Season Two : ⎟ Chapter XV ⎟

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Rohan : I'll text you the address.

Avu : I can't put my family in more danger. I will go to him.

Sami : Mumma, are you okay?
Avu : Yes, Sami. I am totally fine.

Abhi : Avu, who was that?

Avu : Nobody. I am going out to get some fresh air. Please don't follow me.

Vishu : Abhi, Avu is acting weird all of a sudden.

Abhi : Shall we go and check her?

Vishu : Yes, I feel something wrong there.

Abhi : it's that phone call she received.

Vishu : I bet it's the same person who hacked her accounts that day.

Abhi : it means it is Rohan Mehra.

Vishu : Abhi, I am really afraid. What if something goes wrong? That person is dangerous. And not to mention he has a split personality.


Avu arrived to the place he had text.

Avu : You're on your own, Avu. And you must fight and win. And remember, his split personality is controlling him, making him do it. Dr. Brown mentioned it.

Avu : I can do it. I CAN and I WILL! Lend me your strength, Sidd.

Avu (shouts) : Where are you, Rohan Mehra? Come and show yourself.

Rohan came in.

Avu : I am already here. Now tell me what do you want from me? Let's settle this matter up.

Rohan (winks) : Wow. I just loved it, Dear Author.

Rohan : Before you say bye to this world, I want to say you something.

Rohan : Why I am doing this! It's Ashnoor Mehra. 😡

Rohan : You are in the place where she was supposed to be. Because of you and Siddharth, she suffered a lot. The pain you had to cause to her. I will make sure that you and Siddharth suffer twice than she did!

Avu : Come on, Avu. Distract him and inject him.

Avu's POV:

I repeated those words in my mind like a mantra. Then, slowly, I took the injection out which contained a drug that could put a strong man out.

Avu : Rohan? You need to calm down. You need to be back you.

As I continued saying that, his face turned to change and now he was feeling the pain.

Avu : I know you are not yourself currently. He is controlling you. And I can say that somewhere in your heart, your old personality still resides a---an---and he is aware of all of this.

Avu : This is working!!!!!and here's my chance.

Avu : FIGHT! Rohan, come on.

And he fainted while struggling.

And it was good meaning I don't have to inject him anymore.

Avu : Rohan?

No response back.

Avu went closer to Rohan while he stood back so close to her.

Rohan : You think I would fall for that little game of yours?

Rohan suddenly stood up. I was in hell shocked that I made the injection's needle drop. 

And that serum too fell the ground.

Rohan : You thought you could deceive me by that silly act of yours?

Rohan took out something, pressing through my skin.

And I saw a glimpse of that something was a sharped knife.

Avu : Please, Rohan. Please. Do you think killing me would be the solution? You can't bring back your Ashnoor by killing me.

Rohan : Don't you get it?! Killing you will give justice to Ashnoor. You will feel the same suffer now like Ashnoor felt.

Rohan : Say bye forever to this world, Dear Author.

Rohan : What a pity. Even Siddharth is not here to save you.

I felt something tackle around my stomach.

To be continued.......

Sorry for leaving in such a cliffhanger😄😄.

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