⎟ Chapter XXXVI ⎟

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It has been morning since Sonu had been in ICU but still there has been no news of her.

The doctors aren't still able to identify if she would be out of danger yet.

Avu, Tapu had been in the hospital too, waiting to see a ray of hope in their face.

On the insistance of Tapu, Sidd has gone back home, he was really tired to be exact.

At Sidd's House:

He had been trying to call Madhu, but then there's no one to pick up. Then, he noticed a letter written Sidd in bold.

Dear Sidd,
                 When you will be back from Bali, I would already be gone. I know you are thinking where. Well, somewhere far from here, because living her will remind of the biggest mistake I have ever done in my life. I know you are probably confused right now, so let me tell you in detail. I have regained my memories back. All the memories that faded away after the accident. And I have realized I have come between you and Avu, and if I stay here this mistake will be reminded to me. You and Avu are made for each other. So please go to her. You have been nothing to me but a really great friend of mine, my true find and I will be forever grateful for that. But right now, go and patch up with Avu back, please. That's my only request to you.

                              Yours Friend,

Sidd : Oh, Madhu. Wherever you are , I hope you are happy. I will fulfill your request One Day and that's my promise to you.

Back To Hospital:

Everyone is gathered in the hospital, Radhika, Faisal, Meher, and Ballu.

The doctor finally came out from the surgery room.

Avu : Doctor, how is she?

Doctor : Luckily out of danger, but in the coma.

Radhika : Then when will she wake up from coma?

Doctor : We have no idea. She can wake up anytime. Maybe even right now. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month. Or next year. Or stay in the coma for the rest of her life.

Avu : No. No. This can't happen.😭 she can't leave me like that. She can't.

Tapu : Can we meet her?

Doctor : Not right now. We will inform you when you can meet.

All the friends were consoling Avu and Tapu.

Three days has passed. There has been no news on Sonu. Avu& Tapu had been in the hospital the whole time. Bhide & Madhavi managing hospital and going to mandir every evening.

Avu hasn't been in her state. Radhika has forcely took Avu to her house for some rest.

Radhika's House

There was a knock on the door. Radhika opened it and quite shocked to see them.

Bhavesh : Hi Radhu.

Radhika : Bhavu you here.

They both hugged.

Radhika : Hi Monica. Come in both of you.

They both went inside to see Avu there. Monica along with Radhika went to the kitchen.

Bhavu : Hi Avu.

Avu : Hmmm... Kaun?

Bhavu shakes Avu.

Bhavu : Avu, mein. Bhavesh. Your Bhavu.

Avu : Bhavu.

She replied crying.

Bhavu : Shh...  What happened?

Avu didn't reply, she just started to cry more.

Bhavesh took her into his chest, where she cried. He consoled her as she cried harder and harder.

He caressed her cheek and asked.

[Bhavesh and Avu are like siblings.😅 They tell each other everything. No secrets between them.]

"Now tell me what's wrong?"

"Bhavesh... Woh....

Avu replied to him everything and everything means everything from the trip to Bali, to how she lost Sidd forever and now also Sonu.

Bhavesh : and you think crying is the best option?

Avu remained silent.

Bhavesh : Avu, sometimes, crying isn't everything. Now stand up and go wash your face.

Avu was about to stand up when she felt a blur and she fainted.

Bhavesh who was just right there, caught her.

Bhavesh : AVU!

To Be Continued......

I put Bhavesh back in this story "Yay!"

Is everything OK with Avu? 😉

PS : This story is coming to an end soon, which is why I have been focusing more on this story then others.

Till then,


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