Chp.2 The Legendary Warrior

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Years has passed since (YN)'s village has been destroyed, and his mother as well. He was now living with Toffee ever since, for the past 10 years I say, he is 18 years old now. (YN) was raised with a tremendous, enormous, and impressive powerful warrior, who is now being used as weapon by Toffee. Toffee has been using him as weapon ever since, he has seen how (YN) can handle himself, he was like monster, destroying one and another. According to (YN), he has 3 different forms, berserk, super berserk, and full power berserk. Those are the forms that (YN) can activate whether he's in a battle/fight, or when he sees his special person die, which will cause him to trigger his forms, just like back then when he got triggered of his mother being killed. One day, Toffee and his men were at another dimension, killing humans as always, the monsters were being taken down by guards who are in a high level than them.

Monster#3: Boss, we're being man handle, these guys are too much...!

Toffee: Don't give up men! Keep going!

Monster#5: But these guys boss, their really kicking our asses!

Ludo: My liege, we have to retreat, we are no match against them!

Toffee: *sighs* well, there's only one who I can use...

Toffee then pulled out a remote and pressed the green button. The control activated something. In the back, there was someone at the mountains, his eye pupils were turned to green, he had a collar around his neck, which activated him to battle mode. He came flying towards to the battle as he landed on the ground where Toffee was.

Toffee: Ah, there you are (YN).

(YN): ...

(YN) was silent, he nod as he then was on his battle pose.

Toffee: Attack!


Guard: Men, stand in your position, here's one coming!

(YN) then flies towards the guards as he tackled all of them. He gabbed one and started slamming him to the ground several time as the others try to stop him. They tried stabbing them with their staffs, but it did no affect to him, he turned around and gave a big swing, hitting all the guards at once, he then sees some guards running towards them with shields and staffs, charging. (YN) then clenched both of his fists and the roar as he somehow generated a green energy ball, allowing him to to exhale the effect of it.

He then blasted it towards the guards, as they got hit and sending flying with the energy to the sky. It explode as it exploded with the guards as well. Body parts were falling everywhere after that explosion.

Toffee: Nice job, (YN)....Now, go clean up the rest.

(YN) nods as he goes of observing the village. He stared seeing the houses torn down, set on fire, villagers dead, held hostage, he started getting flashback from his village, how this one was very similar to the one they to his home. He then realized something really similar that happen to him before, he sees a mother and her son being dragged by monsters. The mother and son were crying over as (YN) started to get flashbacks on that situation being way similar to his back then, he then sees one of the monsters trying to kill the son.

(YN): N-NO!

(YN) run up to the monster that tried to kill the son, he grabbed him from the shoulder, turned him around facing him and gave him a head butt, knocking him out.

Monster#2: Hey! The fuck you doing!?

He then punched the other monster in the gut, leaving him out of breathe as he then picks him up from the head and breaks his neck. After that, the son ran towards the mother.

Mother: T-Thank you! You're a life saver!

(YN): No need to apologize, go! Get out of here, take you're son somewhere safe and get out of here before it's too late!

The mother then covered his son with the blanket as they took off, the son then had to say something to (YN) as well...

Son: Thank you stranger..

(YN) then kept looking at the mother, escaping with her son on her hands. As they left to the trees.

Toffee: So, this is how you repay me...

(YN) then realized Toffee was behind him.

(YN): Toffee, this is not what it looks like, they were trying to kill the mother and the son.

Toffee: You mean our enemies.

(YN): Enemies or not, there is no reason to kill these villager, I mean, what's the whole point killing them, they haven't done nothing bad to you guys yet, and still I'm here defending you from these humans for what? For no reason, now tell me the truth Toffee! The whole truth, nothing but the truth!

Toffee: Fine, your Really want the truth, here's why...long ago, humans and monsters were both ruling the dimension, Atlos, your home village, the humans were gaining more popularity than we monsters, we get no prize and not even a treat, we were sick and tired of being ignored and being a bunch of no bodies, that's why we broke out a war, humans against us, monsters, but we have failed, humans have gained victorious and sealed us underground with their magic, luckily I was the one able to escape the war, and these monsters as well. One day, they send the mighty warrior Duke, to come over here and take out the rest of us, and it was a bad choice for him to do that, because we savagely killed him!

