Chp.20 The Legendary Warrior Steps Up

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-Author's POV-

(YN) was now 10-15 feet away from Star and the others as he was about to face the monsters.

Queen Moon: Star Sweetie, are you sure (YN) can handle those monsters?? We can have the high commissioners to help him.

Star: no need mom, you'll and Marco seen him fight once against those bastards, and boy did he literally kick butt.

Marco: Trust me my Queen, What you're about to see us beauty.

Queen Moon then started to see (YN) What will he do to take down those monsters. Then, what made everyone shockingly surprising was seeing (YN) covered with green aura as he started to power up. (YN) somehow started to get buffer and bigger as he powers up.


Queen Moon: Oh my!

Marco: He's...he's getting bigger...and buffer.

Star: That's my man!

Hekapoo: Hmm, that guy has guns.

As (YN) still Powers up, his hair then spiked up as his eye pupils turned out to be yellow for some reason.


He led out a enormous roar as the monster started to get a bit scared of him, knowing how fearless and intense he looking.

Jasper: Uhhh b-boss, are you sure we can take this kid out!?!

Toffee: Don't worry, just follow the plan.

Jasper: R-Right!

The monsters were ready to fight (YN).

Brock: Ah screw it! He's mines!

Tremor: Brock no!

Brock then made his first move as he runs up to (YN) as he gets ready to strike (YN, but (YN) Didn't let that happen. (YN) grabbed Brock's entire face as he lifts him up high and slams him to the ground hard. After that while still holding his face into the ground, (YN) then creates a green shockwave around his face.

After the shockwave, Brock face was bloody, his Nice was filled with blood, and his mouth as well.

Monsters: Brock!

After defeating Brock, he lifted him up again as he throws him away like a garbage and looks straight to the monsters and growls.

Drax: H-He's...a monster!

Toffee: Oh my, way to start of (YN). Very impressive.

Tremor: Come on Guys, he may be a monster, but we're still strong enough to take him out.

Heavy: Yeah! Let's take him out together!

The monsters then charged towards (YN) for an attack.


(YN) then charged as well towards the monsters. (YN) first focuses on the two monster that were approaching to him, heavy and Drax. First he jumped above them as he grabs both Heavy and Drax's head. As he lands on the ground on his feet, he holds their heads tight in mid air as he slams them into the ground. (YN) gets up as he then noticed he has already taken down Drax and Heavy. Next Jak and Tremor were up next as they as they were both about to strike a punch to (YN), but he knew that they were behind him. So he vanished.

Jak: W-What?!?! Where did he?!?!

Tremor: That's...That's bullshit! Where he have gone?!!!

Jasper: Ah! Tremor! Behind you!

Tremor: Wha-AAAAGH!!

(YN) swing a heavy punch behind Tremor's back as they heard his bones crack. (YN) then  grabs Tremor and picks him up high as he somehow starts to rip him apart.

Tremor: N-No! Help me! He's gonna-

Before he can even finish, his body was now ripped apart by the hands of the legendary warrior. Blood was pouring everywhere as he throw Tremor's body away.

Jak: N-No! Tremor! Y-You Bastard!

Jak angrily charges to (YN) as he finally strikes punch to (YN) in the face. But then again, he noticed something that shocked him, his punch did no affect.

Jak: Wh-What!?! N-No way!

(YN) grabs Jak's Arm, pulls him towards in front as gives him a punch to the gut. Then gives him an uppercut. He then grabs him from the neck as he chokeslams him to the ground hard. Star and the others were impressed how (YN) man handle those monsters by himself.

Queen Moon: Oh my! He took them out all alone!!

Hekapoo: Just like his father!

Star: You got this (YN)! I believe in you!

Jasper was the only remaining monster as for the rest were all taken out.

Jasper: D-Damn it, all of my friends are down!

Toffee: Jasper, Remember is all part of the, show him what you're really are.

Jasper: With...pleasure.

Jasper suddenly starts to power up. The ground started to shake as he powers up. Suddenly his whole body started started to grow bigger and stronger.

