Chp.21 The Mind Controlled Monster

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The high commissioners were shockingly afraid to see (YN) being mind control by Toffee. His eyes were wide with anger, his eyes were somehow his color, green but darker, and it looks like he's on his the form.

Queen Moon: (YN), it's me Moon, Star's Mother, snap out of it please!

Toffee: HaHa! Oh queen Moon, he's never gonna get his memory back, when he got that shot fill with that liquid juice I made, he won't remember nothing, he won't remember nothing! He won't remember you, his parents, his friends and especially your daughter Star Butterfly! He would only remember of me commanding him to destroy you and the rest of Mewni!

Rhombulus: You cowardly Lizard! Your using him as a weapon! Why not you do it your self and stop treating him like a slavery!

Toffee: I'm tired of hearing this, Ludo?

Ludo: He should be ready now my liege.

Toffee: Very (YN), show me what you can do, take out each and every high Commissioner, got it?

(YN) nods.

Toffee: Very Well then... Now, ATTACK!


(YN) with full anger flew towards the high commissioners as he was ready to strike. He swing a punch to Rhombulus, sending him flying crashing to a tree.

Hekapoo: Rhombulus-AAAGH!!

Hekapoo was cut off with a punch by (YN) as well, being dragged in the ground.

Omnitraxus: I got this!

Omnitraxus uses his huge fists to strike (YN), as he did, (YN) blocked both of his arms as he gets a hold of them as he starts swinging Omnitraxus around as he throws him, as Omnitraxus lands on top of some trees.

Queen Moon: No!

Queen Moon then looks at (YN) as he starts to face her with an intense rage look on his face.

Queen Moon: Oh dear, I guess there's no other way is it??!


Queen Moon: Fine, but if I hurt you, I'm sorry!

Queen moon started to float in the air. She created two more arms, her entire body turned purple, her eyes a well, glowing purple, her hair was different, and she grow a pair of wings, Butterfly wings and she turned herself into a butterfly.

Queen Moon: Now, let us begin.

(YN) then started throwing green energy balls to Moon as she started to deflect it with her magic. She then blasted a spell towards (YN) as he blocked it with one arm with an ease. Meanwhile, Star and the others were seeing everything.

Star: Is that...MOM!?!

Marco: She's....a butterfly!?

Star: Oh crap! Guys we have to do something!

Ludo: Not so fast!

Ludo then started walking towards Star and the others.

Ponyhead: It's bird brain!

Ludo: Ludo! Anyways, you are not going any where! You brats have a little company!

Ludo then used his dimensional scissors to open a portal from his world, suddenly his portal started to pop out wild monsters that he had found while he was gone for a while. 10 wild monsters have appeared as they were focus on Star and the others.

Tom: Guys, i think we're in trouble!

Hekapoo: N-Not quite!

Star: Hekapoo?!

The high commissioners gathered together as they were still hurt but still can stand as the three were protecting Star and them.

Omnitraxus: All of you get in the castle, we'll handle these wild bastards!

King River: Thank you High Commissioners. Quickly, Inside!

Star: Dad, What about mom!?!

King River: Your mother got this! I have seen her fighting monsters and I can feel that she can take (YN) our, don't worry, Moon will not hurt (YN) that much, Now come on inside the castle!

Star and them ran inside the castle as they locked the door up. Meanwhile, Moon then was having trouble dealing with (YN).

Queen Moon: Damn, how (YN) manage to be this strong!? It's like...something awoke him from the inside!


(YN) then started flying towards Moon as she started to fly, avoiding him. Moon was flying as fast as she Can away from (YN). Moon then had an idea to lose him by going through a bunch of trees, she goes in as he continues to flee, but still (YN) was fast enough to catch her. (YN) started to crashing through trees that was in his way, Moon was really afraid the fact (YN) is starting to become a monster. After that, moon then flies up in the air as she raises both her arms up as she created a huge magic ball as she sees (YN) coming to her direction.

(YN): Heavenly Spirit Bomb!

Moon throws the huge magic ball towards (YN) as it hit him, causing a huge explosion as well. After the explosion, Queen Moon then was shock to know she may have hurt (YN), but then again, she didn't, after the smoke was cleared, she sees (YN) just floating there. The magic did no affect to (YN). He then looks up and looks at Moon straight in the face. Moon then started to shiver in Fear. (YN) quickly vanished as he appeared in front of Moon as he placed his arm on Moons gut and send her flying with a blast from his power to the ground. Moon was really hurt as she landed on the ground hard. She gets up painfully.

Queen Moon: I can't believe how strong (YN) is, he man handle Toffee's men by himself, just like his father and Toffee is now using him as a weapon to take over Mewni. Disgusting! He's using an innocent brave child as a slavery....I wish there was something I can make him snap out of it!

(YN) then landed on the ground as he blasted a green beam from his mouth towards Moon as she dodged it.

she then notice the beam hitting straight to a mountain as it cause a huge explosion.

Queen Moon: What The! If that would hit me...I-I would be dead!

Queen Moon then was not only looking a (YN), he was looking at a monster.

Queen Moon: How powerful is he!!?!

Meanwhile, in the castle, Marco and Tom were peaking out the window seeing the high commissioners having a trouble time dealing with the wild monsters Ludo has found in his dimension.

