Season Two : ⎟ Chapter XVI ⎟

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Just when I thought, everything was over, I felt someone near me as he injected Rohan.

Avu : Dr. Brown????

Dr. Brown : I overhead the conversation between Abhi and Vaish as they figured out where you went.

Dr. Brown : Are you okay??

Avu : Yes, thank you so much, Doctor. Is he.....

Dr. Brown : He's okay. I injected him the same serum you had brought. At least, he will be unconscious for some time.

Vishu : Avu!!!! Are you okay?

Avu : Yes.

They all went to the hospital.

Room 201

Sidd's room.

Abhi : The doctor said to be ready for the worst.

Abhi : He said to bid our last goodbye to him tonight......

Avu : Understood.
She replied back, controlling the tears that were crowded in her eyes.

Sami : Mumma, is papa gonna d--die.

Avu : No, my dear. He will be okay.

Sami : Bu--

Avu : Sami. I will do anything it will take to make your father stay.

The air buzzed with silence. The thought of loosing Sidd was overwhelming. Even I didn't know how to react this.

Everyone was at the loss of words.

If Only Sidd was here to tell me what to do......

Abhi : You know what!!! That's all Rohan's fault.

Abhi : I heard Dr. Brown saying he is all responsible for my brother's current state.

Abhi : I swear on my brother, I won't let him go.

Abhi : I am going to find him and kill him with my fuc*ing hands.

Vishu : Abhi, calm down. Rohan will atone his crimes soon. You stay the hella out of this!! Did you even have idea what you suggested.

Abhi : I don't care!!!! I am finding Rohan now and I will use his life to pay for my brother's!!!!

*Abhi left the room*

Avu : Vishu, go with him.

*Now, Avu was all alone with Sami and Sidd*

Avu : Sidd, isn't a long time now that you have been lying there. It's time to wake up now. Sidd.

Avu : Didn't you promise me that you will stay with me for longer than forever. Then, why are you backing forward to our promise? Why?

Avu : You promised that it will be you and me against the world.

Avu : YOU PROMISED! What's happening to our promise?

Avu : You know that I can't live without you. You know that Sami still needs you.

Avu : Please come back, Sidd. For me. For our princess. For your mother. For our family. We all need you.

Avu : There are many things we need to do together.

Avu : Please stop being cruel and come back to us. Please😭😭.

Avu : What's happening?


To be continued.....

Sorry for leaving hanging here but I was quite busy to type more.

Anyways, how was the chapter?

I was crying while typing Avu's dialogues😢😢.

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