Marco: What's going on!?!

Tom: The shaking!?!

Jasper then led out a huge roar as he powers up. After that, he was now bigger then (YN) 9 foot tall. His whole body was made out of black iron.

Jasper: HaHa! You see kid, I went easy on you back then on earth, and now I'm not!  As you can see, I have been waiting to try out this new power I have been practicing for years for any cases like this, you see My body of filled with solid iron, there's no way I can feel pain or a punch and this is We're it all ends! So buckle up, cause your going straight to hell!

Jasper then jumps towards (YN) as he clenched his fist and ready to strike (YN).

Star: (YN) look out!

Jasper: Heavy...Death Knock!

Jasper then punches (YN) in the face, and surprisingly he actually punched (YN), sending him flying crashing towards a wall as he got stuck into it.

Star: (YN)!!!

Marco: Oh crap!!

Jasper then charges to (YN) as he was stuck into the wall. Jasper then starts to swing several punches to (YN) non stop.

Jasper: How do you like that!?! Who's the strongest now!?! This is so embarrassing for you, getting beaten up in front of your friends! Especially your girlfriend!

Star: Damn it! I have to save him!

Marco: No star! Your pregnant! You can't risk it hurting your child!

(YN): But (YN)'s in danger!!

Jasper then starts to laugh as he enjoys punching (YN) several times while being stuck on the wall.

Jasper: What's the matter kid!?! Don't wanna fight back?! Oh that's right, you're already proven wrong that I'm stronger and better than you! HaHaHa! What a shame and you call your self the legen-

Before Jasper Can even finish his sentence, his last punch was blocked by (YN). Jasper was shocked to see he was still able to move.

Jasper: Wh-What!?! No!

(YN): Take...a good look to my eyes!

(YN: Does it look like give a shit!? Do you see me in pain?! Screaming!?! Crying!?! Cause it doesn't look like! Those punches, HA! You punch like a little...bitch!

Jasper: Wh-What!?!

(YN): That form you have won't help you beat me you know, so why wasting your time!

(YN) while holding Jasper's hand, easily got out from the wall. As he stared down into Jasper's eyes with fear look on his face.

(YN): You're not even my problem anyways, it's Toffee who I'm focusing on! So why not I just kill you now!

(YN) then ends up braking Jasper's hand as he screamed in pain as he holds it and had one knee down to the ground. (YN) then kicked Jasper into his face, sending him flying to the ground dragging. Suddenly, (YN) was able to manage to fly and float as well. He flew towards Jasper as he picks him up from the neck. He then choke slams him to the ground as he still grabs him from the neck and throws him up in the air as (YN) then starts to open his mouth wide and created a energy ball and blasted it towards Jasper.

Once the energy ball hit Jasper, he exploded into pieces.

(YN): Now that he's out of the way! I can finally get my hands on Toffee.

(YN) then started to march to Toffee as Toffee was surprise to see how powerful (YN) is. (YN) then stopped 6 feet away from Toffee.

Toffee: So you finally managed to kill my men, how violent of you (YN).

(YN): Thats just a preview, of how I'm gonna destroy you! You have taken everything away from me!

Toffee: Now Now, if you really wanna punch me so bad, then why stand there and just do it you pathetic piece of-


(YN) then wasted little time as he flew towards Toffee and swings a punch at him, but then suddenly Toffee vanished.

(YN): Wh-What!?!

Toffee: Behind you.

(YN): How did you!?!

Toffee: *chuckles* oh please, did you really think I would just let you punch me, you fool!

(YN): Cut the bullshit!!!

(YN) with anger charges to Toffee as he tries to be quick enough to punch Toffee. But as he swing his punch, Toffee vanished again.

(YN): Again!

Toffee then appeared behind (YN), (YN) turns around as Toffee grabbed (YN) from his neck and lifts him up.

(YN): Nrg...ACK! H-How are you this...Strong!?!