Star: How's it looking??

Marco: Not Great.

Tom: Those monsters are taking advantage, Well Toffee is now that he's mind controlling (YN).

Star: Shit, I knew he would do something dirty like that!

Suddenly, A little portal open itself as Glossaryck came out from it.

Kelly: Hey Look!

Star: Glossaryck!?!

Glossaryck: Is everything okay!?! Where Moon?! Wait, where's (YN)!?!

Tom: He's...Umm...

Glossaryck: Speak Lad! I need to know!

Marco: He's mind control by Toffee and now he's basically on ...Toffees side and he's fighting with...Star's mom and there's wild monsters dealing with the high commissioners.

Glossaryck: Oh no...this is Bad.

King River: What's wrong Gloss?

Glossaryck: My king, we need to stop (YN), we know he's in danger and mind control but we need to stop him. The anger he is building right now is too far. He can end up killing your wife!

King River: What!?!

Star: What?!! No no no, that's not true, (YN) wouldn' that!

Glossaryck then created a live holo graph to show all of them (YN) fighting Moon.

Marco: Its (YN)!

King River: Moon!

They were all seeing Moon getting beat up by (YN) as he was demolishing her.

Star: Mom! Nrgh, We have to do something! (YN) is gonna end up hurting my mom and (YN) getting hurt from the inside! Fuck, I don't know what can we do! Not only (YN) is in trouble, but now my mom is!

Glossaryck: Well...I think there's a way to stop this.

King River: What's is it???

Glossaryck: It might work but it's our only chance.

Star: Whatever it is, please tell us Glossaryck, I wanna stop this now! My mom is gonna end up getting! And...I don't know what will happen to (YN).

Glossaryck: Dont worry princess, this should work.

Marco: Well What is it??

Glossaryck then brought the spell book with him as he open it and shows it to the others.

Glossaryck: The Fusion.

Star/Marco/Tom/Kelly/Ponyhead: Fusion??

Glossaryck: Yes, according to the book, fusion is a dancing technique of the process of merging two beings into one, combing their attributes, from strength and speed to reflexes, intelligence and wisdom. When properly fused, the single being created has an astounding level of power, far beyond what either fuses would have an individual. So far, it has been shown that there is one way to do a fusion...the fusion dance!

Star: Fusion Dance??? Heh, easy me and Marco Can fuse!

Glossaryck: Im sorry princess, but it can't be like that.

Star: What do you mean??

Glossaryck: The fusion dance must be with the same gender, who has fighting skills, power to fly, power, speed, and stamina. And another thing that you can't merge with's because your pregnant.

Star: What!?! How you know!?!

Glossaryck: Please, I heard you and and your friends taking a test while I was at the room. I can hear everything when you said "I'm pregnant" sorry my princess, and congrats as well.

Star: Aw man...but thanks gloss, so who can do this fusion dance??

Glossaryck: Well so far i know two boys who can fuse together and have everything what is takes to stop this madness.

Star: Really?? Who??

Glossaryck: Marco and Tom.

Marco: What!

Tom: WHAT!

Glossaryck: Now, the reason these two are able to merge into one is because Marco has the fighting skills, and the speed, Tom over here has the ability to fly and throw fireballs. So Marco and Tom's abilities can combine and together can be really powerful and can stop this madness and stopping (YN) as well. But the thing is that this fusion will last only for 30 minutes.

Marco: 30 minutes? ... But are you sure I can fuse?? Cause I'm from earth and well...I'm just a human being, I'm not a magic dude.

Glossaryck: No worries my boy, this works with everyone.

Marco: Huh, Nice! Then let's do it! You in Tom?

Tom: Are you kidding me??!? I'm not gonna do no girly dance in front of them!

Marco: Oh stop being a wuss Tom! Like Glossaryck said it will only last for 30 minutes.

Tom: There has to be some other way. At least there's another method besides doing these stupid dance moves.

Marco: Fusion is the only way Tom, and if we don't fuse then Mewni is done for, do you really want that to happen? Or worse, Toffee Can end up going to your dimension and try killing your parents.

Tom: . . .Alright Fine! How does this fusion dance work!?!

Glossaryck: Alright! Good, so according to the book, it says that fusion is a simple technique but you two have to harmonize your spiritual energy's or it won't work. So this dance have to work with the both of you two having the same dancing posture.

Tom: Our What?!!

Glossaryck: Its Okay, I'll show you.

Glossaryck then lands on the ground on his feet to show Marco and Tom fusion dance.

Glossaryck: Its not that complicated, it's kinda of a cross of between traditional water fighting and water bale dance.

Tom: Bale dance!?!

Marco: Seems interesting.

Glossaryck: Here I'll show you how it is, it's easier to show you than explaining it.


Glossaryck: Now that you two saw how it is, now you guys try it.

Marco: Alright.

Tom: Your insane! I'm not gonna do all that! It's embarrassing!

Marco: Come dude it's not that bad...

Star: Come on Tom, don't be like that, do it for your friends.

Ponyhead: Yeah, what's wrong doing the dance??

Tom: I-I think I rather have (YN) to kill me....Nrg, Alright lets just do this quick!

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