Season Two : ⎟ Chapter VII ⎟

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Avu : Sonu is here!?

Without a second thought, Avu took Sami's hand and ran to where Sonu was standing.

Avu : Sonu😭. You're fine.

Sonu, who was facing the other side, hearing Avu's voice turned to her.

Sonu : Avu. I miss you.

Avu : Bitch, I missed you more😭. Why? Why didn't you contact me when you were already awake from your coma? Why? A day didn't pass for me when I didn't think of my best friend.

Sonu : I'm sorry,Avu. But what was I supposed to do? I woke up from coma last week, and since then, life has been hell for me.

Avu : What's the matter? Tell me.

Sonu : Avu😭😭😭😭😭😭.

Avu : Sonu, what's wrong?

Sonu : Avu, I've lost my source of strength, I've lost my guidance who helped me when I seek one, I've lost my support who supported me like a tree trunk supports its branch. And I've lost my heartiest condolences who was there for me in my crush times.

Avu : Sonu. Please  Stop beating around the bush and come to the point.

Sonu : My baba is no more, Avu. He is no more with me, Avu. He's no more.😭

Avu : Oh my gosh, Sonu. I am so sorry. I wasn't there for you in your hard times.

Sonu : No, Avu. I am the one who has to be sorry. You lost Sidd, and i should have been there to lift your mood from your heartbreak. You lost your mother, I wasn't there. You were broken and I should have been there. You were alone in your pregnancy times and I should have been there. You raised your daughter alone and I should have been there. I am a bad friend. A really bad one. No, actually the worst friend ever.

Avu : No, Sonu. Don't say like that. You're the best friend anyone could ask for.

Sonu, in tears, nodded a no.

Avu : yes you are.

They shared an emotional hug.

After it, they wiped each other's tears.

Avu : Waise, how did you know everything about me?

Sonu : After all, my best friend is a Wattpad star now. How could I not know?

Avu : I maybe the wattpad star now, but for you, I am still your old Avu.

Sonu : Of course. No one can snatch away my bestie from me.

Host : Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 100 years anniversary of this college.

(And he went on with his lectures, sharing the memories, and everything about college)

Then after 45 minutes of the lecture, they all played some fun games.

[Partners in the game: (basically the couples)
Sidd & Avu
Tapu & Sonu
Jai & Madhu
Faisal & Radhika
Ballu & Meher
Bhavesh & Monica]

Sameera was standing there, cheering for her parents to win.

The first game was button sewing game. The instruction was simple, each couple got a kit consisting of cloth, buttons, thread, and needle. All the boys had to sew buttons on the cloth, while the girls assists them.
The couple who sewed the highest number of buttons won.
The winner for this game was Bhavesh as he has done a lot at home.

The second game was finding your mate.  the men and women were  in different rooms. Then, a paper bag was put on each person’s head without covering the eyes.
They had to find their partner without speaking.
The couple who found each other first will be the winner.
And of course the winner for this game was Our Sidd! 😍

The third game was shaving the balloon. All the couples were given a blown balloon each. They had Spray some shaving cream on the balloons. While the girls holds the balloon by their mouth,
the boys shaved the lather using a razor.
The couple who managed to complete the task without popping the balloon was the winner.
The winner of this was Tapu & Sonu

Some more games took place and the final winner was a tie between Sidd & Avu and Tapu & Sonu.

Then, they cut the cake and ate it.

(I couldn't find other couples pic so just imagine them)

The last part was the dance.

Sami, stayed in the canteen eating as she was hungry and hated these types of romantic dance😂.

A song played in the background as Sidd and Avu swayed to the music. His hands were on her waist and hers on his neck.

As the song was about to end, Sidd dipped her with a strong hold on her waist so that she didn't fall.

To be continued.....

I'm really sorry if you guys are thinking that I have been dragging this story for no reason. But trust me, one two chaps to go before the real story of Season two starts. All the episodes of Season until now is a filler.

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