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Today was the day I would finally be together in marriage with my soulmate. The morning was rushed by Rangiku since she wanted to do it HER way and not OUR way. Ichigo and I were about to give ourselves good-bye kisses until Rangiku pulled us away from each other so we could get ready.

The shrine was just perfect and it was set up on the hill like promised, but the hill was connected to a mountain with a hidden hot spring inside it so the girls that got the area while the boys got the rocky area. I kind of felt bad for the boys, but not really since they didn't mind taking it.

Rangiku helped wash me in the hot spring, letting the steam open up my pores and revive my skin. The youth I seemed to have slowly drained away from me while doing paperwork. Rangiku accidently got her finger stuck in my hair as I yelped.

"Sorry!" She replied, "I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"It's fine. When will the wedding start?"

"When the sun is at the highest peak."

"Which is..?"


I rolled my eyes. "You soul reapers have a weird way of saying times."

"We're taught that way in case we are overheard by enemies and don't know the real time we meet up."

I shrug. "Makes sense."

It wasn't before long when she finally untangled my hair, then braid it while washing me with the hot springs waters. It felt weird to be washed by another woman... maybe because I was only use to cleaning myself?

"Rangiku! (y/n)!" Momo called out as she was dressed the brides maid dresses. It was a long white, elegant kimono and had a dragon pattered on the bottom. It went really well with her hair as she put it up into two buns. "Are you almost done? We got an hour left before it starts!"

"Crap!" Rangiku shouted. "Well... guess I can't work on your hair the way I want it. Here, let me try this."

She took the end of my hair and split it into two, and let the braid rest over my left shoulder. They both helped me into my wedding dress which I was waiting to try on again. The silks felt heavenly against every touch on my body, giving me a feeling of a princess.

"Do you guys have a mirror?" I asked them, playing with my fingers a bit.

"Nope!" Rangiku perked up cheerfully, "I want you to feel beautiful without a mirror to judge yourself with. Mirror the way to the soul, but we often judge it before we can see who we really are, which is why people judge themselves first before anything else."

Momo nodded. "That's right!" She gave me white silks as I grabbed them and wrapped them around my arms. "You already know your pretty, so why need a mirror to see who and what you truly are?"

I smiled at the two. Orihime was my first best friend, but without these two nut balls my life would have been so different from everything else. "You guys are the best."

Bells chimed in the distances. Rangiku squealed in happiness and took my arm. "My best girl is finally getting married!" She wiped the tears from her eyes. "Best day in my life."

Momo opened up the silks for the curtains as I could feel everyone gaze on me. I was told not to look up until I was seeing Ichigo feet, so he could see the real beauty of my face first. A weird but kind of sweet thing the soul society did when someone was getting married.

Rangiku squeezed my arm and gave me a kind smile. I smiled back, tilt my head down low, and started walking up to my true love.

Ichigo's P.O.V

Today was great, until Rangiku pulled me away before I could give (y/n) a kiss. I wanted to give her a kiss before we sealed our vows, but Rangiku had a talent of ruining things to make our wedding seem like hers.

Renji helped me dressed into my kimono which was a black kimono, but had a long captain's coat than usual. It was a tradition for the man to wear the soul society coat of honor. I wouldn't mind it but it was super heavy on me.

When the bell chimed my heart raced. What if I would be a horrible husband too (y/n)? What if it really didn't work out between us... what if-

"Ichigo, are you ready?"

Renji snapped me out of my thoughts. For once I was grateful for his annoying voice. "Yeah... just really nervous."

"Hey lighten up! This should be the best day of your life!"

"I know it is but-"

"Ichigo," He stopped me on the stage, "don't think about what ifs. Don't do what I did with Rukia when I wanted to date her. I hate how I didn't ask earlier on and now we could have been getting married with you guys. But fate didn't have it this way. Just don't mess up like I did and wait out on the answer."

A smile formed on my face as I nodded to Renji. "Thanks. I'll keep that advice in mind."

The crowd was getting excited as I knew (y/n) just came out from the ladies 'room.' My heart was pounding in my chest, I didn't really work on my hair today and what if I looked like a slob for our picture? Her footsteps were getting closer and closer to me as I took quick breaths with each beat of my heart.

When I saw her feet come close to mine I looked up too see (y/n)'s face. Everything around me was gone and my face was a blushing mess. Her hair was parted away and the braid went well for her dress look. (y/n)... was the most beautiful thing I will ever see in my entire life from up to his point... nothing can top or change that.

She noticed I was starting at her face for a long time and blushed. I laughed and gently grabbed her hands. "You look like a goddess."

"H-Huh?" Her stammers were always cute too hear, "m-me? A goddess?"

"You could be one." I smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. "But you look more like a princess than anything else."

The priest started to talk and we took both our vows. For the whole time while he talked I stared into (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes, so beautiful like everything else about her. I know after this she'll want to know where the honeymoon is, but it's a secret to myself.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." The priest spoke up, getting my full attention. "Do you take (y/n) (l/n) as your wife?"

