Chp.1 The Raid

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-Author's POV-

One day, in a dimension called Atlos, there was a village that was being under attack by monsters. The villagers were on a panic as some of them were ending up dying and some being hold hostage. Long ago, two races ruled over the dimension Atlos: Humans and Monsters. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the human gain victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. Many years later. . . Legends say that the monsters were defeated by the hands of the mighty warrior, Duke, Duke was born and raised with a incredible strength ever since he fought alongside with his father, Duke then was sent on a mission to find the monsters that have survived from the war, Many years later...Men came to the wife saying Duke has been killed by monsters that were so powerful he couldn't take them out, the wife was waiting for a baby to be born soon. Months later, the baby was born as he was called (YN). One day, the mother and his son, who is now 8 years old from now, were running for their lives as they hide somewhere safety from the raid they are having right now.

Mother: E-Everything is gonna be okay sweetie, mommy is here for you...

(YN): Mom, Im scared...

(YN) starts to cry as he was stared to get the fear of his village being under attacked by monsters.

Mother: Don't worry baby, it's gonna be okay...

They were hiding in a tiny house as the door was see through, were they can see monsters killing and destroying the village, but the monsters can't see them. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard as (YN) Screamed from fear, the mother closed his mouth with her hand for him not to make noise, suddenly the monsters heard the scream as they came to the house as they busted down the door as they found him and the mother. The monsters were all the same with the same armor and weapons.

Monster#1: Found you!

Monster#2: Get them!

Mother: No please! Have mercy!

(YN): MOM!

The two monsters grabbed both of them as one monster was grabbing (YN) by the shirt, carrying him as the other was grabbing the mother, dragging her by her hair.

Mother: Let me and my son go you bastards!!

(YN): Let mom go you meanies!!!

Monster#1: Why should we listen to a brat like you?!

Mother: Why are you doing this!?! We haven't done nothing to you!

Monster#2: That does not concern to you!

(YN): Let her go! I want my mom!

Monster#1 Take that brat away, I'll deal with the mother...


(YN): MOM!!

Mother: (YN)!!!

The monster took (YN) with him as the mother was dragged away from the other monster.

(YN): Let me go you ugly! I want my mom! I want my mom! I want my mom!

The monsters was getting annoyed by the fact (YN) was irritating him, asking him for his mother back.

Monster#2: Ugh, Your so annoying!!

The monster then throw (YN) to the ground as (YN) stared to hitting the monster, still begging him for his mother.

(YN): Give me back my mother!

Monster#2: Shut Up!

The Monster was getting so annoyed that he had to punch (YN) in the face, as he fall down to the ground.

Monster#2: You're Not getting your mommy back, because you know why?? Because she's gonna die! We monster hate humans for several reason you don't wanna know, and know that your mother will not be here anymore because she gonna die!

As soon (YN) heard him about his mother going to die, he clenched both of his fists as he started pounding the ground hard as he stared to scream.

(YN): No! No! No! Shut Up! Shut Up!

Monster#2: Man you're so annoying I'm gonna just end you here!

The monster then raise his blade up as he swinger it to (YN), but before he even does, (YN) then blocked it.

Monster#2: W-What!?! Hey, let go!!

(YN) then lifted his head up as he looks at the monster right to the face. (YN)'s eye pupils were now yellow, His whole body started to get filled with green aura. He was filled with rage somehow.

Monster#2: W-What the hell!?! What are you doing!?!!


(YN) gave out a big roar as he then grabbed the monster's arm and bend it it, ending it up to brake it as a bone popped out.


As soon he even finishes his sentence, (YN) then gave him a massive punch to the gut, as his whole arm was inside in his gut, he pulled it out as blood was all over and left the monster's gut a hole, he then fell down to the ground and died, (YN) then gave another huge roar as the other monsters heard as they go up to him to stop him. 10 monsters were surrounding him. They all charged to (YN), but they were not match for him, he may be little, but a ferocious heavy fighter as well, he started taking down the monsters one by one. He took one out by slamming his head to the ground hard, the other one by grabbing his arm, and ripping it apart and shoving it into his whole mouth. He then grabbed a monster as he started swinging it to hit the rest of them, taking them down as he then ripped him apart with force. He then growled for a moment, somehow he started to go back to his normal self, the aura was gonna and his eye pupils were back to its normal color

(YN): W-What happen?! ...W-Where my Mother!?!!

The village was still under attack by monsters as (YN) was looking for his mother, he then bumped into some monsters as he was ready to fight, but then he realized they backed up and made way to someone who is approaching to him. It was a lizard monster with a skull helmet on, with two other skulls on his both shoulders, black suit, black pants and black boots. He approached to (YN). His name is Toffee.

Toffee: What's wrong little lad?

(YN): My Mother...where's my mother!?

Toffee then bend down on one knee to the ground.

Toffee: What's your name?

(YN): ...(YN)...

Toffee: You're quite the fighter (YN), I've seen you a while taking down one of my men...Come, let me help you.

Toffee then gave his hand to (YN) for him to help him out, (YN) then started to get the feeling that if he should trust Toffee on helping him or not, he had no choice but to trust him, he then gave his hand to Toffee. They both started walking together as they stopped for a moment.

(YN): Can you tell me where's my mother?

Toffee: Don't worry lad, your mother will be fine, I know.

(YN): ...Okay, but...Why are your monsters killing the people?

Toffee: Well, lets say that your people hates us for no reason, they even killed one of our friends...that's why we had to pay them back...with revenge.

(YN): Oh...

Toffee: But don't worry, you're safe with me, your not like the others...

(YN) then heard loud shooting at the back as he barely see monsters shooting and killing the villagers. Toffee then tilted (YN)'s head i front for him not to see the violence.

Toffee: Don't worry, they deserve it for messing with us, and our friends...

Toffee took (YN) to his dimension as his village was now destroyed, and his people are now killed, especially his mother.

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