Chapter Twenty Four: The show

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[A/N: So after and overwhleming demand for an update, here goes.]

We were all sat back stage, swigging back the drinks and getting ready for the 'big' show tonight. Andy made it specifically clear that he wanted me there, so here I am.

The support band, Chiodos, we on when all the guys started to apply their make-up. Delicately dabbing their faces to make them look even more gorgeous than usual.

"Babe," Andy said, calling me over.

I plonked myself on his lap and kissed his lips once, "Hey rock star" I smiled, him having fully finished applying his makeup.

"Hey," He kissed me back, "Got a little surprise lined up for you tonight, you better be ready," He grinned.

"I'm always ready," I winked, "And you better be ready too, you're on in a bit!"

I kissed him once and allowed him to continue getting ready. I checked my phone to see a text from Sammi.

"9:05pm and Cara is asleep :) I should be a parent some day, huh? xxxx"

I grinned and typed my reply,

"You'd be a great mum Xxx"

I slid my phone into my back pocket and grabbed one of Andy's jackets, it was freezing back stage. I looked into a mirror and nearly gagged at my appearance. My hair was scraped back from my face, leaving only my fringe behind, a hat was stuck on top of the mess of hair. I had one of Andys old BVB tops on and his jacket now hung from my shoulders. A pair of ripped black skinny jeans and beaten uo converse. I had minimal makeup on too. Thank goodness it's not me going on stage.

"STAGE CALL" Ashley yelled, "TIME TO PARTAY."

Andy stood up and ran over to me, picked me up and spun me around. "Hey beautiful," he beamed

I kissed his noise, "Hey you,"

He carried me up the stairs and to the side of the stage, where I stood most shows. "Go rock it!"

"I always do" He whispered in my ear, making me giggle, as the intro music began to play and the crowd went wild.

"1, 2, duh duh duh duh, 1, 2, duh duh duh," CC taps his drumsticks on the wall to the tune of the song before it was his turn to run out, the crowd going even more wild.

The rest of the boys ran out until Andy's big moment, the moment he liked the most. He ran on stage and screamed the start of I Am Bulletproof.

6 songs later, Andy said

"Okay you guys, I'm gunna need a little quiet for a second," And the crowd obeyed.

"I have a little special guest for you..." he paused, "She's standing side stage right now,"

He looked over at me and my heart sank. No, I can't go out like this, I look hideous.

"Come on," he motioned at me to come out but I shook my head, I was too shy.

"Charlotte," he cooed, in a sing song voice.

I covered the bottom of my face with the sleeves of Andys jacket and slowly began to step on stage.

The crowd cheered and Andy smiled, welcoming me into his arms as he crowd "Aw'd"

He pushed me away a little, and removed my hands from my face,

"Now," he said "Charlotte is pretty special to me, as you know. She's the mother to my beautiful daughter who's almost as beautiful as her. She's with me through thick and thin, at every show of ours, and always supports me through everything, as I do for her."

The crowd aw'd again

"What's going on?" I whispered under my breath,

Andy reached into his back pocket and revealed a small velvet covered black box.

"Charlotte," he got down on one knee,

I knew what was coming, I began to well up with tears,

"Would you, my beautiful girlfriend, do me the absolute honour of becoming my beautiful fiancee? Will you marry me?"

My heart stopped, my head went fuzzy. This overwhelming feeling of love fled through me.

I nodded, "Yes, yes, 1000 times yes!" I cried, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I left into Andy's arms, the crowd cheered so loud

"I love you," I sobbed into Andy's shoulder

He pushed me away a little, sliding the silver engagement ring onto my finger. 

"Forever," he said, kissing my ring.

The ring was beautiful, it was a plain silver band with 4 small diamonds and one black diamond in the centre.

"Give it up for my new fiancee, Charlotte!" Andy yelled

He kissed me, picked me up and carried me to the side of the stage.

After placing me down he whispered in my ear "Thank you for saying yes, I love you Charlotte."

I smiled, "forever."

He kissed my forehead and ran back on stage to finish the set.

I was engaged.

I was engaged to my rock star.


A/N: Okay first off, you guys are the most fricking amazing people, ever????? I've had so many messages and comments asking me to update and it kid of feels amazing. If you're reading this, I love you okay??

I just started college so things are prett hecktick right now, but I'm coping okay.

I know I said that I would update regularly last time and that didn't really happen.. but now I have a clear outline of where the story is going, so thank you all so so much for being so patient with me and most importantly, thank you for taking you time out of your day for reading! Nearly 12,000 reads? That blows my mind.

I love you all so much, comment what you thought of the update and I will update shortly.

I love you guys!!

[Also, getting engaged at the show was a fans idea in the comments, so if you have an idea, or something you want to see, comment below and there's a high chance I will include it in the story if it will fit with the storyline I have planned. So yeah, let me know. Because I don't want to write something that you don't want to read! Let me know!!

~C xx

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