Chp.3 Running into trouble

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One day at echo creek, it was a normal day for Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz. After some great adventures they had been through, they decided to take a break at home, eating Nachos.

-Star's POV-

Me and Marco were just hanging out at the house, eating some delicious nachos that Marco always make, so delicious.

Star: Man, I don't know how you do it Marco, these nachos are getting better and better.

Marco: Yup, and with a little touch of jalapeños makes it even better.

Star: Yup...but you know, there's another snack that could be even better snack to enjoy even better...

Marco: Really? What is it?

Star: Come on, we're going to another dimension.

Marco: Really Star, on a Friday..

Star: Come on it won't take long.

Marco: *sighs* okay fine...but make it quick I don't want the nachos to be cold.

Star: Trust me, it will take a minute.

Me and Marco went off to another dimension where We can find a better "snack" to enjoy.


The portal opened as Me and Marco came out from it. We ended up being in a forest We're is completely dull. It was kinda foggy and was nothing but grass and a few trees. We started walking as they ended up going in a tunnel.

Marco: Star, what are we doing here?

Star: Remember the snack I was talking about, well here it is.

I then got on top of a hill that had a few pipe holes.

Star: Some of these have sandwiches on them.

Marco: Really?

Star: Yeah.

Marco: No Star don't put your hand in...never mind.

I put her hand in before Marco even warned her not to.

Marco: Are you sure it's safe?

Star: Yeah, come on Marco, you try?

Marco: Eh, nope.

Star: Well, suit your self....AGH!

Suddenly, I was sucked into the pipe hole.

Marco: Shit! Don't worry Star, I got you!

Marco tried to get me out of there, but then again I got out by herself as I had a sandwich.

Star: Eeeeeh, what you think?

Marco: Wow, I didn't expect a perfectly fixed sandwich after all.

Star: Yup, come on, we'll cut it in half at home-

Suddenly, the pipe holes then started to blow as it was blowing Marco and I were up in mid air.

Somehow it wasn't a hill after all, it was a monster that somehow had live perfectly fixed sandwiches in him in his pipe holes. Me and Marco then landed on the ground as the sandwich landed on me as well. The monster then realize that me and him were stealing one of his sandwiches.

Marco: ...Run.

We started running as we were getting chased by the monster. We then ended up in a dead end were they had to jump.

Marco: Okay, lets just-

Star: Jump Marco!

I then jumped as I grabbed Marco with me as we started falling towards the trees. The monster jumped as well. I then used my wand to created something to land safely.

I created a cake with strawberries on top, we landed as they were safe after all.

Star: Phew! That's a close one.

Marco: Come on! He's coming.

Then we saw the monster landing on the ground as it started to chase us. After that, we were now ending up in a wall where there's no other way to run.

Star: Crap! Dead end!

Marco: Um...STAR!

We both realized that the monster was coming closer to us.

Star: Don't worry, I got this! Rainbow fist—

Before I could even use her wand to attack the monster, my wand suddenly died.

Star: Oh come on! Not again!

Marco: Star!

Star: Crap...I-I think we're done for...Marco, I'm really sorry for this....I shouldn't brought this up to you...

Marco: Don't worry Star, it's okay, as long we are still together, we can still take him out.

I smiled.

Star: Yeah, your right, we can take him out without magic, Come on!

Both of us charge to the monster for a fight. But the monster was so powerful, that he striked Marco first as he send him crashing to the wall.

Star: Marco-

The monster then striked Me as well, sending me flying towards to Marco, we were both hurt.

Marco: H-He's too strong...

Star: D-Damn it...

The monster then got closer as he led a roar, I then started to led a tear as I scream...


-Author's POV-

As Star Screamed, Someone was standing at a tree as he heard her, he was eating a monsters tail, he then throws it away as he then started flying towards the scream he heard. He then saw the monster trying to kill Star and Marco. He then lifted one leg up for a kick. Before the monster was about to kill Star and Marco, he open his mouth wide open as the person came on time to save them. He gave the monster an enormous kick to the face, sending him flying crashing towards some trees and knocking him out. Marco and Star were super shocked to see the person that saved him that how powerful he was to take out that monster with one kick only.