(YN): W-Wait...D-Duke...The one who Man handled almost all the monsters in the war...

Toffee: Why, know him or something?

(YN): H-He...He's...He was my father! ...and you bastards killed him!!!?

Toffee: Well, Well, Well, it appears I have found the son of the mighty warrior itself, and not only I found you, but I took you under my slave!

(YN): You killed my father...Your killed my father...You killed my father....

Toffee: Heh, not only I killed your father, but you're missing someone else you used to have...

(YN): ...No..NoNoNoNoNo...NO!

Toffee: Oh yes! Your mother as well, you thought that your mother will be fine since the day you were little, don't be such an idiot (YN), of course she wasn't going to be fine, cause she was gonna end up getting killed by my men!

(YN): I...I was such a fool to believe in you...that my mother will be fine...but...she wasn't....she wasn't....

Toffee: Oh (YN), now you know the truth...oh and another thing, now that you have been under my slave, all the other dimensions know about you, you're not only just a're a monster, not like us physically, but acting like one, ever since I have been using you to kill human, you were nothing but to act and be like a monster. People will never like you...especially....your parents.

(YN) then was tired of hearing Toffee talking, he then was on his knees to the ground as he then started to feel stupid that all this time he has been used as a weapon by Toffee ever since. (YN) then started to led tears on his eyes.

Toffee: Hmm, now you're making yourself a that you already know the truth, I might as well end you.

Toffee then pulled out a blade as he raised it up and strikes it to (YN), but before he even did, (YN) then grabbed Toffee's arm before striking him with the blade. (YN) then lifted his head up as his eye pupils turned yellow, and his entire body was filled with green aura. He led a loud roar as he ripped Toffee's whole arm. After that, he punched him in the gut, sending him flying towards a wall. Ludo The monsters then realized Toffee was hurt.

Ludo: My liege, are you okay!?!

Toffee: Don't worry about me, worry about that filthy brat! He knows the truth about our war and his father!!

Ludo: You heard him, Get Him!!!

All the monsters charged towards (YN) then led another loud roa, causing the ground to tremendously shake.

Monster#7: W-What's going on!!?!!

Monster#4: The's shaking!!

Suddenly, (YN) started to float in mid-air as he kept roaring. He somehow created a energy source ball around him as it started to glow brighter and bigger, he then released amounts of energy blasts, causing a meteor shower.

The meteor blasts started to damage all of the monsters, taking out all of them one by one.

Ludo: My liege, take cover!!

Toffee:No, it's all right.

Ludo: But-

Toffee then somehow created a source ball shield as him and Ludo were in it to protect themselves.

Toffee: That should do the trick.

Ludo: But what about your men??

Toffee: Don't  worry, they will die in peace, we'll figure something out, we'll recruit new monsters.

Ludo: That sounds great and all my liege, but it will take time to recruit new monsters...

Toffee: Exactly, which we can have more time to recruit more stronger ones, and come back and then deal with (YN), we will come back for him in a few months, come on.

Ludo: That sounds like a good plan...but your arm my liege!

Toffee: Oh.

Toffee then re-generated his whole arm back to itself.

Ludo: Oh right, you're a lizard, Haha.

Toffee: Enough, we must get going, this ball won't last long.

Ludo: Okay my liege.

Toffee and Ludo we're leaving the village as Toffee turned around and faced (YN), as he was still blasting meteor blasts.

Toffee: We will meet again...(YN).

Once they have left, (YN) then roar loudly as he crates his source ball around him even bigger and bigger as it destroyed almost everything from the village, after that, he then stopped the rampage, he the lan slowly landed on the floor as he screamed even more. Suddenly, his roar somehow created a portal, which will lead him to different dimensions. He then runs towards us before it closes.


Meanwhile in a forest, a portal suddenly opened as (YN) came out from it, tripping after he came out of it, then it closed. He then gets up as it was night time. He was in a forest, nothing but trees and crickets chirping. He starts to walk where ever he goes. Minutes later, found himself a tunnel, he went in as it was really dark. He then layed down for some sleep. He started to have flashbacks about his childhood being ruined by Toffee's monsters. He also then remembers what Toffee called him, a monster. He then closed his eyes as he shed tears and said...

(YN): I'm not a monster...

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