I nodded my head. "I do and take (y/n) as my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

The priest smiled and turned to (y/n). "Do you take Ichigo Kurosaki as your husband?"

"I-I do!" She squeaked, blushing a bit as I chuckled at her nervousness. I felt just as much as she was right now. "I, (y/n), take you, Ichigo, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good time and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days in my life."

Flower petals fall down as we began to near each other, waiting for the chance to be forever with each other. The priest cleared his throat and closed his book. "You may now kiss the bride."

'Finally.' I though and wrapped my arm around her waist, bending her down and kissing her soft lips. Everyone broke out into a loud cheering and threw cherry petals at us. Rangiku could be hear sobbing her heart out in joy, I'm guessing from seeing her friend getting married.

I made sure it was a long time before I pulled back from the kiss, but quickly kissed her cheek. (y/n) blushed and took my free hand. "I love you, Ichigo." Her smile was the only thing to lighten the darkness in my world.

"I love you too." I kissed her once more, letting my lips graze her cheek before letting go once more.


(y/n) P.O.V

"Ugh... I need some fresh air." I mumbled to myself while stepping outside.

Rangiku entered into a drinking contest and got drunk off her ass which isn't really a surprise but still, you could think the woman had some manners for my wedding. The wind felt nice and cool against my skin, making me hum in pleasure.

The wedding was going on longer than usual but that was fine since I didn't have work for a whole month. Why you ask? Because of honeymoon~! But that butt-head still won't tell me! Sudden, the wind picked up making me shiver.


The voice made me freeze in my tracks. Turning around slowly I couldn't believe my eyes, it was my uncle... Aiko. He looked somewhat better, but not much since he was in Hell for his afterlife. He had a darkness glow around him and had the same Hell chain around his ankle.

I could care less from what he looked like and reached out towards him, but my hand went through him, making me wince. "Sorry I just forgot..."

My uncle smiled and shook his head. "It's fine..." His voice echo around him. "(y/n)... you're so beautiful. Just as beautiful or more than your mother. I can't believe my little niece is finally grown up... makes me want to cry... if I could."

I giggled and leaned against the tree behind me. "I miss you Uncle. You won't believe the things I've gone through when you're gone. I got drunk on my birthday, Rangiku is crazy like always, but makes things like this happen with Ichigo around! Makes my life more adventurous I guess."

Aiko nodded and wince at the chain around his leg when he took a step forward. "I wish I could hear all the stories you have... but I only have so little time to talk to you. Just know your father and mother wish they could have waked you down the aisle... but sadly they couldn't."

Tears formed in my eyes as he laughed. "Please don't cry (y/n), it breaks my heart too see a beautiful woman you are now crying for me. I choose my fate and serve it in Hell, don't feel bad but feel proud of me. Others in Hell try to escape and don't accept their fate, but I'm the rare few who do and take pride in it."

"I-I understand." I let air into my lung and gave him a small smile while his body disappeared into the ground. He gave me a thumbs up and disappeared into the ground, but then I wish I could be sobbing... but I made a new promise to my uncle, never to cry for him.

"Oh, you're out here." Ichigo's honey tone voice whispered into my ear.

I yelped and jumped. "Now that you're my husband you think its okay to scare me?"

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Not really that but I get to tease you more often."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever. How is it in there? I came out for some fresh air."

"Not bad. Everyone else is laughing and talking about how we both smashed our faces with the wedding cake."

"I was going to get you first!" I pouted playfully, "But you messed it up."

"I'm so sorry." He said, hint of sarcasm in his voice. "How can I make it up?"

"With a true loves kiss."

He twirled me around and wrapped his arms around my waist, the smirk on his face lighten up greatly by the moons early light. "I can do that."

When his kiss landed on mine it felt like the first time we ever kissed. Sure it was sloppy, but it was both our first kiss and first moment as well, but I was glad I could share it with Ichigo. He dip us both slightly as I smiled and gripped his hair, giving it a slight tug.

Ichigo moaned slightly, he always loved it when I did that, but he knew my weak spot which was behind the neck. He started massaging it gently as I moaned into the kiss, giving in slightly to his touch. Ichigo smirked and found his way in my mouth with his tongue.

He had a monster inside and released it inside my mouth as I easily let him win the battle. I let him explore all over my mouth before he finally let go for air. I panted and leaned on his chest, listening to his heart beat while I recovered mine.

Ichigo didn't say anything and picked me up and set me on his lap, stroking my hair as we stared at the moon. Today was the day I would never forget... making me remember my question.

"Ichigo." I whispered quietly. "Where is our honeymoon?"

"Hmmm..." He looked down at me and smiled, bumping ours noses together. "It's a secret."

I pouted and tug on one of his spikes. "Meanie~!"

Ichigo laughed and kissed my forehead. "I'm one mean strawberry then."

"Yes, yes you are, my husband."

He smiled and stroke my wedding ring around my finger, giving it a slight shine in the dark before kissing me, but whispered in my ear I would never forget tonight. "I will always love you, because you're the one who lifted my mask."

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