Marco....holy Crap.

Star: H-He took that monster out with just one kick...!

Marco: Here, I got you Star...

Star: Thanks Marco...

-Star's POV-

Marco helped me up to get on my feet as we wanted to thank the person who saved our lives.

Marco: You okay?

Star: Yeah...

Marco: Hey dude...

The person turned around and faced us. He looked like the same age as Me and Marco. He was shirtless, he had blue ripped pants and white boots on, and black wrist bands as well. His body was scratched up everywhere, he had a big scar, shaped like an X shape on his left chest.

Marco: Whoever you are...thanks for saving our butts.

???: No need to thank me...just be safe next time.

Star: We will next time...right Star....Star??

I started blushing and drooling that the fact I was seeing the person's body, having abs.

Star: Aaaaaaabbbbsssss....

Marco: Uh Star? Star!

Star: Huh?! What?! Oh right...thanks for saving us...whoever you are

???: The Name is (YN).

Star: (YN)...Riiiiight...

I blush again.

(YN): Well Anyways...just don't get into problems...

He then turns around as he starts to leave.

Marco: Heh, our talk was far, anyways let's go star, the sandwich still looks perfect, and to eat it as well.

Star: Woah Woah Woah Woah there Diaz, that's how you feel?

Marco: W-What??

Star: So we're just gonna leave him alone here, in this dimension?? Filled with monsters like the one that tried to kill us?!

Marco: Come on Star, he can take care of himself, he single handily took out that monster...that was cool by the way.

Star: Yeah I know, but still we can't just leave him here alone...

Marco: Star come on now, you may not know if he has parents to live...

Star: Marco, if he had parents, wouldn't they be with him and save our life's...and isn't weird to know that he was alone to save us and not his parents helping him out....

Marco: ....Hmm, you do have a point...

Star: Of course I do.

Marco: Well, I don't mind having him being with us at the house...

Star: W-What are you saying?!

Marco: What I'm saying is that I will let him live with us-OOF!

I then quickly hugged Marco, knowing that he will let (YN) stay with us so we can help him out.

Star: Thank you Marco Diaz! You're the best!

Marco: No problem, just doing this for my bestie.

Star: Aww.

Marco: Hey Dude!

(YN) then turned around as he tilted his face, looking at us.

Marco: You look like you need help...why not come with us, we can help you.

(YN): No, I appreciate you two helping me out, but I'm okay....

Star: Come on, We can help you out...

(YN): And why should I trust you?? Then I get the feeling you guys are gonna back stab me.

Star: What? Why would you think we would do that?? We're not like that, we are just people from earth....well not me sort of, Marco is...I'm from a different dimension called Mewni, and then I came to his dimension, earth, to become a better princess.

(YN): So let me get this straight, you are from another dimension called Mewni, and then you came to his dimension, earth, and you started living there to become a better princess.

Star: Yup.

(YN): ...Not buying it.

Star: Fine here, I'll show you proof.

I pulled out my wand, it was still dead, but still I have to show proof to (YN) that I am telling the truth.

Star: Narwal Blast!

I blasted a narwal, the narwal came out small, not enough to become its full size.

(YN): What the...

Star: Now you believe me...this is a magical wand that was given to me as a gift for my birthday. And I know that you expected more magic but right now it's dead, and needs a new battery charge. It's a magical item and the greatest heirloom of the butterfly family, the ruling sovereigns of Mewni. And again, it was given to me by my mother, Queen Moon Butterfly, and I must protect it while attempting to master its power.

(YN) walked to the little narwal and picks it up.

(YN): can blast magic with that wand?

Star: Obviously yeah...

(YN): wow...well, if you are telling the truth, so be it, I'll go with you guys then...

Star: GREAT! Eh-I mean oh nice, cool you know...

Marco: Well, lets get going before that monster gets up...

(YN): Don't worry, he's out for now, he'll wake up in a while...I think.

Marco: Ok Anyways, lets just get out of here.

Star: Right.

I used my dimensional scissors to create a portal for our way back home. We took (YN) with us so we can help him.

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