Season Two : ⎟ Chapter VI ⎟

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In The Morning

Sidd : Babe, please give me tea.

Avu is in her laptop.

Sidd (after a while) : Babe?

Avu is still lost in her laptop.

Sidd : Why is she so focused in her laptop.

Sidd(shouts) : AVNEET NIGAM!

Avu : Huh? Last time I checked I was Avneet Kaur.

Sidd : Yes, but soon you will be Avneet Nigam.

Avu : That's right. So why did you shout my name?

Sidd : I want TEA.

Avu(rolls her eyes) : What will happen if you don't have tea in the morning.

Sidd (sighs) : Everything will go wrong. You know I NEED tea in every morning. It's a must for me.

Avu : Yeah. Sure.😑

Sidd : By the way why were you so focused in the laptop.

Avu : Check your email address.

Sidd : Why?

Avu : Just check it out na.

Sidd : Fine.

Sidd opens his phone, and checks the latest email. After reading it:

Sidd : It says that I am invited over to the 100 years anniversary of our college.

Avu(excitedly) : Yes, even I got that. Can we go? Please.

Sidd : But, I must cancel my shoots.

Avu : Please na. I really had hopes to go there. Plus we can meet pur friends.

Sidd : Uhm, I'll think about it.

Avu(turns sad) : Please? And I can see how Sonu is doing now.....

Sidd(enlightening her mood) : Don't worry. She must be fine by now. We all know Sonu is a fighter.

Avu : Let's just hope for the best.

So the day came. They all reached India and today was the school's 100th anniversary.

Sidd and Avu 👇

Sidd and Avu were going there and Sami was too following.

Sami's dress

Avu's POV:

The college was the same as it used to be except that they had renovated the colors and the whole hallway was beautifully decorated with flowers, balloons all the way.

I was admiring the beautiful scenario when I spotted a familiar face.

It was Madhu with some guy and she seemed to have a lot of fun.

"Sidd, look." I said pinching him.

"Babe, we are in our collage plus Sami is with us, so no romance for now." He replied back.

"Sidd!" I shouted. "Look there." I said pointing to where Madhu was standing.

Sidd : It's Madhu.

Avu : Yeah. I will go talk to her. Can you please take Sami with you for a while?

Sidd : Of course.

Sami : But, mumma. I want to meet your friends.

Avu : Sami----

Sidd : Yes, Avu. Take her with you.

Avu : Okay.

So I held Sami's hand as we walked to Madhu.

Avu(awkwardly) : Hi, Madhu.

Madhu : Avu. What a surprise?

She said hugging Avu.

Avu : Yeah. So how are you?

Madhu : A lot better. What about you?

Avu : I am perfectly fine too.

Madhu : How's Sidd? I saw him in TVs quite often now.

Avu : He too is fine.

Madhu : Glad to hear that.

Avu(whispers in Madhu's ears) : Waise, who is this guy?

Madhu : Patience, Madam. I will introduce you to him. But before that, tell me that young girl standing with you is your daughter right?

Avu nodded a yes.

Avu : Yeah. Her name's Sameera. Or Sami for short.

Madhu : Hi, Sami beta. How are you?
She asked caressing her cheek.

Sami : I am fine.

Madhu : Avu, her voice and her features are just like you. Except that she has got those mesmerizing hazel eyes from her father.

Avu (blushed) : thank you.

Madhu : So, Jai. She's Avneet. The friend I was talking about.

Jai : Hi Avneet. Glad to meet you.

Avu (smiles): Hi to you too.

Madhu : Avu, he's Jai. My boyfriend.

Madhu blushed a lot saying Jai is her boyfriend.

Avu : Oh hoh..... You have already turned into a tomato.

Madhu : No. When did I?

Avu : Just now.😉

Madhu : I did not.

Avu : Yes you did.

Madhu : No.

Avu : Yes.

Madhu : No.

Avu : No.

Madhu : Yes.

Avu : Caught ya.

Madhu : Yeah. Whatever.

Jai is standing there, lost.

Jai : What the f*** was happening? The time when two friends meet, and their craziness start and you're like a third wheeler in it😕.

Avu : So anyways, I will leave you to alone.😉 and anyways, I don't like being a third wheeler between a couple.

Madhu : Avu, wait.

Avu : No. Tata.... Bye bye.

Avu ran back with Sami.

Sidd has already found his other friends,Tapu , Bhavesh, Faisal, and Ballu.

Avu was too finding Meher, Radhika Monica but they were nowhere to be seen.

Then, a tear ran down her cheek as she spotted someone. 
To be continued.....

Who do you think did Avu just see?

Where are Meher, Radhika and Monica?

Sorry for the boring chapter.

And sorry for the late update.

8.82 K reads!!!!!

Thank you so much❤.

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