course I can. You and I are the same person, only I am the sword while you are the master."

"I-I see... but what am I a princess of?"

"You'll find out on your own, maybe late if Kurosaki's hollow comes out with the truth."

"Wait... he knows what I am?"

"Yes. Ever since he stabbed you he knew and stopped in dead tracks. He doesn't want to hurt you anymore and knows the consequence if he does."

"D-does this mean you're my hollow powers...?"

"Yes I am. I'm so glad we finally got to meet each other. I've been waiting far too long for this..."

Suddenly the world turned into waves of darkness, the walls of the chamber falling into the ground like water as it formed into an ocean of darkness. "You must go, but remember I'll always be by your side while fighting..."

The whole chamber gave out as you chocked in the sea of darkness, you tried swimming up but only got colder and colder as the energy was draining out of you... slowly by slowly...

Air filled up your lungs as up gasped it up and coughed while breathing in too fast. You opened your eyes to Ichigo holding you in his lap. Fear was written all over his face until he saw your eyes as they screamed relief.

"(y/n)!" Ichigo hugged you tightly against him. "You were so still I thought you were dead, you weren't breath or moving at all. I thought I lost you...."

"Hey now..." You touched the side of his face and stroked it gently. "I promise to never leave you... ever..."

Ichigo smiled as he held you closer to him, his hot breath tickling your neck. "Good, because I need you still in my life."

He gently kissed you as you kissed back, molding into his lips as you kissed back deeply. Ichigo hummed in agreement as he twined his fingers into your hair and gripped it hard but softly while he massage the back of your head. You moaned and pressed up against him just as Urahara coughed as you both stopped.

"Sorry for that... but I need to show (y/n)."

You quickly broke away from Ichigo as you turned with a madding blush to see a mask, all pure black but with a red strip going down the middle. It was breathtaking as you took it and looked it over. You putted the hollowed mask on as it fit your face perfectly.

"Also if you didn't notice you have soul reaper clothes on just like Ichigo."

You took the mask away from your face to see and it was true. The outfit fitted you completely, as if it were meant just for you.

"Akumu no mugen no yami, it's my zanpakuto's name."

Ichigo let out a long whistle. "That' a long name."

"Y-yeah... but wait, where's my sword?"

"You need to train with a soulless sword first before your real zanputko comes out as it's real form. You only just connected with it in talking, not fighting." Urahara said

"I see... can we stay for the night?"

"Yep! I say sleep in your soul form, makes it better at getting used to being out of your body."

"Yes sir!" You said happily and squeaked a tiny bit as Ichigo held you up bridal style.

"I bet you're tired." He said while kissing your nose.

You yawned a tiny bit in his face by accident. "Y-yeah..."

Ichigo chuckled. "Alright I'll sleep with you." He said as he took you upstairs.

He snuggled in with you in bed and gave you a goodnight kiss before falling asleep. You smiled and closed your eyes as Ichigo's soul next to yours would always calm you down...

P.S. The name for the zanpatuko might be wrong but I don't really know

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