Toffee: Trust me, I have my ways young one, but this time I had to do something new, I managed to create a spell drink of mines that is so rare, It was all for me, so I drank that spell, and as I did, the spell caused me in pain as I could t handle it, but then the spell actually kick in, it managed me to become more stronger, and more powerful. And I knew the day will come where I can demolish you!

Toffee then kicks (YN) in the gut, sending him flying to the ground as (YN) quickly recovers himself as he knew Toffee was behind him.

(YN): How the hell your So quick!?!!

Toffee: Hm, you disappoint me in every measure.

Toffee then Punched (YN), sending him flying to the ground. Toffee then use his quickness to get to (YN) as he hammer fists him to the ground

Toffee: Power...

(YN) was slam to the ground as he open his eyes in anger as he tries to Punch Toffee, but misses again as Toffee grabs (YN)'s whole arm and throws him in the air.

Toffee: Speed...

Toffee was manage to fly as he got to (YN) in the air as he then again hammer fists him to the ground.

Toffee: Stamina.

(YN) lands on the ground hard. He then gets up slowly as he wasn't sure if he can handle the quickness and power Toffee has right now. Toffee then appear in front of (YN) as he sees him tying to recover himself. Meanwhile Star was seeing everything as she sees his boyfriend getting eat up by Toffee.

Star: I...can't stand it! I have to go save him!

Marco: Star No! (YN) knows what he's doing!

Star: We gotta HELP him somehow! Look at him, he's helpless!

Moon: Star! Don't go! You have to stay here for your own safety!

Toffee was seconds away to defeat (YN), but then he thought of something.

Toffee: You know, with this power I have, I can't take over Mewni by myself, I might as well have somebody to help me...

(YN): Nrgh...Wh-What are you-

Toffee: Ludo, Now!


Ludo came out from (YN) from behind as he injected (YN) a shot from his back neck. As the liquid entered in (YN)'s body from the shot, he somehow started to have a pain in his head.


Toffee: I'm taking back what has belong to me ever since, you!


Star and the other were all worry what Toffee has done to him.

Star: (YNN)!!!

Queen Moon: Okay that does it! River, stay here with Star and the others, me and the high commissioners will go after (YN)!

King River: Got it! Be careful Honey!

Queen Moon: I will, let's go gang!

King River: Sweetie, it's gonna be alright.

Star: I have to gel as well! Please, let me-

King River: Star Butterfly! Listen to me, you can't go while having your child, my grandchild in your body! Do you really want to get you child hurt?!

Star: ...N-No...

King River: Then listen sweetie, your mother will save (YN), there's no need to worry.

Marco: Dont worry Star, as long your mother and the others got this, he will be okay.

Star: ...Okay, hopefully (YN) is okay.

Tom: We all hope he is Star.

Meanwhile, Moon and the high commissioners got up to Toffee as he Turned his focus on them.

Toffee: Well, who came.

Queen Moon: Toffee! That does it! You have gone too far, let (YN) go or taste our wrath!

Toffee: It's too late now Moon, I win.

Queen Moon: Okay! If that's what you wanted, Omnitraxus!

Omnitraxus: Right!

Omnitraxus, the huge titan, Master of space-time who he suddenly walks towards Toffee as he raised his leg up and stomps straight to Toffee.

Rhombulus: Hell Yeah! Take that lizard!

Hekapoo: Wow, that was quick, nice work Prime.

Rhombulus: UH, Guys!?!

Queen Moon: What is it Rhombulus??

Rhombulus and the others notice Toffee walking as he appears behind Omnitraxus's foot as he chuckles.

Toffee: Oh Omnitraxus, I think you got him very angry.

Omnitraxus: WHAT!?

Omnitraxus then noticed his leg being lifted up, it's like he stepped on someone besides Toffee. The person then lifted Omnitraxus's leg as he backed up, knowing who could it be. There was a figure that had his head down as he stoop up on foot, he then lifted his head up, facing the high commissioners, as they all know that (YN) was being mind control.

Queen Moon: Oh No!

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